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Cohort A Q3: How do we get there? (C) 2006 by the Oregon Reading First Center Center on Teaching and Learning
Linking Q2: How are we doing? with Q3: How do we get there? • What is the overall effectiveness of our grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)? • How are we doing with our benchmark students? What do the data tell us? • How is the combination of current programs/strategies working for our strategic and intensive students? • So what do we do next year?
Activity # 1: What is the overall effectiveness of our grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)? Materials Needed: • Table 2 from “How Are We Doing?” section • grade-level CSI Maps • highlighter pens (green, yellow,pink) Step 1: In grade-level teams, revisit the Summary of Effectiveness data from Table 2 of the “How Are We Doing?” section. In particular, examine the total percentage of students who made adequate progress toward the spring benchmark goal in your grade level.
How effective was the grade-level winter to spring instructional support plan (CSI Map)?
What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)? Step 2: Using the criteria below to determine the appropriate color, draw a box around the perimeter of your CSI Map to indicate the overall effectiveness of the grade level system. Green top quartile in the state of Oregon Yellowmiddle quartiles in the state of Oregon Pinkbottom quartile in the state of Oregon
What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)? K-1 • Kindergarten: Green top quartile (87% or more made adequate progress) Yellow middle quartiles(57% - 86% made adequate progress) Pinkbottom quartile (56% or less made adequate progress) • Grade 1: Green top quartile (72% or more made adequate progress) Yellow middle quartiles (48% - 71% made adequate progress) Pink bottom quartile(47% or less made adequate progress)
What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)? 2-3 • Grade 2: Green top quartile (61% or more made adequate progress) Yellow middle quartiles(39% - 60% made adequate progress) Pink bottom quartile (38% or less made adequate progress) • Grade 3: Green top quartile (60% or more made adequate progress) Yellow middle quartiles(42% - 59% made adequate progress) Pink bottom quartile(41% or less made adequate progress)
What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)?
What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)? Your Turn! Complete Activity 1 using your data and grade-level CSI Map.
Activity # 2: How effective were the grade-level winter to spring instructional support plans for benchmark, strategic, and intensive students? Materials Needed: • Table 2 from “How Are We Doing?” section • grade-level CSI Maps • highlighter pens (green, yellow,pink) Step 1: Revisit the Summary of Effectiveness data from Table 2 of the “How Are We Doing?” section. What percentage of benchmark, strategic, and intensive students made adequate progress toward the spring benchmark goal?
How effective is the grade-level instructional support plan forbenchmarkstudents? Kindergarten Example Step 2: If your school is in the top quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (97% or more benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for benchmark students making adequate progress (76%-96% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (75% or less of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective were the grade-level winter to spring instructional support plans?
How effective is the grade-level instructional support plan forbenchmarkstudents? First Grade Step 2: If your school is in the top quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (100% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for benchmark students making adequate progress (90%-99% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (89% or less of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective is the grade-level instructional support plan forbenchmarkstudents? Second Grade Step 2: If your school is in the top quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (91% or more benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for benchmark students making adequate progress (78%-90% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (77% or less of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective is the grade-level instructional support plan forbenchmarkstudents? Third Grade Step 2: If your school is in the top quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (93% or more of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for benchmark students making adequate progress (80% - 92% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (79% or less of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for strategic students? Kindergarten Example Step 3: If your school is in the top quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (76% or more of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for strategic students making adequate progress (34% - 75% of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (33% or less of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective were grade level winter to spring instructional support plans (CSI Maps)?
How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for strategic students? First Grade Step 3: If your school is in the top quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (51% or more of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for strategic students making adequate progress (21% to 50% of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (20% or less of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for strategic students? Second Grade Step 3: If your school is in the top quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (27% or more strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for strategic students making adequate progress (5% - 26% of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (4% or less of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for strategic students? Third Grade Step 3: If your school is in the top quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (29% or more of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for strategic students making adequate progress (9% to 28% strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (8% or less of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for intensive students? Kindergarten Example Step 4: If your school is in the top quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (89% or more of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for intensive students making adequate progress (52% - 88% of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (51% or less of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective were the grade-level winter to spring instructional support plans (CSI Maps)?
How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for intensive students? First Grade Step 4: If your school is in the top quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (51% or more intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for intensive students making adequate progress (21% - 50% of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (20% or less of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for intensive students? Second Grade Step 4: If your school is in the top quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (18% or more intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for intensive students making adequate progress (2% to 17% of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (1% or less of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for intensive students? Third Grade Step 4: If your school is in the top quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (34% or more of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in green. If your school is in the middle quartiles for intensive students making adequate progress (14%-33% of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow. If your school is in the bottom quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (13% or less of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.
How effective are your grade-level instructional support plans for benchmark, strategic, and intensive students?
How effective are your grade-level instructional support plans for benchmark, strategic, and intensivestudents?Kindergarten Example Step 5: For each instructional recommendation, document student progress: For Example: Benchmark 38 established on PSF 3 emerging on PSF 0 deficit on PSF
How effective are the grade level winter to spring instructional support plans? Your Turn! Complete Activity 2 using your data and grade-level CSI Map.
PET Action Planning Tool • A tool designed to help schools achieve an effective schoolwide beginning reading model. The tool will assist school personnel in identifying relevant goals within the schoolwide model and pinpointing actions necessary to achieve those goals.
Planning and Evaluation Tool (PET) for Effective Schoolwide Reading Programs • Goals, Objectives, Priorities • Assessment • Instructional Programs and Materials • Instructional Time • Differentiated Instruction, Grouping, Scheduling • Administration, Organization, Communication • Professional Development
Element I:Goals, Objectives, Priorities • are clearly defined and quantifiable at each grade level • are articulated across grade levels • are prioritized and dedicated to the essential elements in reading • guide instructional and curricular decisions • are commonly understood and consistently used by teachers and administrators within and between grades to evaluate and communicate student learning and improve practice.
Goal Actions PET Element
PET Action Planning Tool School Action Plan (Goals, Objectives, Priorities)
PET Action Planning Tool • Complete elements II - VII • Elements II and VII will be completed as a school team. Elements III, IV, and V will be completed in grade level teams*. Element VI will be completed by the principal and district team. • Discuss goals listed under each element • A school may check off a goal as being complete ONLY IF all actions to the right of the goal are already in place or have been completed. • Goals that that are not currently completed (and the relevant actions) will become part of your school’s action plan for 2006-2007. * Grade level teams will complete these sections of the tool 3 times - once for intensive, strategic and benchmark instructional support plans.
Element II: Assessment • Please complete as a school team.