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CHILD ABUSE. Responsibilities and Reporting Procedures SGQ Standard 3 Objective 1c page 4. YOUR ROLE AS A CHILDCARE PROVIDER:. To protect To love To teach. 1. When is it not ok to keep a child’s confidence?. In cases of Child Abuse. .5% of children don’t tell the whole truth about abuse.
CHILD ABUSE Responsibilities and Reporting Procedures SGQ Standard 3 Objective 1c page 4
YOUR ROLE AS A CHILDCARE PROVIDER: • To protect • To love • To teach
1. When is it not ok to keep a child’s confidence? • In cases of Child Abuse
.5% of children don’t tell the whole truth about abuse 2. WHY CHILDREN DON’T TELL • Abuse is most often done by people the children know love, and trust. • Want to please adults • Fear, threatened • Too young • Bribed • Affection • Told that the abuse is normal • Guilt
3. HOW TO REACT IF A CHILD DOES TELL YOU ABOUT ABUSE: • Listen, do not infer, assume or interrogate. • Reassure the child that he/she has done the right thing by telling you and that you are glad they told you. • Make sure they understand it was not their fault. • Remain calm and accepting, don’t over react. • Do not promise not to tell. • By law, and for their safety, you must tell. • Be honest and tell the child what to expect. • Reassure them you will do what needs to be done to make sure it doesn’t happen again. • Determine the child’s needs for safety.
4. What is the responsibility of a childcare worker or teacher when it comes to child abuse? • Knowthe difference between each of the different types of abuse and their signs. • Always ask parents about injuries. • Watch their reaction and explanation which should be logical. • They should not be defensive and should willingly give explanations.
If you suspect it, make documentation by taking pictures or writing down information. • Document every injury noticed. (date, time, description, comments by child, etc.) • Even document injuries that occur at the daycare. Send a copy home to parents. • Declaration of abuse
DECLARATION OF ABUSE: When a child or caregiver gives you a declarative statement about abuse • Document the words exactly as you heard them. • Get other witnesses to document what was said. • Record date, time, location, etc.
Report it - IT’S THE LAW: • Under Utah law, everyone has a legal obligation to report suspicion or knowledge of child abuse. • It is a misdemeanor if you don’t report it. • Reporters name remain anonymous. • Request for an investigation to be done. This does not mean it is a proven fact for abuse. • In a child care center, report to the director of the day care. • The director will report it to the proper authorities
5. WHO TO CALL TO REPORT CHILD ABUSE: • Division of Child and Family Services 374-7005, after hours – 376-8261 • Children’s Justice Center (sexual abuse only) 370-8554 • Child Abuse Utah • Local Police Reports can be done anonymously.
6. List and explain the types of child abuse • Non-accidental physical injury: physical abuse inflicted on purpose. Children often come with bruises, bites, burns, or other injuries. • Neglect: when children are not given the basic needs of life. Examples include being deprived of proper food, medical care, shelter, clothing, or they are left unsupervised. • Emotional: abuse of a child’s self-concept through words or actions. • Sexual: forcing a child to observe or engage in sexual activities with an adult.
NON-ACCIDENTAL PHYSICAL ABUSE: • Non-accidental (inflicted on purpose) injury of a child. • Leaves marks, scars, bruises, bites, burns, or broken bones. Behavior indicators: • Aggressive or withdrawn • Afraid to go home • Stealing • Lying • Layered clothing even when the weather does not determine the need for it.
CHARACTERISTICS OF ABUSE INJURIES: • Most NORMAL ACCIDENTAL injuries occur on the front of the body. • Primary target zone for abuse is • the back, the elbows and knees, also includes the face, hands & wrists. • Most abuse injuries occur in multiples. Parent was out of control. • Wrist and upper arms may have finger bruises. • The back of the arms may have bruises where the child put arm in front of face to protect self.
PLAY ACTIVITIES THAT ARE HAZARDOUS: • Tossing a small child into the air • Jogging while carrying an infant on the back or shoulders • “Riding a horse” – bouncing on the knee • Swinging the child around by his/her ankles • Spinning a child around WARNING: If this happens take child to Emergency Room immediately. The child can be treated.
