Hope you enjoy Pigs By: Austin thu
Cell • The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all known living organisms. It is the smallest unit of life that is classified as a living thing, and is often called the building block of life Organisms can be classified as unicellular consisting of a single cell; including most bacteria or multicellular including plants and animals. Humans contain about 10 trillion cells. Most plant and animal cells are between 1 and 100 µm and therefore are visible only under the microscope.
Reproduce Usually the reproductive strategy of large animals is to produce one offspring each pregnancy. (monotocus species). The small animal tends to produce large number of offspring with the hope that one or two will survive (polytocus species). Unlike the other large farm species such as the cow that have only one or occasionally two offspring, the pig is the only large farm animal that has a large number of offspring. During each oestrus cycle more then 8-15 eggs are usually ovulated. In sheep the situation is in the middle, some sheep breed have only one or two lamb, others 4 or 6.
Inherit Traits from parents • Like when your mom and dad pigs make a baby they give half from there mom and half from there dad. that you inherit from your parents is the color of your hair the color of your eyes and skin. also your height .Sometimes you inherit some of their attitudes and stuff like that. hope that helps.
Grow and Develop Just Born 2 weeks 1 Month Pigs live to be 8 to 12 years old. They live to be 240 to 300 pounds. The mother pig does every thing after the piglets are born. She teaches them for 15 to 21 days until they are wined. 6 Months Full Grown
Obtain and use energy and nutrients • AFB PIG PELLETS 25KG $26.60 50/50 25KG $27.60 • They will happily eat all your kitchen scraps but when extra food is needed The Animal Feed Barn has everything you require. Most pigs in the UK are almost completely dependent upon processed foods that have been prepared from a range of ingredients. For this reason there is a great deal of research that goes into the production of wholesome balanced foodstuffs that the pigs like and grow well on. • Pigs are fed concentrated rations predominantly made up of cereals and vegetable proteins. Meat and bone meal is not allowed to be fed to pigs in the UK by law and antibiotics are also prohibited except for some very specific circumstances, and then only under strict veterinary supervision. Most pig food is supplied in bulk.
Respond to environment • A pig's environment is usually a place that has a good habitat. a habitat is the area where an animal can get everything it needs to survive and so the pig would have to be able to survive there.
Maintain a stable environment in cells Pigs are in a stable environment on a farm because they get fed a lot and have a place to sleep so they don’t die like wild pigs they just run around and die easer because there in the wild were coyotes and foxes are witch can kill them easer.
references • http://www.google.com/imgres?q=pig+pics&start=96&num=10&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=587&tbm=isch&tbnid=a7-f8dq7BmUpkM:&imgrefurl=http://www.beaufortcountylibrary.org/htdocs-sirsi/pigs.htm&imgurl=http://www.beaufortcountylibrary.org/htdocs-sirsi/images/z-pig-vacation.jpg&w=1861&h=1863&ei=85E_UL-bDormygG-3ICQCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=262&vpy=87&dur=622&hovh=225&hovw=224&tx=129&ty=99&sig=110969313637208308869&page=6&tbnh=132&tbnw=132&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:96,i:25 • http://www.dardni.gov.uk/ruralni/index/publications/management_notes/management_notes_pigs/pigsmanjan09.htm • http://www.treehugger.com/green-food/european-soil-becoming-more-resistant-to-antibiotics.html • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_pigs_environment • http://www.ukagriculture.com/livestock/pig_feeding.cfm • http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-images-baby-pigs-feeding-mother-image16997124 • http://www.discoverlebanon.com/en/photos/img-Baby-Pig-823.htm • http://www.northrup.org/photos/baby-animals/4/
bibliography • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_inherit_traits_from_parents. like that. hope that helpshttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_Characteristics_inherited_from_parents#ixzz258o9Qnj1
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