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The Education System in Bulgaria

Explore the levels of education in Bulgaria, from preschool to higher education. Learn about the single structure education system, upper secondary schools, and tertiary education. Discover the European and international dimension in education.

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The Education System in Bulgaria

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  1. The Education Systemin Bulgaria 2006-2007

  2. General Organisation of the Education System • Pre-primary Education • Single Structure Education • Upper Secondary and post-Secondary non- Tertiary Education • Tertiary Education • Continuing Education and Training for Young School Leavers and Adults

  3. Teachers and Education Staff Evaluation of Educational Institutions and the Education System Special Educational Support The European and International Dimension in Education

  4. General Organisation of the Education System The structure of the educational system in the Republic of Bulgaria is composed of the following levels: preschool education, school education (basic and upper secondary) and higher education.

  5. Preschool education comprises children from 3 to 6/7 years of age. Kindergarten attendance is not compulsory. The main goal of preschool education in Bulgaria is to provide an opportunity for each child to develop to a full extent his/her potential and to prepare for school education by being introduced to the respective material environment, by receiving guidance on fundamental human values and forming habits and skills for adapting to studying and to attending school.

  6. Kindergartens are preparatory institutions in the public education system, where children from the age of three up to their enrolment in first grade in primary school are brought up, trained and educated. The upbringing and the education of the children is organized and carried out in accordance with the state education requirement for preschool education and preparation and prepares children to start school.

  7. Single structure education in Bulgaria iscalled basic education. It consists oftwo stages: primary – from grade 1 to grade 4 including, and lower secondary – from grade 5 to grade8 including.

  8. The pupils in grades 5 to 8 are educated in lower secondary schools - teaching grades 5th to 8th After the successful completion of grade 8, pupils receive a basic education certificate, which gives them the right to continue their education, or take up vocational training or exercise professions requiring completed basic education.

  9. Upper secondary education may be divided into upper secondary general with non-specialized, specialized and vocational schools. Upper secondary general education is provided at non-specialized schools (3 or 4 years of study) and at profilirani (specialized) schools (4 or 5 years of study).

  10. Pupils may enter (specialized) schools and profesionalni gimnazii (vocational upper secondary schools) on completing the 7th or the 8th grade and taking entrance examinations, which correspond to the specialization of the respective school (Bulgarian language and Literature, Mathematics, Humanities, etc.) or be admitted on the basis of submitted documents according to the requirements.

  11. According to the degree given, school education is divided into basic (awarded after the completion of the basic level of education) and secondary (awarded after completion of the upper secondary level of education). According to the education content it is general and vocational. On the basis of this principle schools are divided into general and vocational.

  12. General education provides acquisition of the general education minimum and, where possible,specialized training, according to the state education requirements. Basic education is carried out at two stages: primary – 1st to 4th grade including; and lower secondary stage – 5th to 8th grade including. Upper secondary education encompasses grades 9th to 13th at the general and vocational schools.

  13. Colleges are included in the system of higher education and allow the acquisition of non-university (undergraduate) education. College graduates acquire the qualification and educational degree of “Specialist in ...”, which allows them to practice the profession acquired. They may continue their education at a higher institution on the basis of the qualifications acquired at secondary schools.

  14. The university type of higher education is provided at the universities and the specialized higher schools – academies, institutes. It includes the followings stages: • First stage – a course of study of at least 4 years, leading to a Bachelor’s degree upon graduation; • Second stage – a course of study of at least 5 years, or 1 year following a Bachelor’s degree, leading a Master’s degree upon graduation; • Third stage – a three-year course of study upon obtaining a master’s degree, leading to a Doctor’s degree. The system of higher education includes universities, academies, institutes and colleges, which may be state or private.

  15. Non-school establishments perform various functions but have a common objective, i.e. to assist in implementing the national educational policy and the educational process by providing conditions for and resolving substantial issues as to educational activities.

  16. Non- school institutions are grouped as follows: • Research and informational: Information Centres, Centres for Educational Services, etc.; • Non-school pedagogical establishments: hostels, boarding houses, libraries etc.; • For the management of international programs: the Human Resources Development Centre, the Centre for Providing Software Resources on the Financial Management of Secondary Education, etc.; • For recreation and sport: Central Sports Schools, camps, qualification and recreation centers; • Socially oriented: homes for upbringing and educating children deprived of parental care; • For day-to-day management and provision of financial resources for the public education system.

