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Monitoring and conservation of the Critically Endangered Alaotran gentle lemur Hapalemur alaotrensis. By: Gurutzeta Guillera-Arroita , Jose J. Lanoz-Monfort , E.J. Milner- Gulland , Richard P. Young and Emily Nicholson. Presented By: Holly D. Pinks. Background.
Monitoring and conservation of the Critically Endangered Alaotran gentle lemur Hapalemuralaotrensis By: GurutzetaGuillera-Arroita, Jose J. Lanoz-Monfort, E.J. Milner-Gulland, Richard P. Young and Emily Nicholson Presented By: Holly D. Pinks
Background • Hotspot- the richest and most threatened reservoirs of plant and animal life on Earth. • This biodiversity hotspot is an example of species evolution in isolation. • High # of Endemic Species • If the populations of an endemic species on Madagascar go extinct, the species will be globally extinct.
BackgroundEndemic Species of Madagascar • 92% of 15,000 plant species on the island are found nowhere else. • 99% of frogs • 100% of lemurs (28 species)
BackgroundDestruction of this Majestic Island • The main cause for the loss of biodiversity in Madagascar is human caused habitat loss. • How much land is still left? • How many endemics have already perished?
Deforestation Poaching
Background“Alaotran Gentle Lemur” • Exclusively inhabits the marshes • The population of H. alaotrensis has experienced a dramatic decline due to : • Poaching • Habitat destruction • Habitat degradation • H. alaotrensisis classified as Critically endangered (CR)by the IUCN (IUNC 2009). • CR- These species have an extremely high risk of going extinct in the wild.
IUCN Red List • Surveys have been carried out periodically to follow the status of the population of H. alaotrensis. • IUCN status of Alaotran Gentle Lemur
Purpose of Research • Calculate encouter rates (ER) of Hapalemuralaotrensis • Estimate the probability of site occupancy of this lemur and evaluate how it is affected by relevant covariates • Explore how different factors affect the probability of detecting H. alaotrensisin areas occupied by the species • Investigate daily activity patterns to identify optimal times for monitoring • Build a model of habitat suitability based on habitat characteristics derived from satellite imagery
Methods for Data Sampling Local expert LocalVillager Researcher 0530-0900h 1500-1800h
Collected Data • Collected data on direct observations of H. alaotrensis • Time of day • # of individuals of each group • Their activities • Location using a GPS • Habitat characteristics at 30m intervals along transects • Main structural species • Species composition • Habitat density and patchiness • # of canoes encountered per hour
Results • 120 hours surveying the marsh • 71 encounters of H. alaotrensisgroups Table 1: Frequency of the number of Hapalemuralaotrensis individuals recorded in each group encounter. These figures represent a lower limit for group size as some individuals might have been missed by the observers.
Discussion • Data showed the probability of detecting species is highly dependent on the time of day • Characteristics of habitat at the site • Habitat suitability found to be those areas with high vegetation with low fragmentation • Canoe traffic is another important factor affecting the probability of detection • low 18% / high 5%
Future Implementations • Community Involvement • Andreba – community park to regulate its access • Recently a nature tourism project set up by Malagasy NGO Madagascar Wildlife conservation in order to give incentives to community to protect the species • We have to educate and inspire others with the passion that has inspired us so that one day, they can understand the land ethics in relation to something they also “understand, feel, love, or otherwise have faith in.” (Leopold). • Future surveys could lead to strict protected areas of marshland surrounding Lac Alaotra in order to protect not only the lemurs of madagascar, but every “cog and wheel” (Leopold).
These creatures are majestic and endemic to Madagascar If you are interested in helping with conservation efforts to save these lemurs and/or other endemic species from Madagascar, please contact: Madagascar Wildlife Conservation (MWC) info@journalmcd.net
References: • Gurutzeta, G. A., Lahoz-Monfort, J.J., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Young, R. P. and Nicholson, E. 2010. Monitoring and conservation of the Critically Endangered Alaotran gentle lemur Hapalemuralaotrensis. Journal of Madagascar Conservation and Development5, 2: 103-109. • Primack, R.B. 2010. Essentials of Conservation Biology (Fifth edition), Sinauer Associates, Inc. • Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac. New York: Ballantine, 1970. Print. • Hillstrom, Kevin; Collier Hillstrom, Laurie. 2003. Africa and the Middle East: a continental overview of environmental issues. Santa Barbara, CA.