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Land Area

Explore the changing global population dynamics from ancient times to future projections through a series of maps reflecting population size, births, aging, and predictions. The maps illustrate the distribution of people worldwide over different time periods.

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Land Area

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  1. Land Area Each territory's size on the map is drawn according to its land area. www.worldmapper.org

  2. "Secure access to land remains essential for diverse land-based livelihoods and is a precondition for sustainable agriculture, economic growth and poverty reduction." Oxfam, 2006 Each territory's size on the map is drawn according to its land area. www.worldmapper.org

  3. Total Population The size of each territory shows the relative proportion of the world’s population living there. www.worldmapper.org

  4. "Out of every 100 persons added to the population in the coming decade, 97 will live in developing countries." Hania Zlotnik, 2005 The size of each territory shows the relative proportion of the world’s population living there. www.worldmapper.org

  5. Total Births This map shows the proportion of the world’s total births for each territory. www.worldmapper.org

  6. "The birth of a baby is an occasion for weaving hopeful dreams about the future." Aung San Suu Kyi, 1997 This map shows the proportion of the world’s total births for each territory. www.worldmapper.org

  7. Births Attended This map shows the worldwide distribution of all attended births. www.worldmapper.org

  8. "...how many of us realize that, in much of the world, the act of giving life to a child is still the biggest killer of women of child-bearing age?" Liya Kibede, 2005 This map shows the worldwide distribution of all attended births. www.worldmapper.org

  9. Total Children This map shows the distribution of children between territories www.worldmapper.org

  10. "... most of us never really grow up or mature all that much -- we simply grow taller." Leo Calvin Rosten, undated This map shows the distribution of children between territories www.worldmapper.org

  11. Total Elderly This map shows the worldwide distribution of people over 65 years old. www.worldmapper.org

  12. "We live in an era of unprecedented, rapid and inexorable global ageing." HelpAge International, 2005 This map shows the worldwide distribution of people over 65 years old. www.worldmapper.org

  13. Population Year 1 This map shows the distribution of the world population in 1AD. www.worldmapper.org

  14. "1 AD Gregorian calendar, 3761 Hebrew calendar, Mayan calendar, 544 Buddhist calendar" Anna Barford, 2006 This map shows the distribution of the world population in 1AD www.worldmapper.org

  15. Population 1500 This map shows the distribution of the world's population in year 1500. www.worldmapper.org

  16. “The population was decimated ... Spanish colonizers treated the native population brutally and the European diseases which they brought to the country were fatal to indigenous people.” British Broadcasting Corporation, 2006 This map shows the distribution of the world's population in year 1500. www.worldmapper.org

  17. Population 1900 This map shows the distribution of the world's population in year 1900. www.worldmapper.org

  18. "It has been stated that, as men progress, they shall be able to travel in airships and reach any part of the world in a few hours." Mahatma Ghandi, 1909 This map shows the distribution of the world's population in year 1900. www.worldmapper.org

  19. Population 1960 This map shows the distribution of the world's population in year 1960. www.worldmapper.org

  20. "May the day come soon, when the people of the world will rouse themselves, and together effectively stamp out any threat to peace in whatever quarter of the world it may be found." Albert Lutuli, 1961 This map shows the distribution of the world's population in year 1960. www.worldmapper.org

  21. Population 2050 This map shows the predicted distribution for the estimated world population in 2050. www.worldmapper.org

  22. "The choices that today's generation of young people aged 15-24 years make about the size and spacing of their families will determine whether Planet Earth will have 8, 9 or 11 billion people in the year 2050." United Nations Population Fund, 2005 This map shows the predicted distribution for the estimated world population in 2050. www.worldmapper.org

  23. Population 2300 This map shows the predicted distribution for the estimated world population in 2300. www.worldmapper.org

  24. "The choices that today's generation of young people aged 15-24 years make about the size and spacing of their families will determine whether Planet Earth will have 8, 9 or 11 billion people in the year 2050." United Nations Population Fund, 2005 This map shows the predicted distribution for the estimated world population in 2300. www.worldmapper.org

  25. Refugee Destination Territory size shows the global proportion of refugees and internally displaced persons living there. www.worldmapper.org

