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The Federal Science Repository Service Wayne Strickland, NTIS January 22, 2012

National Technical Information Service. The Federal Science Repository Service Wayne Strickland, NTIS January 22, 2012. National Technical Information Service. Outline The Federal Science Repository Service Overview of Implementations The National Technical Reports Library

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The Federal Science Repository Service Wayne Strickland, NTIS January 22, 2012

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  1. National Technical Information Service The Federal Science Repository Service Wayne Strickland, NTIS January 22, 2012

  2. National Technical Information Service • Outline • The Federal Science Repository Service • Overview of Implementations • The National Technical Reports Library • The NOAA/Deepwater Horizon Repository • Main Features of the FSRS • Technical Infrastructure • Architecture • Details and Object Model • Core Metadata • The Development Process • Tour • The FSRS Roadmap • Benefits

  3. National Technical Information Service • NTIS Mission • To promote progress, economic growth, and science and information by serving as the Federal Government’s central means of making scientific, technical, engineering and business information perpetually and widely available. • “Maintain a permanent archival repository and clearinghouse for the collection and dissemination of nonclassified scientific, technical, and engineering information.” 15 USC 3710(d)(6) • Collect, integrate and catalog scientific and technical information (STEI) from a variety of sources, foreign and domestic; and, disseminate this information to the public. • Provide information management services to other federal agencies that help them interact with and better serve the information needs of their own constituencies.

  4. National Technical Information Service Federal Science Repository Service (FSRS) • NTIS Joint Venture (JV) with Information International Associates (IIa) • Help multiple agencies develop repositories that: • Are durable against technology changes, yet flexible • Are based on standards • Promote interoperability • Promote further use of an agency’s content • Can be tailored to an agency’s needs • Support open government initiatives • Support preservation and long-term access • For more information: http://www.ntis.gov/services/fsrs.aspx

  5. National Technical Information Service • Developed by NTIS and IIa under contract: • NTRL Repository Version 1 (April 2009) • Currently serves 2.5 million records • Focus on federally funded technical reports • 65 subscribers (academic, government, corporate, and international) • Rich metadata • Full text access to 630,000 docs and growing • Version 2 Beta (R2) using Fedora delivered April 2011 and tested • Production Version 3 (R3) using FSRS and implementing interface refinements and update processing due 1st Quarter 2012. The National Technical Reports Library

  6. National Technical Information Service • Developed by NTIS and IIaJoint Venture: • Phase 1 to be completed end of October, release 4th • Quarter, 2011 • Focus on NOAA’s Deepwater Horizon and other content from 2 specific NOAA programs • 1000+ various resources (pdfs, images, video, audio) • Rich metadata • Storage of full text and media for ~ 60% of the resources; rest are outside links • All resources available to the public • Phase 2 – late spring 2012 • Multiple NOAA programs and potentially other agencies • Estimate 10,000+ resources • Community-based access control (internal-only, agency-level, and public) The NOAA Deepwater Horizon Repository

  7. National Technical Information Service Main Features • Underlying infrastructure of Fedora, Solr, and PHP • Distributed-model architecture • Different schemas mapped to FSRS Core Metadata • Robust interface with advanced search, faceting, and full-text and media display • Storage and preservation of objects/datastreams • Fedora is based on the OAIS Reference Model • Retain original and conversions of both metadata and objects as managed data streams • Links to content outside the repository • Supports a variety of security and access control methods

  8. Federal Science Repository Service Defined Agency tasks Fedora 3.4.2/SOLR framework: UI Components Ingest and Retrieve: By collection or by object REST Web Services Access Control: Can be bolted on or embedded NTIS hosted Agency-hosted repository NTRL repository Agency repository Administration Administration

  9. Current Stacked Architecture of the FSRS Search Browse UI layer Firewall Application layer FSRS or Agency WebServer Access Control Fedora SOLR Data and storage layer Data Center 1 Objects/XML Data Center 2 Objects/XML

  10. National Technical Information Service

  11. National Technical Information Service FSRS Technical Details • PHP interface interacts with the Fedora server via the REST API • Object manipulation via command line or Fedora Web Admin PHP • “Core” metadata schema mapped to the MODS standard allows metadata extensions • Solr 3.3 search enginewith a custom schema adjusted for each repository • Saxon XSLT and Fedora Content Model Architecture are utilized to create Dissemination Information Packages (DIPs)

