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The Process of Desegregation in the Education in Bulgaria. Iossif Nounev, Ph.D. State Expert at the Ministry of Education and Science. I. The educational situation with the Roma children at the present moment in Bulgaria.
The Process of Desegregation in the Education in Bulgaria Iossif Nounev, Ph.D. State Expert at the Ministry of Education and Science
I. The educational situation with the Roma children at the present moment in Bulgaria The laws in the Republic of Bulgaria, including the Public Education Act (PEA), ensure equal access for all children to education regardless of ethnic identity, religion or sex. In the segregated Roma neighbourhoods throughout the country 65 schools at different levels and 24 kindergartens are currently functioning, in which Roma children from these neighbourhoods are educated. During the 2004/2005 school year, the system of public education encompassed a total 970,000 pupils from the first preparatory class to 12th grade. The total percentage of Roma children encompassed in school at the said age is around 10%, which means about 100,000 children.
During the 2004/2005 school year a total 30,421 children and pupils of Roma origin are taught in kindergartens and schools. Of these, 2,464 are children in 24 kindergartens, and the remaining 27,957 are pupils in 65 schools at different levels. Some 45,000 Roma children are attending ethnically mixed schools in the rural regions, in which there are single schools. The remaining 25,000 to 30,000 Roma children attend ethnically mixed schools in the larger settlements and descend from families that are well integrated in Bulgarian society. They are not in need of special integrating measures.
II. Political and administrative steps of the Bulgarian state for solving the problem of segregation in the education of Roma children The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) has taken the following measures: 1. The MES has developed and adopted a long-term strategy and action plan for the gradual and complete elimination of segregated schools in the Roma neighbourhoods. 2. The compulsory division into districts for children at enrolment in school was eliminated. 3. It was introduced compulsory one-year preparatory pre-school training at kindergartens or schools for all children before enrolling in first grade.
4. Early vocational training was eliminated and Roma children, just like all the rest, are taught according to uniform general education programmes. 5. In the segregated schools teachers without the necessary educational qualifications were removed. 6. The kindergartens and schools with a segregation problem and subject to desegregation were identified. 7. Receiving schools outside the Roma neighbourhoods in which Roma children are gradually being placed were identified. 8. The MES developed and presented to the municipalities recommended models for the desegregation of separate schools for Roma children in the Roma neighbourhoods .
9. The municipalities were obliged to develop their own plans for the gradual taking out of Roma children from the position of segregation and situating them in mixed schools outside the Roma neighbourhoods. 10. The full actual closing of segregated schools with Roma children was launched. First in this respect was the regional centre Pleven. 11. The regional education inspectorates selected their own experts to directly deal with the integration of the Roma children. 12. The MES and REI directly consult the mayors and representatives of the municipal authorities that lag behind in the implementation of state policy and for observance of the Protection against Discrimination Act [Article 29 (1)].
13. The specially trained so-called “assistant teacher” from the Roma community, who aids the easier adaptation of the Roma children in the mixed school, was introduced in the education system. 14. All children in preparatory classes at kindergartens or schools through to fourth grade receive free textbooks and free meals at school. 15. At the end of 2003, the National Assembly adopted the Protection against Discrimination Act. 16. The universities, which train teachers, introduced in their training programmes at the level of Bachelor and Master courses on intercultural education with a focus on the adaptation of the Roma children in a mixed school environment. At the Veliko Turnovo University, the speciality “Primary Pedagogic with the Roma Language”, for training teachers in their Roma mother tongue, has been functioning for the third year now.
17. With decree No. 4/11.01.2005 of the Council of Ministers, with the MES was created a Centre for Educational Integration of Children and Pupils from Ethic Minorities, whose main aim is to accumulate funds from foreign and Bulgarian donors and with money from the state budget to assist the municipalities and non-profit organisations in the desegregation of Roma education. Unfortunately, the adoption was delayed of the decree for its organisational rules, which the MES developed and presented to the Council of Ministers. It is expected to be adopted by the end of May 2006 and for the Centre to start functioning in June. For its work until the end of the current financial year the MES has allocated 500,000 leva from its budget.
III. Results of the implementation of the Strategy for Educational Integration of Children and Pupils from Ethic Minorities 1. A process of desegregation of schools for Roma children in Vidin, Stara Zagora, Montana, Pleven, Sofia, Plovdiv, Sliven, Haskovo and other towns across the country is functioning at this moment . More than 3,500 children of Roma origin were actually taken out of segregated schools and placed together with their Bulgarian peers to study in mixed schools. 2. Atotal 106 assistant teachers aid the educational integration of the Roma children in general education schools. 3. Over 2,000 teachers have undergone various forms of training for work with Roma children for their adaptation in an ethnically mixed environment.
4. A deputy minister (Ms Mukaddes Nalbant) has been appointed in the MES to deal especially with the educational integration of children and pupils from ethnic minorities, including the process of desegregation. 5. There is a specialised directorate in the MES whose employees work on the integration of children and pupils from ethnic minorities.
Already in 2003 the MES created with its minister the so-called Consultative Council on Education of Children and Pupils from Ethnic Minorities. The main task of this Council is to develop and propose to the Minister of Education and Science drafts for documents and decisions in the area of educational integration of children and pupils from ethic minorities with a focus on the Roma. The partnership with the civic organisations in the Consultative Council is one of the most successful practices of the MES in the direction of providing an opportunity to these organisations to take part in the planning and taking of decisions which concern the whole of society. IV. Partnership of the Ministry of Education with non-governmental organisations.