Barack Obama ondiversity… becausetheunderlyingstruggle-betweenworlds of plenty and worlds of want; betweenthemodern and theancient; betweenthosewho embrace ourteeming, colliding, irksomediversity, whilestillinsistingon a set of valuesthatbindsustogether, and thosewhowouldseek, underwhateverflagor slogan orsacredtext, a certainty and simplificationthatjustifiescrueltytowardthosenotlikeus—isthestruggle set forth, on a miniaturescale, in thisbook”
Teeming • Colliding • Irksome
1. Howmuchinteractionhaveyouhadwithpeoplefromthefollowinggroups: • Differentraces • Differentethnicities • Differenteconomicbackgrounds • Different sexual orientations 2. Whathaveyougainedorlost as a result of thiscontactorlack of contact? • Are thereanygroupsthatyouwouldliketohave more orlesscontactwith? Why?
IdiomDefinitions • Getitout of theway/getitoverwith– finishsomethingearly so youdon’thavetothinkaboutitany more • Stickaround- stayput (stay in one place) • Get cracking – getstarted
Idioms • Getitout of theway– getit done quickly • At the top – at thebeginning • Stickaround– stayhere • Get cracking – getstarted • Gotitoverwith– finishedit
ReflectionQuestions • What strikes you as mostinterestingorsurprisingfromtheBeyondDiversity video? • How are issues of diversity in the U.S. and Mexico similar? How are theydifferent?