Diversity! By jasmine Shears
What does diversity mean? Diversity means many different things from ice- cream to people. It is actually anything you can think of. Like for example people. All people have two legs, arms, eyes, feet, etc. We may have some of the same things but everyone looks different to every one else, even our finger prints are different to everyone else. That makes everyone unique!
What does diversity look like? Well diversity looks like everything that you see or feel and hear so that means everything! Diversity in Australia is lots of different thing from language and religion to the type of car we drive. You don’t need to go looking to see diversity it is always there where ever you look. With out it Life would be well very dull!!!
What is great about Diversity? Well every thing nearly! Diversity is what makes us who we are and it helps us tell each other apart. With diversity we have different types of food to have a choice of what we want. We can learn from people from a different place and share our ways with them.
Origin of Jasmine Jasmine: Jasmine comes fromold French and means climbing plant with fragrant flowers. Shears: Shears comes from England and means bright or fair and beauty.