  17. According to the way of funding, schools are state, municipal and private. State schools, which are funded by the national budget, are: • Schools where only pupils with special educational needs are educated, i.e. children with hearing, visual and mental disabilities, chronic diseases, physical injuries; • Bulgarian schools abroad; • Schools where detainees are educated. Municipal schools are of local importance and are funded by the municipal budget. Pupils from other municipalities are also entitled to study in such schools. Private schools are not funded by the state or municipal budget and pupils pay fees for their education.

  18. Compulsory Education School education in the Republic of Bulgaria is compulsory by the age of 16. It begins at the age of seven, when children are enrolled as first-grade pupils. Children at the age of six can also be enrolled as first-grade pupils, if their physical and mental development, according to their parents’ judgment, allows it.

  19. Pupils may complete their compulsory education choosing themselves the school and type of education, according to their personal preferences and capacities. The forms of instruction are: daytime, evening part-time, individual, independent, correspondence and distance.

  20. Pupils are not allowed to be absent from school without valid reasons. The absence of a pupil from classes for a valid reason has to be verified by a sickness certificate, certificate issued from a sports club he/she is a member of, or a letter of notification written by the parent or the guardian.

  21. Penalties If pupils fail to perform their obligations, established by the Regulations on the Implementation of the Public Education Act and the school activities regulations, they are penalized by: • reprimand; • warning for transfer to another school; • transfer to another school until the end of the school year; • moving from daytime to independent form of instruction – for pupils aged 16 and above.

  22. The managing body of a school is its head teacher. The head teacher is assisted by a deputy head in organizing and monitoring the educational, administrative and educational-manufacturing activities of the school in accordance with the legislation in force in the public education system and the respective job description. The position of a “head” of school is taken on the basis of competition.

  23. All classes in Bulgarian schools are managed by class teachers. Class teachers plan the class activity and the relationship with the parents of the pupils entrusted to their care and the social environment; they carry out extracurricular activities. Class teachers provide children’s regular attendance at school. They take care of maintaining a favorable psychological climate and respectful relationships among pupils in their class, assist in solving class problems.

  24. Financial Support In the Republic of Bulgaria, education is free of charge according to the Constitution of the country. The principles of accessibility to education, of equality in education, for the free-of-charge education in the state and municipal schools are specified by the school legislation

  25. The duration of a school year is 31 school weeks for 1st grade, 32 school weeks for 2nd – 4th grade, and 34 school weeks for 5th – 8th grade. School weeks are divided in two school terms. The duration of the first school term is 18 school weeks. The school year begins on 15 September and finishes on 24 May for 1st grade, on 30 May for grades 2nd – 4th grade, and on 15 June for 5th – 8th grade. A school week lasts 5 days. Exceptions are permitted only if they envisaged in the curriculum.

  26. The number of compulsory school hours per week may not exceed: • 22 school hours for grades 1 and 2; • 25 school hours for grades 3 and 4; • 30 school hours for grades 5 to 8; • 22 school hours in the evening form of instruction. The duration of a school hour is 35 minutes for the 1st and the 2nd grades, 40 minutes for the 3rd and the 4th grade and 45 minutes for grades 5 - 8. The breaks between school hours last between 10 to 30 minutes.When instruction is organized in two shifts, the duration of the school hour in grades 5 to 8 may be 40 minutes with permission from the head of the Regional Inspectorate of Education.

  27. Teaching Methods and Materials The modernization of the educational process aims at achieving the State Educational requirements. The priorities in teachers’ and pupils’ activities are changing – from reproduction and instruction towards creativity and research. Emphasis is laid on the active role of the pupil and the provision of opportunities for free expression and development of reflecting behaviour.

  28. Secondary education is acquired on completion of the 12th (13th) grade and successfully taking state matriculation exams. It is certified with a diploma of completed secondary education, which is final and entitles the holder to continue his/her education or vocational training.

  29. Teachers and Education Staff The initial training and qualification training of teachers is carried out in the framework of higher education. Teacher training is carried out within the system of higher education – at universities and specialized higher education institutions. Teacher’s qualification is acquired through the relevant bachelor or master university programmes. Several Bulgarian higher education institutions offer four-year bachelor and five-year master programmes.

  30. Thank you for your attention!

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