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Detailed strategic plan for promoting sustainable human settlements, improving housing delivery, and enhancing community participation in Western Cape. Budget allocations and program priorities outlined for efficient municipal development.
Department of Local Government and Housing Western Cape Strategic Plan Presentation to Parliament 12th April 2005
VISION • Integrated and sustainable human settlements within developmental and well-governed municipalities
MISSION • To be effective agents of change in capacitating municipalities to deliver services and ensuring integrated and sustainable development • To promote, facilitate and develop participative and integrated sustainable human settlements • To facilitate delivery through sound administration and the engagement of all spheres of government and social partners
Amalgamated department as from 1 April 2005 • Build strong management team ready to deliver • Improve synergies, efficiencies and delivery • Allow for integrated and sustainable housing delivery through focused effort
Challenges • Housing backlog 320,000 Units • In migration Estimated at 48,0000 people per annum (PSDF) • Delivery Capacity Approx. 18,000 Units Per annum (Budget Based) • Required Delivery Capacity 30,000 Units Per annum * 10years – 2014 • Budget • 2005/06 475 m • 2006/07 552.5m • 2007/08 671.4m
OVERVIEWStrategic Priorities and Programmes Capacitating the department and municipalities to deliver - Integrated sustainable human settlements - To manage and plan housing and municipal basic services infrastructure projects effectively - Capacity assessment at municipal and departmental level
OVERVIEWStrategic Priorities and Programmes Promoting socially, economically and spatially integrated sustainable human settlements - Research innovative design of housing typologies - Policy development - Disaster relief support - Incorporate integrated and sustainable planning in municipal IDP’s
OVERVIEWStrategic Priorities and Programmes Accelerated housing delivery through - Improving support to municipalities - Gearing up private sector funding - Reviewing funding allocation for the province - Encouraging municipalities to access Separate Operating Account and bridging finance - Improving the monitoring of projects for good quality housing and project performance
OVERVIEWStrategic Priorities and Programmes Strategic and coordinated research - Revise provincial multi year settlement plan - Develop knowledge management system - Research migration and urbanization trends to improve allocations and delivery
OVERVIEWStrategic Priorities and Programmes Enhance social capital formation and facilitate active community participation - Enhance technical support to Peoples Housing Process - Promote Social Housing - Promote community participation in IDP and housing projects
OVERVIEWStrategic Priorities and Programmes Facilitating excellent Intergovernmental relations and communication - Presidential nodes as pilots - Development and support of new Intergovernmental structures - Co-coordinating actions of 3 spheres in respect of the N2 Gateway project
Inter Governmental Relationspilot project (N2) National Department of Housing Facilitating enabling legislation and linkages to Public Works, Land Affairs, DPLG, Treasury, Social Development, Poverty Alleviation, & others Provincial Department of Housing Facilitating linkages to Housing, Transport, Safety & Security, Environment and Planning City of Cape Town Project development and implementation integrated across all departments Other Stakeholders
Breaking New Ground Business Plan • Collapsing subsidy bands and extended subsidy programme • Farm worker housing • Provision of social amenities • Housing Subsidy System clean up • Accreditation of municipalities • Capacity building • Municipal housing plan • Poor quality housing • Upgrading of informal Settlements • Identification of suitable and well located land for housing
Collapsing subsidy bands and extended subsidy programme • Disseminate information to all stakeholders • Promote savings to beneficiaries earning between R1500,00 to R3 500,00 • Roll out consumer education programme • Set guidelines for implementation
Farm worker Housing • Policy gazetted on farm worker housing • Conduct workshops with stakeholders, especially farmers and municipalities • Launch farm worker pilot project • Synchronize policy with land affairs
Provision of social amenities • Develop implementation guidelines • Identify three pilots: new project, existing settlement and UISP • Invite business plans • Implement pilots
HSS Clean Up • Align HSS with Basic Accounting System • Reconcile and close all projects older than 5yrs • Capture all payments data and track and capture project progress information • Create progress information for historic projects
Accreditation of municipalities • Develop provincial Framework on Accreditation of municipalities. • Hold discussions with the City of Cape Town regarding their accreditation status • Implementation of the pilot project • Rollout of Accreditation
Capacity Building • Train provincial and municipal housing officials on the human settlements approach • Role out Consumer Education Programme • Implement emerging contractor capacity building programme • Implement Provincial Youth Services Programme • Implement the Cuban technical support programme for PHP
Municipal housing plans A: Short term • Assist municipalities to prepare three year plans with accurate cash flows • Set accurate targets for delivery and expenditure B: Long Term • Assist municipalities to improve the housing chapter of the RDP
Poor quality houses • Identify projects where quality problems exist • Assess problems projects • Recommend remedial measures to be implemented • Implementing remedial measures
Upgrading of informal settlements • Present information workshops to municipalities to introduce programme/policy for UISP • Approve business plan for pilot project • Launch pilot project (N2) for programme in Western Cape • Implement Pilot projects • 100m reserved to kick start (2004/05) • Additional funding earmarked from Annual Increases
Well located land for housing • Identify well located land for housing development in line with the Provincial Spatial Development Framework, the Provincial Housing Plan and the IDP's of municipalities • Audit all municipal land data bases • Remove obstacles in the way of releasing state land • Hold land summits with role players to align the planning and usage of identified land Engage with other state departments to expedite compliance with planning- and other pre-conditions for the utilisation of land