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Dezső Horváth RMKI, Budapest and ATOMKI, Debrecen Presented at HEPHY, Wien 25.02.2010. Wide Activities of KFKI RMKI, Budapest. KFKI RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Address: Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary.
Dezső Horváth RMKI, Budapest and ATOMKI, Debrecen Presented at HEPHY, Wien 25.02.2010 Wide Activities of KFKI RMKI, Budapest HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 KFKI RESEARCH INSTITUTEFOR PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCESAddress: Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary At the edge of Budapest, 20 min from centre, uphill in Buda. Lots of trees, many squirrels (since cars are cleaner), a few cats and foxes The Accelerator Building
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 about myself • MSc, 1970 (Eötvös U, Budapest): Nuclear physics • PhD-1, 1974 (KFKI, Budapest): Solid state physics with positrons • PhD-2, 1979 (Dubna, Russia): Physical chemistry with pions • Academic doctor, 1987 (HAS, Budapest): Exotic atoms • Now: Particle physics + grid operation • Senior research scientist at RMKI, Budapest • Research advisor at ATOMKI, Debrecen • Honorary professor (Privatdozent) at the U of Debrecen • Groups: OPAL, CMS, ASACUSA, WLCG
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 The KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (RMKI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences became an independent legal entity on the 1st of January, 1992. In 1975-1991 RMKI was one of the five research institutes of KFKI (Central Research Institute for Physics). KFKI itself was founded in 1950. The KFKI campus now has 3 more academic institutes (and many SME-s): KFKI Research Institute of Atomic Energy Research Institute of Solid State Physics and Optics, Research Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Prof. Károly Simonyi 1916 - 2001 Builder of the first particle accelerator in Hungary, initiator of nuclear phyics research in KFKI (father of Charles Simonyi, inventor of MS Word, space-tourist twice)
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 MISSIONOF KFKI RMKI Experimental and theoretical basic research in nuclear and particle physics, fusion plasmaphysics, atom optics, cosmic physics, nuclear solid state physics, nuclear materials science and application of physics in bioscience. Development in the fields of fusion technology, laser physics, nuclear analysis, space technology, fast data processing and evaluation, particle detectors, spectroscopy, dedicated electronics and software. Operating of the accelerator system composed of the 5 MV Van de Graaff and the 500 keV Heavy Ion Cascade accelerators and the Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) device. Operatingand developing the computer network for the whole KFKI Campus.
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 High Energy and Heavy Ion Physics Nuclear Solid StatePhysics Theoretical Physics Plasma Physics Space Physics Biophysics Computer Centre Major experiments with RMKI participation: LHC ALICE and CMS, NA61 (CERN),RHIC PHENIX (Brookhaven), LHC Grid project; fast data links, detector development. Fundamental research on condensed-matter systems using nuclear methods, development of nuclear techniques for solid-state physics and materials sciences High-energy heavy-ion collisions, gravitation, field theory, mathematical physics, particle phenomenology Tokamak edge plasma phyics, plasma diagnostics for ITER (host of Hungarian EURATOM Association), laser physics, atom optics Solar wind interactions with solar system bodies, physics of the geospace, spacecraft instrumentation for several international space missions (Rosetta, Cassini, etc) computational neuroscience, elemental analyis of biological and environmental samples, non-destructive analysis of art and archaeological objects Internal and Campus network, LHC Grid node RESEARCH ACTIVITIES
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 MAIN STATISTICAL DATA (2008) Staff: 211 (including~ 119 research fellows) Staff members teaching at universities: ~ 40 Annual budget: 1837 million HUF (7.3 million EUR) core funding from HAS: 1178MHUF EURATOM: 210 MHUF National Research Fund: 109 MHUF Nat. Off. Res. Tech. 277 MHUF contracts (tenders): 63 MHUF Number of publications in SCI journals: 177
Rutherford backscattering PIXE Mössbauer Spectroscopy Positron Annihilation Synchrotron Radiation Materials Science using Nuclear Methods HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 THE ACCELERATOR COMPLEX the 500 keV Heavy Ion Cascade The 5 MV Van de Graaff the proton microbeam
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 2,5 MeV p-BS, =165o, tilt 60o 0o 60o 500 keV 1017He+/cm2 1 m SiO2 Si 2,0 MeV p-BS, =165o, tilt 7o 40o 500 keV He+ 1 m Si 1 m SiO2 The hidden SiO2island
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 The PIXE-PAGE method (particle induced characteristic X-ray spectroscopy of polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms of metalloproteins) milli-beam micro-beam Two dimensional Fe map of the band containing 10µg cytochrome c. Image size is 3.2mm x 1.6mm. The totalamount of Fe detected is ~ 7.6ng. Location of Ni and Fe ions in protein subunits
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Non-destructive energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of art and archaeological objects External-beam PIXE XRF with radioisotope excitation XRF with mini X-ray tube The presence of Ti white on a debated painting confirms identification of colourants in that it is a fake a medieval glass object
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Plasma Physics • Manipulation of atoms with lasers: • laser cooling and trapping • Interactions of plasma with high-intensity lasers • Fusion plasma physics and technology High international activity after dismounting our research tokamak
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Laser Trapping of Rb Atoms Trap parameters Volume: 1 mm3 Number of atoms: 107 Lifetime: 500 ms Temperature: 50 μK
