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This summary discusses Higgs decays into jets, including R-parity-violating decays and SUSY cascades through Higgs to jets. It highlights the viability of LC for sorting out odd excesses, while LHC loses certain discovery modes but can constrain parameters in heavier mass ranges. The text also touches on trilinear Higgs self-couplings, implications for Higgs mass, and the importance of precision measurements for new physics discoveries. Additionally, it covers E-166 experiment demonstrating undulator-based positron production for linear colliders.
Higgs & Precision Electroweak Group Summary Berger et al., hep-ph/0205342 (published) Higgs jets (no specific flavor), dominantly, e.g., • into pair light bottom squarks. R-parityviolating decays in to jets • light CP-odd scalars LHC “flails around”, loses normal discovery modes, sees odd excesses, SUSY cascades through Higgs to jets LC still viable to sort out! LHC loses all > 3s Rick Van Kooten, Indiana University, LC Workship, Cornell, 16 July 2003
Baur, Plehn, Rainwater: for trilinear Higgs self-coupling, compare LHC to LC Mh < 140–150 GeV, HH bbbb (bbtt) Mh < 140–150 GeV, HH WWWW Higgs mass 150 – 200 GeV, LHC with 300 fb–1 can rule out l = 0 @ 95% C.L. In this heavier mass range, extrapolating other analyses, LHC can be better at constraining l (but needs checking…) LC: l to ±20%, decent to ~150 GeV LC better lighter, LHC better heavier, complementary
Barklow:to better on Br precisions by going to higher energy and larger cross section for WW fusion? (c.f. Battaglia et al.) Kilian:see plenary talk, Sunday Little Higgs? BIG PHYSICS!! • Tailor-made for the LC!: • light Higgs doublet(s), heavy Higgs multiplets, sort it out! • absolute Br’s, total width, self-coupling • new heavy vector bosons, W’, Z’ • precision measurements, virtual effects • heavy vector-like top quark • tt pair measurements
Precision Electroweak Summary Graham Wilson
Achim Weidemann E-166 Experiment 45 collaborators E-166 is a demonstration of undulator-based polarized positron production for linear colliders • E-166 uses the 50 GeV SLAC beam in conjunction with 1 m-long, helical undulator to make polarized photons in the FFTB. • These photons are converted in a ~0.5 rad. len. thick target into polarized positrons (and electrons). • The polarization of the positrons and photons will be measured.
Polarimeter Overview 4 x 109 4 x 107 1 x 1010 e- 4 x 109 4 x 109 2 x 107 e+ 2 x 107 e+ 4 x 105 e+ 4 x 105 e+ 1 x 103
(N_n “discrepancy” and NuTeV) Preprint to appear soon
Neutrino-electron scattering experiment is another possibility