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APWH Unit 1. Chapter 1 Early Human History. Key Questions. What is Civilization or Culture ? Which came first? How are the terms similar? How are the terms different?. What is Culture?. Learned patterns of expression and action
APWHUnit 1 Chapter 1 Early Human History
Key Questions • What is Civilization or Culture? • Which came first? • How are the terms similar? • How are the terms different?
What is Culture? • Learned patterns of expression and action • The first cultural trait of early humans was making tools • Mysteries about early human culture are: • what cave art really meant • what megaliths were used for
So how does “culture” turn into civilization? • A very very very very very very very long and slow process we now call……. • Evolution of the species
Charles Darwin’s Theory • 1859 published On the Origin of Species • Evolution Theory was based on his observations and study of the animal and plant kingdom • “Well I’m a monkey’s uncle!”
Because of science we Know • 99% of DNA in apes is identical to humans • Human skin color changed over time due to environmental conditions. • Travel between continents was possible during last Ice Age through temporary land bridges caused by low sea levels • After the Ice Age new animal species evolved from old forms and the human form as we know it was achieved!
Darwin’s Theory • So do you think you evolved from an ape? • If so your family did this… • Your ancestor?
Scientists and Historians generally agree: • Earliest human activity revolved around gathering food • Many large species of animals were hunted to extinction by humans • Creating tribes/clans occurred early in order to survive the Old Stone Age • Family/Tribal culture is the foundation for CIVILIZATION! • tribal initiation
Basic stuff you need to know about the 3 stages of the human transformation.
Homo habilis“Handy Human”Made and used simple tools (skip 4 lines)
Homo erectus“Upright Human”Began migrating out of Africa (skip 4lines)
Homo sapien“Wise Human”Thinking, creative, adaptable (skip 4lines)
Pencils down…Identify the three latest stages in human developmentLevel 1 question • Homo habilis • Homo erectus • Homo sapiens
Describe the three latest stages in human developmentLevel 2 question Fill in….. • Homo habilis started using tools • Homo erectus began to migrate and spread out across the earth • Homo sapiens settled down and formed the first permanent civilizations
What stage of development is this? • Homo habilis • Earliest tools were simply stones, wood and bone • Size and sharpness were likely what mattered most. • Towards the end of the stage – the making of tools would begin
What stage is there the earliest evidence of the use of fire? • Homo Erectus • Campfire evidence in Neanderthal caves. • Homo sapiens expanded their use of fire for more than just warmth.