  26. "I miss my country, the sunshine of my country, its soil, my friends, my [family], the way of life and its incredible simplicity." Habib Souaidia, 2006 Territory size shows the global proportion of refugees and internally displaced persons living there. www.worldmapper.org

  27. Refugee Origin Territory size shows the global proportion of refugees and internally displaced persons originating there. www.worldmapper.org

  28. "It is awful to leave your country … family and friends, your job - everything - all of your memories of life is there - you have to leave everything." Akram, 2005 Territory size shows the global proportion of refugees and internally displaced persons originating there. www.worldmapper.org

  29. International Immigrants The territory size shows the number of international immigrants that live there. www.worldmapper.org

  30. "I will do anything in Spain, any job at all. I don't intend to go back with empty pockets. I would look like less than an ant." Simon Fortu, 2005 The territory size shows the number of international immigrants that live there. www.worldmapper.org

  31. International Emigrants Territory size shows the number of international emigrants originating there. www.worldmapper.org

  32. "I will do anything in Spain, any job at all. I don't intend to go back with empty pockets. I would look like less than an ant." Simon Fortu, 2005 Territory size shows the number of international emigrants originating there. www.worldmapper.org

  33. Net Immigration Territory size shows the relative levels of net immigration in all territories (immigration less emigration). www.worldmapper.org

  34. "I will do anything in Spain, any job at all. I don't intend to go back with empty pockets. I would look like less than an ant." Simon Fortu, 2005 Territory size shows the relative levels of net immigration in all territories (immigration less emigration). www.worldmapper.org

  35. Net Emigration Territory size shows the relative quantity of net emigration in all territories (emigration less immigration). www.worldmapper.org

  36. "They are trying to abandon their misery and get to countries which supposedly have better living conditions" Enrique Santiago, 2005 Territory size shows the relative quantity of net emigration in all territories (emigration less immigration). www.worldmapper.org

  37. Tourist Destinations Territory size shows the proportion of world international tourist trips to that territory. www.worldmapper.org

  38. "Tourists are very fickle beasts, even the perception that a destination is risky will lead to a marked decrease in tourist traffic." Howard Rosenzweig, 2003 Territory size shows the proportion of world international tourist trips to that territory. www.worldmapper.org

  39. Tourist Origins Territory size shows the proportion of the world international tourist trips made by residents of that territory abroad. www.worldmapper.org

  40. "Sixty nine percent of EU citizens indicated that travelling across EU borders is as easy as travelling in their own country." Elitsa Vucheva, 2005 Territory size shows the proportion of the world international tourist trips made by residents of that territory abroad. www.worldmapper.org

  41. Net In-Tourism Territory size shows the number of tourists received less those leaving each year. www.worldmapper.org

  42. "For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move." Robert Louis Stevenson, 1879 Territory size shows the number of tourists received less those leaving each year. www.worldmapper.org

  43. Net Out-Tourism Territory size shows relative levels of net out-tourist visits. www.worldmapper.org

  44. "It is the British and other Northern Europeans who spend their summer vacations chasing the sun." B. Vaughan, 2002 Territory size shows relative levels of net out-tourist visits. www.worldmapper.org

  45. Tourism Receipts Territory size shows the proportion of the world's tourist dollars received. www.worldmapper.org

  46. "The people who survived the disaster here need money. If tourists do not come back soon, they will face another disaster - this time a financial one." Giovanni Romchi, 2005 Territory size shows the proportion of the world's tourist dollars received. www.worldmapper.org

  47. Tourism Expenditure Territory size shows the proportion of world international tourist spending by residents of each territory. www.worldmapper.org

  48. "Carrying cash from one developed country to another is simply not necessary anymore. Using Visa payment cards is easier and safer." Kamran Siddiqi, 2005 Territory size shows the proportion of world international tourist spending by residents of each territory. www.worldmapper.org

  49. Tourism Profit Territory size shows the relative tourist profits made, in US dollars. www.worldmapper.org

  50. "… sun and beach tourism is the motor that first drove the southern Spanish tourism industry into the fast lane, this aspect of tourism is still alive and well and living on the Costa del Sol." Visita Costa Del Sol, 2006 Territory size shows the relative tourist profits made, in US dollars. www.worldmapper.org

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