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Laser-Plasma Interaction Fusion ignition with PW laser pulse ELI: Extreme Light Infrastucture (European Project) Prague – Szeged - Bucharest
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 EURATOM: Fusion Research Hungarian Tokamak 1979 - 1998
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Fusion technology researchin EU collaborations Pellet-plasma interaction Plasma manipulation Atomic beam diagnostics Plasma turbulence studies Plasma tomography ASDEX (Garching), JET (Culham), TCV (Lausanne), TEXTOR (Jülich), CASTOR (Prague), MAST (Culham)
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 ITER: Technology-oriented research • 4 diagnostics of 8 • are prepared at RMKI: • bolometry • video diagnostics • Charge-exchange resonance spectroscopy • Core plasma Thomson scattering
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Computing Network Centre • Mail, spam-filter, network connectivity for KFKI Campus • Developing computing facilities for blind people • Grid technology for LHC (CMS and ALICE), for other experiments (PHENIX, NA61, Virgo) and for the Hungarian research community(Hungrid VO)
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 CNC hosts outreach activities • Archives of the Hungarian Physics Journal • Documents of the Hungarian Physical Society • Documents of the Physics Department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences • History of Science in Hungary • Electronic Art Galleries: • Hungarian and International
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Network Topology of the KFKI Campus KFKI WLCG
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 MObile Slate TalkerA Speaking Handheld Computerand Mobile Phone for the Blind Agenda, database, stopwatch, timer, web reader, talking book, navigator, internet library, E-mail reader
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Cosmic research: Workshop Mechanics Design, manufacturing of high-precision equipment, CNC milling-cutter machines Testing Thermovacuum chamber Vibration stand
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Cosmic Physics: Cassini Probe
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 International Space Station to be launched in 2010 ISS: Plasma Wave Complex
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Biophysics: computational neuropharmacology • Drug • design • with • simulation: • modelling • brain functioning
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Theory Department • Mathematical physics • Few-body systems • Gravitation: theory and Virgo • Heavy ion collisions: theory • Heavy ion expt: ALICE, PHENIX, FAIR • Diffraction physics: TOTEM
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Experimental Particle Physics • LEP: L3, OPAL (finished) • SPS: NA49 → NA61 (Heavy ions) • LHC: CMS, ALICE, TOTEM (+ATLAS) • Antiproton Decelerator: ASACUSA • Gran Sasso: Borexino • GSI: FOPI (Heavy ions)
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 ALICE • Péter Lévai will present it: • Monday, HEPHY Seminar Room, 13:30
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 CMS Hungary • RMKI (Budapest): 12 PhD, 2 engineers, 5 students • ATOMKI (Debrecen): 6 PhD, 1 engineers, 3 students • U Debrecen: 4 PhD, 2 students • ELTE (Budapest): 1 PhD, 1 student • Total: 23 PhD, 3 engineers, 11 students • Much less in FTE, cca. 50 %
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 CMS: HCAL Very Forward • RMKI: Quarz fibers in steel, all Hungarians pushed it
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Barrel muon chambers: position monitor Diagonal light paths Light paths of chamber LEDs MAB Mostly Debrecen: ATOMKI and University 250 chambers, 9000 LED, 600 sensors Precision: 0.2 – 0.4 mm
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 CMS pixel detector: timing • Pixel timing: read-out • How to synchronize? Cluster charge at different delays V. Veszprémi, ATOMKI, Debrecen Cluster charge after timing
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 WLCG Tier-2 site at RMKI 426 CPU, 144 TB, CMS/ALICE: 3/1 → →
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Hungrid virtual organization http://grid.kfki.hu/hungrid/ • Grid service for all Hungarian academic users • 5 institutions participate • RMKI: all basic services and 90% of capacity • Educational platform for IT students • Helps to install new VOs (Virgo, NA61)
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 WLCG Tier-2 site at RMKI Hungrid jobs/month ELTE, NIIF, RMKI, BME Nov 2009: 4400 jobs CPU usage in 2009: CMS, ALICE, Hungrid 40000 – 200000 hours/month
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 QCD group: the first LHC paper at 2.36 TeV
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 QCD group: the first LHC paper at 2.36 TeV QCD-09-010, Transverse momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV and 2.36 TeV 3 methods used • Counting single pixel hits: G. Veres & K. Krajczár • Combining hits on two pixel barrels (tracklets): MIT group • Using whole tracks (pixels + strips): F. Siklér 40000 events at 0.9 TeV, 15000 at 2.36 TeV Aim: map the energy dependence, 0.9 – 2.36 – 7 – 10 TeV
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 ASACUSA Atomic Spectroscopy And Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons Experiment at the Antiproton Decelerator to test CPT Invariance U Tokyo, SMI Vienna, U Aarhus, U Brescia, MPQ Munich, ATOMKI Debrecen, RMKI Budapest
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Pbar mass and magnetic moment using laser spectroscopy on pbar-helium Long-lived pbar-He atom Induce long-lived → short-lived transition using tuned laser measure resonance frequency (M. Hori, Münich)
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Pbar mass using laser spectroscopy on pbar-helium Particle Data Handbook, 2008
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Pbar magnetic moment using laser spectroscopy on pbar-helium Laser-microwave-laser triple resonance (E. Widmann, SMI)
HEPHY, Vienna, 25.02.2010 Thanks for your attention