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Track Visitor Permits: The New Process January 2007 Onwards

Slide 2. Track Visitor Permits Current Issues. NR/SP/OHS/020 introduced in 2003Concept accepted? but application has been inconsistentAnecdotal evidence re abuse of individuals issued with TVP's instead of PTS training. Slide 3. Track Visitor Permits: Current Issues Cont?. No central / national

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Track Visitor Permits: The New Process January 2007 Onwards

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Track Visitor Permits: The New Process January 2007 Onwards

    2. Slide 2 Track Visitor Permits Current Issues NR/SP/OHS/020 introduced in 2003 Concept accepted� but application has been inconsistent Anecdotal evidence re abuse of individuals issued with TVP�s instead of PTS training

    3. Slide 3 Track Visitor Permits: Current Issues Cont� No central / national issuing point for TVP�s Confusion as to who actually issues TVP�s Slow process to obtain a TVP Some individuals are PTS qualified when really a TVP would have been sufficient

    4. Slide 4 Track Visitor Permits: The Way Forward New national / centralised process via NCCA Sentinel: 29/01/07 All local arrangements cease: 29/01/07 All applications will be on-line via: www.ncca-sentinel.co.uk Contractor Agency log in via current Sponsor User name and Password Network Rail log in via unique User Name and Password (to be confirmed) Applications can be made for others (e.g. Directors)

    5. Slide 5 Track Visitor Permits: The Way Forward Cont� Site details completed at application stage Multiple site TVP�s available (max of 4 per TVP) Valid for a maximum of 24 hours Medical self-assessment � full PTS medical not needed unless there is an identified medical fitness issue highlighted No D&A test required � self declaration

    6. Slide 6 Track Visitor Permits: The Way Forward Cont� Issued within minutes of successful application Safety aide memoir will be issued with each TVP TNC pending change to be raised against NR/SP/OHS/020 FAQ�s briefing sheet available TVP�s not to be used for Red Zone working = PTS Appropriate PPE still required for track visits TVP Guidance - 12 times during a 12 month period Verifiable on site 24x7 by COSS�s and Site Access Controllers: 0870 162 7979 NO TVP? = No track visit!

    7. Slide 7

    8. Slide 8

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