1. BIAN2013Australopithecus africanus
2. Type specimen of Australopithecus africanus
3. How old was the child at death?
4. Dart was mostly ignored: the Taung child was “just an ape”
5. Sts5“Mrs Ples”
7. Massive facial skeleton
8. Basicranium shorter than chimps, not as shortened as humans
9. Innominate bone
11. The second Sterkfontein pelvis
13. Makapansgat: a third site for A.africanus
14. Breccia
15. Ron Clark demonstrating the stratigraphy of Sterkfontein
16. How old are Sterkfontein, Taung and Makapansgat? Faunal analysis suggests Sterkfontein Member 4 is about 2.5 Ma, Taung younger, Makapansgat nearly 3 Ma
ESR dating puts Member 4 at about 2.4 Ma, Member 2 about 1.8 Ma
New dates for Member 2 are 4.02 Ma (Jacovec Cavern) and 4.17 Ma (“Littlefoot” breccia), by Be10 and Al26 decay.
17. “Littlefoot”(Stw573)
20. New fossils from the Jacovec Cavern
21. Homage to Robert Broom