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Marine Litter Monitoring Protocols: Importance and Implementation

Learn about monitoring marine litter on seafloors and beaches, relevant protocols, and using a master list. The coordinated efforts by OSPAR and UNEP/MAP in the MED Sea region are crucial. Guidelines and protocols ensure accurate documentation and characterization of litter sites. Proper monitoring is essential for addressing marine litter pollution effectively.

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Marine Litter Monitoring Protocols: Importance and Implementation

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  1. Marine litter – seafloor litter and beach litter, relevant protocols and masterlist –M. Le Moigne, F galganiIFREMER

  2. - Monitoring is well Organised in OSPAR region , not so well implemented in the MED Sea (2 beaches for France)- Coordination by OSPAR in OSPAR region (OSPAR database where to find data)- Recently included in UNEP/MAP action Plan for the MED SEA, - Planned for HELCOM, nationally in BSC- In The MED: Importance of NGOs (MOI-ESCDE/Greece, historical data) , and DEFISHGEAR project ( considered as a core/starting project, coordination Slovenia) Beach Litter

  3. Survey form 1 km area : MacroLitter > 50cm 1 beach 4 times / year 100 m area : All Litter collected Collection Quadrats : Microplastics Collection Identification Identification Counts of items - Mandatory Weight or Volume – non mandatory Beach Litter MSFD Protocol

  4. OSPAR Guidelines Documentation and characterisation of sites are very important as surveys should be repeated on exactly the same site. TG-ML recommended to use the Marine Litter Beach Documentation and Characterization Form of the OSPAR Marine Litter Beach Questionnaire (OSPAR Commission 2010b). Guidance on Monitoring of ML in ES, 2013

  5. OSPAR Guidelines OSPAR sampling Scheme OSPAR survey sites provides information on the magnitude of litter pollution in adjacent waters and coastal areas and can indicate spatial differences in litter pollution and Trends in the abundance of individual litter items or groups of items (i.e. fisheries related items, packaging, material class etc.) The composition of the litter recorded on the beaches provides information on how common the different litter items (plastic bags, metal tins etc.) or litter material categories (plastic, wood etc.) are. Quantitative objectives on the amount of litter should be set at the subregional level. Nevertheless, marine litter pollution is a problem for the entire OSPAR region and objectives will be required for every subregion.

  6. OSPAR Guidelines OSPAR Beach Litter Monitoring Guidelines. Each item has a unique OSPAR identification number. From L. Kerambrun - Cedre

  7. OSPAR Guidelines From L. Kerambrun - Cedre

  8. OSPAR Guidelines National coordinators are responsible for further quality assurance (training of surveyors, quality control of the data before and after it is entered into the database, the strict and consistent use of the OSPAR guideline, use of Litter Analyst for data validation and clean-up as well as to check for extreme values).

  9. Classification Comparison TSG10 : 9 classes OSPAR : 12 classes • Plastic / Polystyrène (54 items) • Rubber (4 items) • Cloth (5 items) • Paper / Cardboard (9 items) • Wood (machined) (9 items) • Metal (15 items) • Glass (3 items) • Pottery / Ceramics (3 items) • Sanitarywaste (6 items) • Medicalwaste (3 items) • Faeces (1 item) • Otherpollutants • Artificialpolymermaterials • Rubber • Paper / Cardboard • Cloth / textile • Processed / workedwood • Metal • Glass / ceramics • Other • Microparticle (Artificialpolymer) OSPAR: 121 items TSG: 184 items (21 mP) From L. Kerambrun - Cedre

  10. 2 ways to store Beach Litter Data in OSPAR area Reporting format downloadable on ICES DOME data portal http://www.ices.dk/marine-data/data-portals/Pages/DOME.aspx Direct 2 1 The SimplifiedLitter format

  11. OSPAR Beach LitterDataBase • Ospar data base managed by MCS (Marine Conservation Society) • For the first time in 2016 all OSPAR coastal states have submitted beach litter data. • http://odims.ospar.org/ • The link between the OSPAR Data Portal and the Beach Litter Monitoring Database (www.mcsuk.org/ospar) has not yet been completed so this is not available spatially ( will be addressed in the coming year). 2016 data has therefore only been uploaded to the data portal as a data file and not as a spatial layer (www.ospar.org/data).