  12. Object Model for Technical Reports

  13. Object Model for Images Object Model for Images

  14. Object Model for Video Object Model for Video

  15. Diverse resources across programs! Related Resources can be linked.

  16. National Technical Information Service The “Core” Metadata and Other Schemas “Core” set defined to support interoperability both within and across repositories. Schema was based on research of standards for diverse media types: documents, images, video, …. Mapped to multiple standards (MODs, MARC, DC, and technical standards). Makes recommendations for fields that should be populated, especially for scientific and media-related information. The Core will support connection to Data.gov, Science.gov, and others. Along with the Core, an agency’s original metadata schema can also be stored for display or later use.

  17. National Technical Information Service The Development Process • Review available functionality, identify requirements and new development, and phases/roadmap • Analyze content and user needs • Develop data/object model • Analyze/develop metadata • Make decisions about front end, search, etc. • Support scrubbing of legacy content • Convert data • Custom interface design • Integrate with other components • Load, index, test • Cycle back with changes • Release

  18. National Technical Information Service Flexibility • Utilizing Fedora’s modular architecture to implement: • Different object/data models for different agencies • Flexible metadata relationships and extensions • Various front ends depending on agency requirements • Various security requirements depending on agency requirements

  19. National Technical Information Service • NTRL Version 1 (April 2009) • Currently serves 2.5 million records • Focus on federally funded technical reports • 65 subscribers (academic, government, corporate, international) • Rich metadata mapped to Core • Full text access to 630,000+ docs • Version 2 beta using Fedora delivered April 2011 • Production release (R3) using FSRS infrastructure due 1st Quarter 2012 • Increased functionality, • Cleaner user interface The National Technical Reports Library

  20. National Technical Information Service • Production release (R3) using FSRS infrastructure due 1st Quarter 2012 • Increased functionality • Cleaner user interface The National Technical Reports Library

  21. National Technical Information Service Screenshots of NTRL R3 Result List, showing facets, save selection…

  22. National Technical Information Service • Different audience and purpose, increased diversity of resources • Different metadata (MARC mapped to Core FSRS fields) • Different search fields and filters • Different fields shown in results • Storage of full text and media for ~ 60% of the resources; rest are outside links. Original MARC XML also available. • Phase 1 – prototype end of October; release Q4 2011 • Phase 2 – late spring 2012 • Additional media formats • Additional features The NOAA Deepwater Horizon Repository

  23. National Technical Information Service • Phase 1 – release Q4 2011 • Different audience and purpose, increased diversity of resources • Different metadata (MARC mapped to Core FSRS fields) • Different search fields and filters • Different fields shown in results The NOAA Deepwater Horizon Repository

  24. National Technical Information Service Additional FSRS Services • Project management support • Understanding of federal security and information management requirements • Hosting services • Long-term preservation • Other services on an as-needed basis include: cataloging, indexing, taxonomy development, legacy digitization, clearinghouse services, usability testing, web development • = MULTI-FUNCTIONAL SERVICE

  25. National Technical Information Service FSRS Roadmap – Based on Partner Needs • Community-based access control (from internal only to open public access), with Fedora Security Layer • Geospatial search and map-based visualization of results • Improved dissemination, including RSS feeds and OAI-PMH • Additional content types and formats (datasets, Excel, native Word) • Designating and linking related resources and collections with more complex object models • Java Messaging Service and GSearch for easy deployment of updates to Solr • Direct agency administrative capabilities, such as record editing and deletion • Preservation and archiving, development of Preservation Plan, Persistent ID scheme, process with NARA for archiving as records, etc.

  26. National Technical Information Service Don Hagen Associate Director of National Technical Information Service dhagen@ntis.gov 703-605-6142 Gail Hodge Wayne Strickland Advanced Informatics Group Leader Program & Product Mgmt. Div. Information International Assoc. (IIa) National Technical Information Service ghodge@iiaweb.comwstrickland@ntis.gov 865-742-5430 703-605-6543

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