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Explore the essential qualities of a leader, various leadership styles, tools for effective leadership, and how leaders can provide direction. Learn how to inspire, guide, and empower your team towards achieving goals.

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  1. Leadership Chapter 2

  2. Leadership • Lead: To guide on a way. To direct on a course or in a direction. To direct the operations or activity or performance. Orchestrate. • Manage: To direct, control, or handle. To administer or regulate. To make submissive.

  3. Leadership The aim of leadership should be to improve the performance of man and machine, to improve quality, to increase output and simultaneously to bring pride of workmanship to people. Put in a negative way, the aim of leadership is not merely to find and record failures of men, but to remove the causes of failure: to help people to do a better job with less effort. Dr. W. Edwards Deming

  4. Leadership • Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s tools for leadership: • Fourteen Points • Non-faulty Systems • Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle • Economic Chain Reaction • Red Bead Experiment • Management by Fact and with a Knowledge of Variation

  5. Leader innovate long range perspective asks what and why has eye on the horizon challenges status quo Manager administer short range view asks how and when has eye on bottom line accepts status quo Leadership

  6. A Leader earns respect is a coach is encouraging guides by example inspires makes work fun rewards success treats you as a valued colleague A Boss demands respect is a taskmaster is critical rules by fear commands makes work a burden punishes mistakes Leadership

  7. Leadership • Leaders need: • Personal Integrity • Do what you said you would do when you said you would do it. • Self-Respect: • Resolve personal issues that are effecting your self image. • Respect for Others: • Seeing the other person, their needs, their feelings as viable.

  8. Leadership • How do Leaders Provide Direction? • They ask the questions: • What must be done? • What could be done? • What should be done?

  9. Leadership • How do Leaders Provide Direction? • Leaders look into the GAP between what is and what should be. • They: • Stop, Look and Listen • Stop your normal routine • Look and listen for cues • Challenge assumptions • Test assumptions

  10. Four Styles of Leadership Directing Consultative Participative Delegating The Converse of Four Styles of Leadership Dominating Over-involving Over-accommodating Abdicating Leadership

  11. Leadership • Leadership Styles • Directing • Taking Responsibility and making decisions on your own. • Giving information about what to do, how to do it, and why it should be done. • Giving people recognition for following your directions.

  12. Leadership • Leadership Styles • Consultative • Involving people in your responsibilities and making decisions based on their input. • Seeking information for analyzing and solving your problems. • Giving people recognition for making contributions to problem-solving.

  13. Leadership • Leadership Styles • Participative • Supporting people with their responsibilities by helping them think through problems. • Asking questions to help others analyze and solve their problems. • Giving people recognition for seeking or accepting support.

  14. Leadership • Leadership Styles • Delegating • Giving people responsibility and letting them make decisions on their own. • Maintaining limited communication through briefings and updates. • Giving people recognition for accepting responsibilities.

  15. Leadership • Leadership Advice: • Never propose anything to another person unless you are prepared to take full responsibility for making it happen. • integrity: are you willing to do this yourself? • Control the presentation. • Be alert to distracting influences.

  16. Leadership • Leadership Advice: • Praise Loudly • Blame Softly

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