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2005 OBP Biennial Peer Review Platform Presentation Template. Valerie Sarisky-Reed Products Platform November 15, 2005. Platform Overview. Utilization of platform outputs and transferring technology to the integrated biorefinery. Platform outputs and outcomes
2005 OBP Biennial Peer Review Platform Presentation Template Valerie Sarisky-Reed Products Platform November 15, 2005
Platform Overview Utilization of platform outputs and transferring technology to the integrated biorefinery
Platform outputs and outcomes Outputs: Fuels – mainly ethanol Chemicals and materials Heat and Power Outcomes: technology and tools that have broad applicability for multiple fuels, chemicals and materials, and technology that leads to implementation or use in larger, biorefinery development efforts. Who’s doing the work? • Labs – PNL, NREL, ANL • Industry – Metabolix Inc, NatureWorks LLC, Cargill, Dow, Rohm and Haas • Other federal efforts include USDA-ARS
Building the BiorefineryCurrent Portfolio Biomass Feedstock Starch Cellulose Hemi-Cellulose Oil Lignin Protein Industrial Starches Xylose Arabinose Polyols 9-Decenoic Acid Pyrolyis Oil Gasification Animal Feed Glucose Liquid Fuels (EtOH) Xylitol Arabinitol 3-HP (Acrylic Acid) Liquid Fuels (EtOH) Itaconic Acid PG and EG 1,3-PDO PG and EG Lactic Acid PLA Succinic Acid Esters Isosorbide
Platform Barriers Barrier Hierarchy for Fuels and Chemicals & Materials Barrier Hierarchy for CHP
Platform Approach • Approach • Identification of Barriers, • Fuels, Chemical and Materials, Heat and Power • Conducting Systematic R&D Activities to Overcome these Barriers, • Appropriate research is selected through competitive funding opportunity announcements (FOA) that target applied and pre-competitive research that addresses the technology barriers and those technology areas suggested by industry to be the highest priority. The applicants are required to show a direct correlation to barriers in their proposed research plans. • and Prioritizing Activities Based on the Biorefinery Pathways. • Analysis drives the prioritization of research areas to be pursued, with a view toward near, mid and long term implementation. • Relationship to Program and EERE goals and targets • An integrated biorefinery is the ultimate deployment strategy for the Program to meet its goals of reducing dependence of petroleum and spurring the growth of the bioindustry.
Platform Goals • Fuels: reducing the cost of ethanol production in both existing facilities as well as future lignocellulosic facilities. • Chemicals and Materials: competitive with petroleum counterparts both economically and in performance characteristics. More specific goals and economic targets will be discussed
Key Joule Accomplishments • These are the most important accomplishments related to project milestones and objectives • These accomplishments are benchmarked against the technical targets
Key Accomplishments • The OBP program currently employs strategic analyses to help focus the efforts as well as responses from solicitations in crafting the products portfolio. Two such strategic analyses directed towards products from biomass have been published. • Top Value Added Chemicals from Biomass Volume I—Results of Screening for Potential Candidates from Sugars and Synthesis Gas (T. Werpy and G. Petersen, 2004) contains recommendations for the top 12 and top 24 candidates for building block organic chemicals derived from sugars and the associated research needs. • Top Value Added Chemicals from Biomass Volume II. Results of Screening for Potential Candidates from Biorefinery Lignin (Bozell, Holladay, Johnson, and White, 2005) is currently planned to be vetted with industry. • Examples of significant achievements to date: • Successfully demonstrated technical and economic feasibility of a soy-based marine lubricant which went to commercialization. • Metabolix’s Natural Plastics win presidential green chemistry challenge award. • A patent was filed resulting from yeast development work for new strains with multisugar fermenting capabilities • Two patents filed for separative bioreactor wafers and applications. • Chemicals from Biologically-Derived Succinic Acid (R&D 100). • Public outreach: • First International Biorefinery Workshop, July 2005 • Interim Stage Gate Review, August 2005 • Biodiesel Earmark “Information Meeting”, June 2005 • Benefits: Return On Investment
Products Interim Stage Gate OverviewAugust 9-10, 2005 20 projects were reviewed by a panel of experts from government, industry, and academia. 18 were funded by DOE/OBP and two are funded by USDA. All of the projects focused on technology development regarding products in the following three technical areas: Analysis, Chemicals and Materials, and Fuels. The objective of this review meeting was to provide DOE/OBP with: • An evaluation of the technical progress and impacts on addressing program goals, barriers, and milestones • Effectiveness of the technical work to date in achieving project goals and objectives • Plans toward completing the goals and objectives • Explanation of the envisioned commercialization pathway including any preliminary business plan Review Panel Martha Schlicher (National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center), ReviewerJohn Houghton (USDOE Office of Science), Reviewer Frances H.Arnold (Cal Tech, Chemical Engineering), Reviewer Richard J Higgins (Ceramem Corporation), Reviewer Christopher Guske (Tate and Lyle) , Reviewer Gene Peterson (Golden Field Office), Reviewer Facilitators Valerie Sarisky-Reed (DOE Biomass Program), Reviewer Facilitators
Interim Review Outcomes • Draft report indicates strengths and weaknesses of the portfolio. • Program staff are working with project staff to develop action plans that will reduce weaknesses. • Key Outcomes: • Analysis is an important tool for guiding the prioritization of the Platform. • Education of the importance of markets, competing technology considerations and decision making tools used by the program. • Lacked a good review of the platform approach
Future Direction • Products is shifting focus from single product development projects to products development within the Integrated Biorefinery • Mortgages will be continued to completion. • Increased focus on core enabling technologies • Examples: • Fungal genomics • Fermentation fundamentals • Separations
Presentation Agenda • The rest of the session will cover. • Analysis Overview – Joe Bozell, NREL • Chemicals and Material Barriers and Project Overview – Todd Werpy, PNL • Fuels Barriers and Project Overview – Tom Foust, NREL • Earmarked Projects – covered in “poster session”