  12. SeabedLitter • Monitoring iswellOrganised in OSPAR region ( IBTS programme, DATRAS relatedprocess , protocolenshrined in the manual, Osparcategories, OSPAR/ICES group for data storage) . Twoprotocols (Ospar and Spain / Portugal but sameunits • Starting in the MED sea, sameapproachthan OSPAR area (MEDITS programm, DATRAS relatedprocess, protocolenshrined in the manual, data storage to beorganizedthrough MEDITS or MEDPOL with the Specific issue of non european countries. - Sameprocesswithin HELCOM ( BITS cruises, etc. ) • Planned for in BSC, Data availablenationally

  13. OSPAR samplingScheme • Stations used for the assessment covering region II, III and the northern part of region IV (GOV) • and the assessment covering the Iberian coast and Golf of Cadiz (BAK) • Definition and specification of the survey: • the positions of stop and start of each trawl and its technical specification e.g. wing spread, mesh size of net, • cod end and blinders. • After each tow, fish were deposited in the fish pound before being sorted. litter items are manually picked from the hopper and cod end and classified according to the classification system in the guidance document on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas (MSFD)

  14. OSPAR samplingScheme Stations used for the assessment covering region II, III and the northern part of region IV (GOV) and the assessment covering the Iberian coast and Golf of Cadiz (BAK) • Definition and specification of the survey: • positions of stop and start of each trawl • its technical specification e.g. wing spread, mesh size of net, cod end and blinders. • After each tow, fish are deposited in the fish pound before being sorted. Litter items are manually picked from the hopper and cod end and classified according to the classification system in the guidance document on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas (MSFD) Stop trawl Start trawl

  15. Annex 15: Data sheet for collection of marine litter from the Manual for the International Bottom Trawl Surveys Weight Type Number Size

  16. OSPAR: 39 categories. MSFD classification system, adopted in 2010 the existing 2009 Cefas monitoring categories. 6 main categories of litter, each divided into sub-categories

  17. Data is collected annually by the ICES data centre (database linked to the • DATRAS database for fish trawl surveys), extractions can be made from ICES website. • Data 2015 (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, ND, Sp. and UK, Other to come) • - submission status of all available seafloor litter data can be found here: • https://datras.ices.dk/Data_products/Submission_Status.aspx . • - Since 2017, data can be downloaded via the ICES Data Centre: • https://datras.ices.dk/Data_products/Download/files/Trawl_Litter_OSPAR_V6_20170310.Zip • - QA/QC procedures for seabed litter should form part of the future ICESWG ML • - Changes related to data generation and management should be taken • forward by ICES. • - Changes in relation to the assessment and technical content will fall under • the responsibility of the OSPAR ICGML and should be signed off • by the OSPAR EIHA committee.

  18. A B Map of smoothed total counts (A) and smoothed plastics counts (B) in OSPAR region II, III and the northern part of region IV (portugal and Spain excluded)

  19. 2 ways to store seabedLitter data in ICES Database DATRAS trawl litter data The SimplifiedLitter format

  20. 2.2) MEDITS sampling Scheme (GCFM areas) • Definition and specification of the survey: • the positions of stop and start of each trawl and its technical specification e.g. wing spread, mesh size of net, • cod end and blinders. • After each tow, fish were deposited in the fish pound before being sorted. litter items are manually picked from the hopper and cod end and classified according to the classification system in the guidance document on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas (MSFD) http://www.sibm.it/SITO%20MEDITS/principaleprogramme.htm

  21. MEDITS: 37 categories/ subcategories. MSFD classification system, adapted by Medits group from IFREMER/ and MSFD protocol . 9 main categories of litter, each divided into sub-categories

  22. - Data is collected annually nationally • MEDITS is collecting data in 2017 from parties, to prepare a report : • No data management system(MEDPOL or MEDITS or EMODNET?) • - QA/QC procedures for seabed litter should form part of the future • MEDPOL process. • - Changes related to data generation and management should be taken • forward by MEDITS coordinator. • - Changes in relation to the assessment and technical content will fall under • the responsibility of the parties.

  23. Started in 1994 ( France) 2017: Data available from Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Malta. (Montenegro and Albania through defishgear?)

  24. MEDITS Transmission Format

  25. MEDITS Transmission Format

  26. MEDITS Transmission Format Not valid if not link with Data on the haul Do we keep all this fields to fill EMODnet database?

  27. List TSG-ML vs IBTS&MEDITS lists From L. Kerambrun - Cedre

  28. Organisation of the MSFD categories for ML Master list beach seabed Floating Ingested --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -----------------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Plastic >124 Rubber >134 Textiles >145 Paper/ Cardboard >158 Man made wood >172 Metal >199 Glass >210 Other >213

  29. Varioussystems/ Compatibilities 1) UNEP list (first launched) 2) OSPAR list (first in use for beach litter) 3) MSFD list (support to harmonisation, built to be compatible) Compatibilities Beach litter: MSFD/OSPAR/ UNEP ( Cps in the Med, Baltic or BSC) Sea floor: between RSCs ( France and Spain, Denmark and germany, Ingested and floating: MSFD protocols only

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