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Emulex 8GB HBA Product Evaluation

In this PPT we evaluate the Emulex products. We describe it using different points. We mainly describe the benefits of Emulex products than other products. It is presented by http://www.shopricom.com/46M6140

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Emulex 8GB HBA Product Evaluation

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  1. Emulexprovidesnetworkconvergencesolutionthatconnect server, storage of thenetworkwithinthe data center. Itincludesthefibrechannel host bus adapter, converged networkadapter and embeddedstorageswitches. Productssoldby OEM partnerslike Cisco, Dell, Hitachi data system, HP, IBM etc. It’sproducts are Host Bus Adapter, Network Adapter, Control drivers, iSCSIadapter, Emulex HBA product evaluation

  2. Emulexissituated Costa mesa california, itisfounded in the 1979 and nowemploysover 900 people in theworldwide. Weevaluatesomepoints of fibrechannel host bus adapterwithotherHBA’s. Weincludessomepointslikecustomeravailability, modelvarity, operationenvironmentsupport, installationsupport, multipathingsupport, HBA management and support. Introduction

  3. Our general findingthat HBA productfamilyis more rich of features and widerbreadth of supportfor server hardware, operatingsyatem and pathmanagement. Overalltheinstallationprocess HBA isverymucheasierforemulex. Thismanagement software isverymuchefficient in the use iflargeenvironment. Currentemulexproductfamilyismature, robust and wellsuitedforlargetosmallfibrechannel. Evaluation summary

  4. A commonconsiderationistheavailabilitytothecustomer. Customer can obtainthroughvarity of sales channel. Itisbundlewitheither server vendororstoragevendor. Itisalsowidelyavailable in manyretailchannel. Customer Availability

  5. Server that use that use fibre channel HBA, have a variety of bus types. These are PCI, PCI-X 1.0, PCI-X 2.0, PCI Express and Sbus. In the factor required tower and rack server the blade server often have their own special factor that requires some specialized HBA. It offer wide variety of bus type. HBA has two model 410 and 420 these work with a PCI express x4 or x8. The new emulex light pulse HBA support 4Gbps. Model variety

  6. Fiberchannel HBA are deployed in a number of operatingenvironment and a widesection of certifiedsolution are required. Itrequires drivers fortheoperatingsystem and itsupport software applicationgraphicaluser interface (GUI) and command line versions. Operating environment support

  7. Multipathingisarranged in manyfibrechannelstorageenvironment in ordertogive more thanbetween server and storage. Itallowsfailover in theeventbybalancingacrossmultiplepath. HBA is a part of comletemultipathingsolution and has a certifiedtowork in variousmultipahingsystem. Likemicrisoft MIPO iscertifiedforvarious HBA. Itrequiresadditionaltechnologyforto complete multipathingsolution. Todayitiscertifiedtowork in allmajormultipathingsolutionslikestorage and file system. Multipathing Support

  8. Emulexprovides a single packageAutopilotInstallerthatinstall HBA driver and management software. User can install in just a two minutes and itdoesnotrequiredreboots. Administrator in a largeenvironmentwithmany server emulexapproachissimpler and easier. Installation of HBA

  9. Clickingontheleftside of manu structure. Eachproduct shows severaltabfunctionwithdaily and periodicfunctions. Itallow firmware updatetoanywhere. In the visible fabricit can use that firmware. Forthe firmware update no rebootsisrequired. Event log isuaeful in managing of largeenvironment. HBA’s are performedthroughbackup, restore. Firmware BIOS and Fcode can be updatedforoneor more adapters. Thereis no reboots. No event log entries are noted. HBA management

  10. HBA performance graph Vendormakesvarious performance claims. A series of iometer test warespanningwiderenge of blocksizespeciallyforreading and writing. HP server isconnectedtotexasmemorysystemthrough 4100 fibrechannelswitch. Hereweincludethe MBPS graph.

  11. Emulex has a provencustomercare center withgreatdeal of experience. In thequaterlyfinancereport JAN 24 2008 emulexclaimedthey host more thanfivemillion servers. Theycurrentlyclaimsthat more than ten millionhours of field mean betweenfailures. Examples are Emulex 8GB HBA , Emulex LPe11002 HBA. Reliability and support

  12. 188-M Technology Drive Irvine CA 92618 Tel: (949) 788-9939 Fax: (949) 788-9940 http://www.shopricom.com To know about Emulex 8GB HBA you can visit http://www.shopricom.com/46M6140 Contact Us

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