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Tonight. Introductions of Advisory Group and StaffSRS in BCFAQ Regarding MSP ProcessQuestionsFollow Up on Kopala Report RecommendationsTHP PlansQuestions. Who is the THP?. Lukas Walther, Community CounsellorAmy Hunter, Administrative AssistantAdvisory Group; Gayle Roberts (Chair)Lorna Howe
1. Transgender Health Program Community Forum
December 12, 2006
2. Tonight Introductions of Advisory Group and Staff
FAQ Regarding MSP Process
Follow Up on Kopala Report Recommendations
THP Plans
3. Who is the THP? Lukas Walther, Community Counsellor
Amy Hunter, Administrative Assistant
Advisory Group; Gayle Roberts (Chair)
Lorna Howes, Director Vancouver Mental Health Acute and Community
Robena Sirett, Manager Transgender Health Program
Dr. Soma Ganesan, Acting Medical Director
4. Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) Dr. Bowmans Salary
Already funded by the Ministry of Health
SRS Clinic and Operating Room Time
Vancouver Coastal Health has developed a business case for consideration by the Ministry of Health for a Sex Reassignment Surgical Program
5. Questions?
6. FAQ Regarding MSP Process Please refer to handouts
Handout will be posted on THP website
7. Follow-up on Kopala Report Recommendations: Completed and Ongoing:
Create a new community-based Transgender Health Centre in Vancouver to coordinate referrals, case management, education, advocacy, outreach, evaluation, and research.
Establish a advisory committee.
Employ the principles developed by primary Health Care Reform and Harm Reduction movements to articulate the values.
8. Adopt the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA) Standards of Care (now World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). Endeavour to provide all services identified in these standards.
Require all members of the program, along with affiliated organizations, to follow the WPATH Standards of Care, along with specific clinical guidelines.
9. Develop clinical guidelines for all practitioners to ensure professional competence in the various specialty transition/crossdressing services.
Develop a resource list of professionals and agencies throughout the province who provide services to transgendered individuals and their family members. These providers of care must abide by the WPATH standards.
10. Develop a province-wide toll-free phone line, so that service users and service providers can obtain information and assistance in crisis situations or with reference to new referrals.
Encourage the adoption of a harm reduction approach to hormone prescription and maintenance.
Encourage the advisory committee to develop strategies to reach populations under represented in consultation and planning.
11. Educate primary care providers about cross-gender hormone use, and provide sample protocols and a list of endocrinologists with expertise in transgender medicine.
Provide ongoing, continuing medical education in the area of transgender medicine.
12. Create a third-party body, which could act as a complaint centre. Follow the lead that many hospitals and community clinics have adopted for the resolution of consumer complaints. Jan Fisher 604-736-2033.
Create a formal mechanism through a professional advisory committee to sustain ongoing collaboration between health planners, health practitioners, and service users.
13. Not Fully Implemented:
Make information about health resources available through a website and quarterly newsletters.
Create a working group of VCHA educators, health providers and transgendered community members to develop Transgender Health Information packages, workshop curricula, an interactive website, and education materials for youth and secondary/postsecondary institutions.
14. Assist peer support groups in their role as health care providers (e.g., subsidize crisis intervention training and other professional development for peer support leaders).
Develop a program evaluation component such that data from all clients is compiled and subsequently analyzed. Outcome measures must be articulated by the advisory group and reported to the VCHA.
15. Strategic Plan Priorities
Improve access to counselling
Education of medical and mental health professionals
Continue advocacy for adoption for WPATH Standards of Care access to SRS
Improve communication
16. Counselling Review hours available for community counselor
Develop capacity for peer support
Educate Community Crisis Counsellors
Provide counselling student practicum's
17. Education Contract conference planner for annual intensive workshops
Reactive Education Working Group
18. Youth Increase support of Youth Group
19. Sex Trade Workers Review Sex-Trade Worker Drop-In and increase support as necessary
20. Collaboration With MSP Continue collaboration on SRS Program
Continue advocacy regarding adoption of WPATH Standards of Care
21. Community Relations Address misinformation and rumours through quarterly web based and print newsletter targeting youth and adults
Update website
22. Diversity Contract education regarding cultural diversity for THP staff, for Advisory Group and Trans community
23. Housing Invite housing providers/co-ops to list on our website and Resource Guide
Assess need for Housing Working Group
24. Employment Assess need for Employment Working Group
25. Program Evaluation Develop outcome indicators and measures
26. Questions?