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Act i on 1 - Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses

Act i on 1 - Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates. Act i on 1 - Fields of studies. Agriculture and Veterinary Engineering, Manufacture and Construction Health and Welfare Humanities and Arts Science, Mathematics and Computing

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Act i on 1 - Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses

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  1. Action1 - Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates

  2. Action1 - Fields of studies • Agriculture and Veterinary • Engineering, Manufacture and Construction • Health and Welfare • Humanities and Arts • Science, Mathematics and Computing • Social Sciences, Business and Law

  3. Action1 - Programs 132 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) and 42 ErasmusMundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en.php

  4. Action2 - Partnerships

  5. Action2 Partnerships-cooperation • Largepartnershipsbetweenhighereducation institutionsinEUandthirdcountriesina specificregion Countries /regions covered bytheEU’s externalco-operationinstruments Erasmus-stylecooperationmechanisms, transfer of know-how Definitionofprioritiesaccordingtotheneeds ofthirdcountriesinvolved • • •

  6. Action2 – Mobility • Scholarshipsofvaryinglength(1monthto3 years) Bachelor,master,doctorateandpost-doctorate studentsandHEstaff(training,teaching, research activities) Mobilitynotlinkedtospecificprogrammes Specialattentionpaidtosocio-economically disadvantagedgroupsandpopulationsin a vulnerablesituation • • •

  7. Action2 individualmobility • 5 – – possiblelevels ofhighereducation: Undergraduate–Masters- Staff: Academic and Administrative Doctorate-Post-Doctorate • Variablelengthmobility: 1-36monthsforbothdegree-seekingandotherstudents 1-3 months for staff targetgroups 3 – – – • Group Group Group 1: 2: 3: students/stafffrompartnersinstitutions othernationalsfromthirdcountries nationalofthirdcountriesinlot invulnerable

  8. Action2 - Partnerships HOW TO FIND A PROJECT!? http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en.php

  9. RAU Department of International Cooperation 123 Hovsep Emin str. ● Yerevan, 0051, Armenia ● Tel.: (+374 10) 27 34 07 E-mail: international@rau.am●www.rau.am● www.internationa.rau.am ErasmusMunduswebsite http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en.php

  10. Thank you

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