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WebJunction’s Guide to Great Webinars: Overview Jennifer Peterson petersoj@oclc.org. What is a webinar?. A presentation that takes place on the Internet using a web conferencing tool, allowing participants from different locations to join synchronously. WebJunction webinars.
WebJunction’sGuide to Great Webinars: Overview Jennifer Peterson petersoj@oclc.org
What is a webinar? A presentationthat takes place on the Internetusing a web conferencing tool, allowing participantsfrom different locations to join synchronously
WebJunction webinars Features: • One hour to 90 minutes long • Recorded and archived • Can be viewed by individual or group • Large audiences (up to 1000) • Usually interactive • Audience is in listen-only mode (muted)
Typical webinar interface Participant List Whiteboard Tools Audio Panel Chat Panel Presentation Panel http://www.flickr.com/photos/travelinlibrarian/3251345730/
WJ webinars today: far reach Webinar registration & attendance: July 2011-June 2012 (25 programs & 1 online conference) • 17,000 registrants • 7,017 unique attendees • avg. attendees per session: 358 • archives were viewed over 5,000 times, downloaded 2,400 times Note: In general, attendees represent 60% of registrants.
Benefits: overcoming barriers Saves: • Barriers to staff learning: • Limited staff timefor training • Inability to travel • Shrinking budgets for training • Swiftly changing training needs
Benefits: expanding staff learning • Available for all staff • World of content • Interaction &networking • Opportunities for mix & matchlearning • Archives = Just-In-Time access
Webinar participants tell it “I liked being able to attend just the ones that I need and fit into my schedule.” “In my opinion, these sessions were as good or better than sessions at conferences, and I could remain at my desk while tuning in.” “Lots of learning going on and no travel expenses.” “It was as good as being there. I came away feeling refreshed - and with some good ideas.” “It is good that these sessions are archived because there are others in our library who should take advantage of some of the information first hand.”
Engagement: from passive to active Passive: view slides and hear presentation questions sent to presenter Active: questions/comments visible to all local discussion with cohort viewing
Enhancements: learning guides Articulate the learning goals Discussion question Activity/ exercise
Enhancements: interactions Let participants use the whiteboard markup tools Engagement guaranteed!
Enhancements: learning organization Grow a learning organization: • Integrate webinars into learning plans/performance expectations • View archives if no time to see the live event • Cohort groups watch live events or archives together • Motivate learners to take the next step and apply learning to their work
Webinars build community Empower library leaders and staff to speak, learn, and engageby hosting a space to shareideas, stories and experiences.
“. … I see a wealth of stimulating “conversation,” in these [WebJunction webinars]. The topics have been so relevant, the presenters so knowledgeable, that I’ve run risk of overstimulation! It is an exciting time for libraries, I think. Thanks to WebJunction and OCLC for offering these events providing an instructive & informative basis for innovative beginnings.” – email from webinar attendee
Topic selection Prioritize topics based on: • WebJunction Annual Member Survey • Site analytics – hottest topics • Post-webinar survey • Our state partners • Continuing education coordinators
One year of topics: 2013 Partnerships & Innovation Staff Training & Development Funding & Advocacy E-Books & Mobile Devices Digital Literacy & Inclusion Training for Patrons Improving Interpersonal Communication Library Management Customer Service Readers’ Advisory Developing or Improving Programs Emerging Technology
Evaluating impact 85% of attendees report that webinar content was immediately applicable to their work 65% rate their skills as increased or significantly increased as a result of WJ webinars
Additional Resources • List of Library Webinar Programming • Best Practices for Cohorts attending Online Events • Online Event Viewing Party Guide • Best Practices - WebConferencing Participants • CE Coordinators Survey Summary 2012 • 5 Easy Ways to Create Fabulous Slides (thewikiman) • Webinar Presenter Best Practices - example • Considerations when choosing a webconferencing provider • Blended Learning Guide • Competency Index for the Library Field