EMOTIONAL ABUSE: Abuse of a child’s self-concept through words or actions. Rejecting, terrorizing, berating, ignoring, and isolating, that is likely to cause serious impairment of the physical, social, mental, or emotional capacities of the child. Behavior indicators: • Failure to thrive, destructive, unusual • Speech disorders, failure to talk • Lags in physical development • Habit disorders, conduct disorders • Sleep disorders or inhibition of play • Aggressive or passive • Clingy, withdrawn, or crying • Fearful
SEXUAL ABUSE: • Forcing a child to observe or engage in sexual activities with an adult. • Inappropriate discussions or touch, fondling, sexual intercourse, assault, rape, date rape, incest, child prostitution, exposure, taking pictures, and viewing pornography Behavior indicators: • Inappropriate sexual knowledge • Problems sitting or walking, uncomfortable to urinate. • Itchy, red, swelling, pain, bruises in the genitals. • Bruises around mouth • Abrupt change in personality • Withdrawn or Regressive behavior • Poor peer relationships • Promiscuous behavior/seductive behavior • Sleep disturbances
NEGLECT: • Failure of parents or caretakers to provide the age appropriate needed supervision and basic care for the child. • Includingbeing deprived of proper food, medical care, hygiene, clothing, shelter, protection from harm, and supervision all appropriate to the child’s development. Behavior indicators: • Hunger • Poor hygiene • Excessive sleepiness • Unattended physical problems or medical needs • Abandonment or left unsupervised • Inappropriate clothing for weather conditions
IS THIS ABUSE? • A girl is slapped for screaming at her mother; the slap stings, but leaves no lasting mark or pain. • A boy is punished in a way that requires stitches. • A father burns his daughter’s palms with a lighted cigarette when he finds her smoking. • A mother is careless and spills scalding coffee on her daughter, who is seriously burned. • A boy’s arm is broken after wrestling with his father for sport. • A girl is spanked so hard she is badly bruised, but the father says he did not mean to hurt her. • A boy is grounded for a week for a minor offense. • A father takes away his son’s driver’s license for getting a parking ticket. • A young mother was asked to get help and get off drugs but her baby was born addicted to drugs.
7. SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME – NEVER SHAKE A BABY • Head trauma due to the violent shaking is the leading cause of disability and death among infants and children. • 25-50% of the American public does NOT know that shaking an infant can cause brain damage or death. • Tossing in the air and giving horse rides on the knee • Effects • The brain keeps vibrating within the skull cavity after shaking occurs. • The brain swells, creating pressure, leading to retinal bleeding and can lead to blindness. • Veins feeding the brain are torn away, leading to brain damage or brain visual disability, speech disability, and seizures.
TECHNIQUES FOR SOOTHING A CRYING BABY: • TOUCH: Cuddling, swaddling, warm water bottle, warm bath • MOTION: Rocking, walking, stroller, car ride, rhythmic patting • SOUND: Rhythmic chants, ticking clock, singing, recording of heartbeat or womb sounds • Just put the BABY DOWN and walk away.
8. What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? (SIDS) • Sudden unexplained death of an apparently healthy child. • Generally occurs in the first year of life. • Prevention: • Having the infant sleep on its back or side • No second-hand smoke. • No stuffed animals, soft bedding, blankets, pillows, …. • Firm mattress
9. ABUSE RISKS: • Child doesn’t match well with parent (emotional or developmental disabilities) • Parent under stress • Little community support (child care or medical care) CHILD + STRESS = ABUSE (Remove child or stress to avoid abuse)
Parental Characteristics • Abused as child • Belief in corporal discipline • May have spouse violence • Belief that father should dominate • Low self-esteem • Unrealistic expectations of children • Role reversal, uses child to gratify their needs • Unconcerned about seriousness of abuse
Child Characteristics • “Normal” but born out of wedlock or unplanned • “Abnormal” – low birth weight or serious illness • “Difficult” – may be fussy
Family Characteristics • Unemployment • Isolated • Low income, economic stress • Unsafe neighborhood • Home is crowded, dirty, unhealthy • Often single parent (overstressed) • One or more family members has health problems • Larger family Sibling/sibling violence is most common form of family violence