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Cali’s Transmodigraphic Clothing

Cali’s Transmodigraphic Clothing. Hard hitting eye catching cloths tagging for all clothing scenes . The Problem. People do not have CTC brand clothing. The people are stuck with how the clothing companies think their clothes should look. . Solution.

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Cali’s Transmodigraphic Clothing

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  1. Cali’s Transmodigraphic Clothing Hard hitting eye catching cloths tagging for all clothing scenes

  2. The Problem People do not have CTC brand clothing. The people are stuck with how the clothing companies think their clothes should look.

  3. Solution CTC brings the freedom of wearing our label, but any way the customer wants. If they don’t want to have a t-shirt with CTC they can wear it on a pair of jeans, or a tank top, or a kilt, we aren’t judging anyone.

  4. Market Potential market is everyone, I want to see ctc some where on every person, no matter what style of clothes they wear. With a starting investment of approximately $5,000 dollars CTC looks to bring in close to 100% return in the first 6 months, upwards of 200% by the end of the first year. The target is hitting $50,000 yearly net income by the 5th year with 25% of all profit invested back into the company for continuous and consistent improvement.

  5. Process • Have you ever been as far decided as to even want to go to do use look more like??? • CTC has. And decided get to do as far and want as if to go even when has been further than decided even if to do look more like. • CTC will start by hand printing and pressing our logo onto base shirts costing less and giving more room from profits to be invested in better equipment like presses and embroidery machines

  6. The Competitive Edge The advantage is that I will be giving the customer exactly what the want rather than making them settle for what is already available, and customers will appreciate the clothes more because it’s a lower price and more love went into it.

  7. Competitors • Start up competition will be with other local small scale clothing lines such as Instigate Clothing, and all large scale lines like Ecko. • The difference between CTC and its competitors is CTC’s ability to modify the clothing to each customers personal tastes. • “People don’t think it be like it is, but it do”-Oscar Gamble

  8. Success • A decent start up of $5,000 will provide a platform for success

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