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Project brief. The aim of this project is to develop a set of documents and publications, which will be used to create awareness for a particular event. The documents / publications planned and created will need to contain vital information about the event such as: Name of the event
Project brief • The aim of this project is to develop a set of documents and publications, which will be used to create awareness for a particular event. • The documents / publications planned and created will need to contain vital information about the event such as: • Name of the event • Date / time of event • Address / Venue • Contact details • Entry fee (if applicable) • Relevant pictures / event • Map / direction to the venue • Organiser(s) • Each task within the project will need to be planned, created and evaluated. To achieve level 6 or higher, you will need to be able to prove that you have also improved the document / publication using feedback you received. • Sample posters: • http://www.workaid.org/wkaidleaflets.html • http://www.nspcc.org.uk/inform/publications/posters_wda56272.html • Theme for the project: • Charity concert • Poverty- http://www.actionaid.org.uk/
TASK1: Introduction to the project and creating logo • Resources: • Paper • Internet • Computer Lesson aim: Pupils research and create an appropriate logo on paper/computer They chose colour scheme for their logo with reason e.g red to demonstrate heart foundation etc • Lesson Outcome: • They demonstrate an understanding of the project requirement • They produce an appropriate logo and save it
TASK 2: Planning the letter • Resources: • Paper • Pencil • Pen • Ruler Lesson aim: Pupils produce a sketch showing the layout of the proposed letter They consider the purpose and audience of the letter They identify what hardware, software and process required to create the PowerPoint (you are allowed to create a PowerPoint on paper) • Lesson Outcome: • A Plan showing the layout and content of the letter(hand drawn on paper ) • A brief description of the audience and purpose of the letter • A brief description of some of the hardware, software and process requirement
TASK 3: Create and evaluate the letter • Resources: Lesson aim: Pupils create the letter with all the appropriate elements (see task diagram) Pupils format and spell check the document(computer or physical) They evaluate the letter using the set evaluation criteria Pupils make changes to the original letter based on feedback from the evaluation (criteria for level 6) • Lesson Outcome: • A formatted and spell checked letter with all the appropriate elements (see task diagram) • Evaluation of letter using the set evaluation criteria
The letter must include the following: • Logo created in the previous lesson • Name and address of the school • Introduction • Main message of letter • Conclusion Task diagram: Letter to parents / staff
TASK 4: Planning the presentation • Resources: Lesson aim: A - Pupils produce a layout of the proposed presentation M – They consider the purpose and audience of the presentation S - They identify what hardware, software and process required to create the presentation • Lesson Outcome: • A Plan showing the layout and content of the presentation(hand drawn on paper ) • A brief description of the audience and purpose of the presentation • A brief description of some of the hardware, software and process requirement
TASK 5: Create and evaluate the presentation • Resources: Lesson aim: Pupils create the presentation with all the appropriate elements (see task diagram) Pupils format and spell check the presentation They evaluate the presentation using the set evaluation criteria Pupils make changes to the original presentation based on feedback from the evaluation (criteria for level 6) • Lesson Outcome: • A formatted and spell checked presentation with all the appropriate elements (see task diagram) • Evaluation of presentation using the set evaluation criteria
The research and presentation must include the following: • Suitable and consistent layout • Relevant information about the event • Appropriate images • Appropriate logo • Appropriate background colour • Appropriate font style, colour and size. Task diagram: Research / Presentation task
TASK 6: Planning the leaflet • Resources: Lesson aim: Pupils produce a layout of the proposed leaflet They consider the purpose and audience of the leaflet They identify what hardware, software and process required to create the leaflet • Lesson Outcome: • A Plan showing the layout and content of the leaflet (hand drawn on paper ) • A brief description of the audience and purpose of the leaflet • A brief description of some of the hardware, software and process requirement
TASK 7: Create and evaluate the leaflet • Resources: Lesson aim: Pupils create the leaflet with all the appropriate elements (see task diagram) Pupils format and spell check the leaflet They evaluate the leaflet using the set evaluation criteria Pupils make changes to the original leaflet based on feedback from the evaluation (criteria for level 6) • Lesson Outcome: • A well laid out leaflet with all the appropriate elements (see task diagram) • Spell checked and appropriately formatted • Evaluation of leaflet using the set evaluation criteria
To letter must include the following: • Logo created previously • Name of the event being promoted • An appropriate image on front cover • Dates and venue of the event • Promotional information • Map on the back of the leaflet • etc Task diagram: Leaflet task