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Fairtrade, The FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade in The UK Mark Varney The Fairtrade Foundation

Fairtrade, The FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade in The UK Mark Varney The Fairtrade Foundation. The Fairtrade Foundation’s Vision.

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Fairtrade, The FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade in The UK Mark Varney The Fairtrade Foundation

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  1. Fairtrade, The FAIRTRADE Mark and Fairtrade in The UK Mark Varney The Fairtrade Foundation

  2. The Fairtrade Foundation’s Vision “Our vision is of a world in which justice and sustainable development are at the heart of trade structures and practices so that everyone, through their work, can maintain a decent and dignified livelihood and develop their full potential.”

  3. The Scale of World Poverty • 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day • Half the world (about 3 billion) live on less than $2 a day So what does this actually mean for people in their daily lives ? • 1.1 billion (1 in 6) have no access to clean drinking water and 2.6 billion ( nearly half the world ) lack basic sanitation (WHO) • Approx 790 million are chronically undernourished • 30,000 children die every day due to poverty ( UNICEF ) That is now about 10 million children a year under 5 yrs Source: Oxfam 2007

  4. Fairtrade – A Global System

  5. Fairtrade Foundation - UK TransFair USA Max Havelaar Switzerland Max Havelaar - France TransFair Germany Fairtrade Certification Structure Fairtrade Labelling Organisation International (FLO) FLO EV FLO - Cert • Standards Unit (SU) • Producer Services & Relations (PSR) • Global Product Management (GPM) • Global Account Management (GAM) • Separate legal entity • Certifies Producer groups • Registered supply chains • Annual auditing • ISO 65 21 National Labelling Initiatives – “LI`s” Fairtrade Mark Ireland

  6. FairtradeStandards Social, Organisational and Gender Environmental Economic

  7. Tipping the Balance Increasing Fairtrade’s impact on producers’ lives Shifting public opinion and consumer lifestyles to make Fairtrade the norm Expanding business engagement with Fairtrade from just compliance to deeper commitment Growing Fairtrade’s share of key markets to propel sales to a new level Scaling up and developing the Fairtrade Systems

  8. Increasing Fairtrade’s impact on producers’ lives

  9. Shifting public opinion and consumer lifestyles to make Fairtrade the norm

  10. Expanding business engagement with Fairtrade

  11. What commercial value can Fairtrade add? • Contributes to brand equity and customer engagement • A tangible and easily identified part of company CSR strategy • Supports staff motivation and corporate pride • Helps develop links with local communities • Supports supply chain security and sustainability

  12. Growing Fairtrade’s share of key markets

  13. Scaling up and developing Fairtrade Systems

  14. Tipping the Balance Increasing Fairtrade’s impact on producers’ lives Shifting public opinion and consumer lifestyles to make Fairtrade the norm Expanding business engagement with Fairtrade from just compliance to deeper commitment Growing Fairtrade’s share of key markets to propel sales to a new level Scaling up and developing the Fairtrade Systems

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