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Open day at Wilhelmshaven animal shelter

Explore our visit to the Dr. Kibat Animal Shelter in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Learn about the shelter's history, meet the residents (dogs, cats, and small animals), witness the rescue dog team in action, participate in fundraising activities, and gain valuable information about responsible pet ownership.

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Open day at Wilhelmshaven animal shelter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Open dayat Wilhelmshaven animalshelter Impressionsofourvisit on 7th July 2012 shownbystudentsandteachersofthe Comenius-team „APE – animalprotection in Europe“ of „Gymnasium am Mühlenweg“ Wilhelmshaven / Germany

  2. The animalshelterofourtown: Dr. Kibat – animalshelter in Wilhelmshaven

  3. Who was DrKibat? Ourlocalanimalshelterisnamed after Dr. Artur Kibat (1870-1960), a philologistandtranslatorof Chinese literature. He was teacher atthe „Oberrealschule“ (secondaryschool) andoneofthere-foundersoftheassociationforanimalprotectionofourcity (1950/51). Artur Kibat left his inheritance to this association. Thanks to this the animal shelter could be built in 1981/82. Information about Artur Kibat: http://www.buerger-whv.de/vorschau/cms/index.php?e1=264&e2=1549&e3=2380&e4=2495

  4. Dogs in ourlocalanimalshelter: Open day – presentationof „inhabitants“

  5. Open day – presentationof „inhabitants“ The staffpresentedsomeinhabitantsoftheshelter: Aramis

  6. Somemore „inhabitants“ oftheanimalshelter Iras Pascha

  7. Wherethecats live…

  8. Extra placeforcats There are (too) many cats in the shelter. Extra space is needed. Therefore there are some containers. Buko Königshoff, a local artists, painted them.

  9. Work of an artist

  10. Extra placeforsmallanimals

  11. More placesforcats

  12. Area ofthebirds

  13. Activities on open day 2012: Rescuedogsat work

  14. The rescuedogteam Members of the rescue dog team were present.

  15. Rescuedogsat work They explained and presented their work.

  16. Man anddogworkingtogether There is much mutual confidence between dog and owner..

  17. „Fund raising“: LotteryandCulinaria

  18. Fishroles, cakeand a lotteryhelpedtogetsomemoneyforthe work in theshelter.

  19. Posters: Information

  20. Youget a lotinformation in theshelterabouthowtomeet an animal , forexampleaboutkidsanddogs. Howdoes a foreigndogreact an eyecontact? Shall I touch a dog I don‘tknow?

  21. Thereare also informationaboutthenecessityofhavingyourcatneuteredandaboutthemythosthatsomekindsofdogsarenaturallycruel (no, onlytheownersmakethembehave in an unnaturalway!).

  22. Andtherearecampaignsagainstthecruelty in industrial livestock farming (e.g. transportationtoslaughterhouses, treatmentofpiglets). „See Italyand – die“ (transportationofhorsestoslaughtering) „Such sweetpiglets must be … … tortured.“

  23. Impressionsof Open day 2012 Humansand Animals

  24. Visitors on a rainyday in July A lot of visitors came…

  25. Visitors on a rainyday in July … in spite of the rain.

  26. The animal shelter was visited by:Marian P.,Romea P.,Peter A.,Anke W. One of the shelter dogs, an old lady. May she find her new home soon!

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