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Bell Work

Bell Work. Please remain quiet and work on your bell work. Discussion: The meaning of your name. Does your name mean anything?. Discussion: The meaning of your name. What’s the middle name for?. Chinese Name.

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Bell Work

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bell Work Please remain quiet and work on your bell work

  2. Discussion: The meaning of your name • Does your name mean anything?

  3. Discussion: The meaning of your name • What’s the middle name for?

  4. Chinese Name • Chinese names are written in reverse order of Western name. Surname(family name) comes first and personal name second.Why? 許惠晴 Hsu Hui-Ching

  5. Chinese Name • This order shows that in Chinese culture the individual is not as important as the family from which he or she comes.

  6. Chinese Name • Yáo míng First Name Last Name

  7. Chinese Name • Jet Li 李连杰 jié lǐ lián Last Name

  8. Chinese Name Dragon 成龙 chéng lóng

  9. Chinese Name small 李小龙 lǐ lóng xiǎo

  10. Chinese Name- Surname • Most Chinese surnames have only one syllable. A very few, historically important surnames, have more than one syllable.

  11. Chinese Name- Given Name • A Chinese given name can be one or two syllables(characters). People in China tend to use one-syllable given name while people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore prefer two-syllable given name.

  12. Chinese Name- Female 刘玉玲 Líuyù líng tinkling sound of jade jade

  13. Chinese Name- Female Happy 章子怡 yí

  14. Chinese Name- Pick a name • Today, we will pick “First Name” only. Your family name will be assigned to you based on the sound of it.

  15. Chinese Name- Pick a name • Browse through the cards, pick one to two characters you like. You have 6 minutes. You can discuss with your friends. Make up your mind before finally picking one card. (p.23)

  16. Chinese Name- Pick a name • Listen to the CD, try to pronounce the character you pick.

  17. Chinese Name- Pick a name • Try to figure out how to write the character on your own first. Hsu laoshi will come around to help.

  18. Practice: Writing down your name • From now on, you will be called by your Chinese name and you will be writing your Chinese name in all the class assignment. • Write at lease 10 times on the character sheet, and make sure you can write it again without looking at the paper.

  19. Make your name tag • Write down your Chinese name in the colored paper. • Tape it to your desk.

  20. Don’t fall behind! • Tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday during lunch.

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