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Child Abuse. Shocking? . World Health Organization estimates that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence during 2002.
Shocking? • World Health Organization estimates that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence during 2002. • Worldwide, each year, almost 40 million children below the age of 15 are victims of child abuse.
Forms of childabuse • Physicalabuse • Sexual abuse • Emotional abuse • Neglection
Physicalabuse • Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury or other physical suffering or (physical) harm • hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning and slapping.
Sexualabuse • Child sexual abuse involves persuading or forcing a child to take part in sexual activities, or encouraging a child to behave in sexually inappropriate ways. • very difficult to identify. • intimacy • more than just physical (sexual) contact • sexual touching, intentionally engaging in sexual activity in front of a child; taking, making, permitting to take, distributing, showing or advertising indecent images of children; paying for the sexual services of a child or encouraging them into prostitution or pornography…
Emotionalabuse • Child emotional/psychological abuse • behaviors, speech, and actions of parents or other caregivers that have a negative mental impact on children.
Neglection • Child neglect is an ongoing failure to provide the right care and attention to a child's needs, including food and a safe environment, or to a child's emotional needs including warmth, security and love. • serious damage to the child's health or development. • not always easy to spot
Forms of neglect • physical neglect: failure to provide basic physical necessities, • Example: safe, clean and adequate clothing, housing, food and health care;… • emotional (or psychological) neglect: a lack of warmth, nurturance, encouragement and support • Example: not saying ‘I love you’, not hug them, … • educational neglect: failure to provide appropriate educational opportunities for the child; … • Example: don’t let them go to school, don’t give them the chance to educate,… • environmental neglect: failure to ensure environmental safety, opportunities and resources. • Example: living in the ‘Ghetto’,…
Diffrence between abuse and neglect • Abuse = misuse of power, person and trust, harming someone or something ACTION • neglect = deliberate act or being uncapable of caring in an appropriate way LACK OF… • Example: If I don't feed / fulfill my child’s needs it will not develop in appropriate way (NEGLECTION) But if I supply it with “toxic food”, it could live a long life, but he or she can be traumatized (ABUSE)
Level 1 Sophieke, Gwenny, Karolina
Level 2 Sara, Martha, Katri and Axelle
Rules • Each team chooses a team captain • The team captain is the only one who can answer • You may discuss the answer within your team • You answer by raising the piece of paper with the letter you that is the right answer (A, B, C or D) • Each right answer gives you a point • The winning team receives a price
Rules • You can ask for help: • 50:50 : The team captain raises the paper and one of the expert comes to your group and deletes 2 wrong answers. • Ask the other group: The team captain raises the paper. He/she chooses another team that can help you with the right or wrong answer. • Call the teacher: The team captain raises the paper. They can choose a teacher to help guide the team in the right direction.
1. Which countries in Western Europe use FGC? • Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium • The Netherlands, Belgium, Poland C. Poland, Finland, the Netherlands D. Belgium, Finland, Germany
1. Which countries in Western Europe use FGC? • Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium • The Netherlands, Belgium, Poland C. Poland, Finland, the Netherlands D. Belgium, Finland, Germany
2. Who takes part in FGC in Finland? (the most complete answer) A. The parents and child B. Parents, child, social worker, coordinator, lawyer, significant others C. Parents, midwifes, teachers, persecutor, mediator D. Parents, child, coordinator, judge
3. Which steps does FGC follow? • Introduction – problem sharing – coffee • Visit at home – interview significant others - discussion C. Information sharing – private family time – presenting the plan and agreeing D. Meeting with supervisor – discussion – evaluate the plan
3. Which steps does FGC follow? • Introduction – problem sharing – coffee • Visit at home – interview significant others - discussion C. Information sharing – private family time – presenting the plan and agreeing D. Meeting with supervisor – discussion – evaluate the plan
4. What is the mail goal of FGC? • To improve the communication between parents and child • To improve and restore relationships without empowerment C. To expand the social network D. To improve and restore relationships by empowerment
4. What is the mail goal of FGC? • To improve the communication between parents and child • To improve and restore relationships without empowerment C. To expand the social network D. To improve and restore relationships by empowerment
5. What is the most important target group for child abuse and neglect? • Teen moms • Families with children in institutions (placed out of their home) C. Families at risk, where the children will be placed out of their home D. Single dads
5. What is the most important target group for child abuse and neglect? • Teen moms • Families with children in institutions (placed out of their home) C. Families at risk, where the children will be placed out of their home D. Single dads
Method 2: ReSet • Role play (Sara and Axelle)
1. Which country uses ReSet? • Poland • Finland C. Belgium D. The Netherlands
1. Which country uses ReSet? • Poland • Finland C. Belgium D. The Netherlands
2. What is the target group? • Multi problem families with educational problems • Multi problem families with financial problems C. Multi problem families with psychological problems D. Multi problem families with administrative problems
2. What is the target group? • Multi problem families with educational problems • Multi problem families with financial problems C. Multi problem families with psychological problems D. Multi problem families with administrative problems
3. In what age rate are the children? • 7-12 years • 0-12 years C. 0-19 years D. 7-19 years
3. In what age rate are the children? • 7-12 years • 0-12 years C. 0-19 years D. 7-19 years
4. What is the main goal? • To make parents capable to communicate again with their children • To make parents capable again to educate their children on their own (without help from social services) C. To make parents able to move D. To make parents capable again to fulfill the financial needs of the family
4. What is the main goal? • To make parents capable again to communicate again with their children • To make parents capable again to educate their children on their own (without help from social services) C. To make parents able to move D. To make parents capable again to fulfill the financial needs of the family
5. ReSet doesn’t work with which topic? • Support in upbringing – improving communication skills • Organizing household – support with finance and administration C. Support with homework – counseling D. Guidance in building and enforcing the social network
5. ReSet doesn’t work with which topic? • Support in upbringing – improving communication skills • Organizing household – support with finance and administration C. Support with homework – counseling D. Guidance in building and enforcing the social network
1. Which country uses this method? • Poland • The Netherlands C. Belgium D. Finland
1. Which country uses this method? • Poland • The Netherlands C. Belgium D. Finland
2. How do the volunteers work with the children? • They use therapy • They help the children in career counseling C. They work in a creative way to create a safe environment for the children to achieve success D. They fix the relationship between the parents and the children