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U-First! is an Ontario Government initiative offering education on Alzheimer's care. This program equips caregivers with a shared problem-solving method and practical tools. Learn how it connects to the Developmental Services sector through an innovative training task group and facilitated sessions. Discover the outcomes, fundamental principles, and next steps to implement U-First! in your area for effective cross-sector care. Join the movement and open the dialogue with speakers Maureen O'Connell, Lisa Morasse, and Jane Scott.
Education Through Partnership One Model of Cross Sector Learning U-First! Presenters: Maureen O’ConnellPsychogeriatric Resource Consultant, Simcoe County Lisa Morasse, Public Education Coordinator, Alzheimer Society of Kawartha Lakes Jane Scott, Resource Supervisor, Reena Thornhill
U-First! • The U-First! education initiative was part of the Ontario Government’s comprehensive multi-year Alzheimer Strategy (1999-2004). It was sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. • It is currently managed by the Ontario Community Support Association. • www.u-first.ca
U-First! = Understanding - Flagging, Interaction, Reflection & Reporting, Support, Team. • The goals of U-First! are to develop a common knowledge base, a common language, common values, and a common approach to providing care for persons with Alzheimer Disease and related dementias. • U-First! provides a practical method for shared problem-solving and care planning; it also assists with the implementation of P.I.E.C.E.S. concepts. • Unique to U-First! is the innovative yet practical “job aide”, the U-First! Wheel, which serves as a tool to promote on-the-job dialogue and communication between partners in care.
Connection to DS sector • OPADD decided to investigate the relevance of U-First to DS sector • The ADD PIECES/U-First Training Task Group was established in 2004 with the intent to: review the PIECES and U-FIRST curriculum in order to adapt the training material for relevance for Developmental Services. • Feedback was given to PIECES/U-First teams to revise information in resource guides and add cases to the guides to reflect the developmental disability sector • February 22/05, Cathy Conway of Alzheimer Society of Ontario and Maureen O’Connell co-facilitated a one-day session to OPADD members
Innovations Grant • As part of the Facilities Initiative, the Innovations Grant (2005) was announced. • This was opportune timing and allowed a proposal to be generated for provincial cross-sector facilitator training • A session was held in 2006 with representatives of 8 regions.
Innovations Grant cont’d • The result was a co-facilitation team model where representatives of long term care and developmental services would deliver the 2-day U-First program (for supervisors) • These facilitator teams were responsible for delivering at least one session in their respective regions. One session was financially supported through the Innovations grant. • Some regions have been able to sustain this over time offering sessions throughout the year. • Jane and Lisa are one such team and continue on in their efforts to deliver U-First to a cross-sector audience in the Central East region.
Workshop Outcomes Promote dialogue using: • A common knowledge base, • Common language, • Approach to think through a problem.
U-First! Fundamental U-First! starts with YOU • A way of looking at a person’s circumstances and its cause’s • A way of identifying changes, needs, supports & responses • A way of sharing what works • Supports all that you do with the person • Supports the teams’, work with the person
Principles to Work and Live by; • “The Art of Possibility” • Speak possibility and recognize conversations in the downward spiral • Look for Shinning eyes • Enroll every voice in the vision • Quite the voice in our head that says “I can’t do this” • Give everyone an “A” • Remember Rule #6 Zander, R.S., Zander, B. The Art of Possibility :Transforming professionals and Personal Life. Boston, MA.HBS Press, 2000.
Feed back and the numbers • Hands on sessions • The case studies - group discussions - easy to relate to individuals at a more intimate level. • Liked networking with others from different sector • Different perspective than I work in everyday- What an opportunity • all face similar problems and sharing our experiences open up a wider range of positive solutions • Everyone is there as one big team
U-First in Action From Home to Home
Next steps • How to make this happen in your area • Find out who are the cross sector facilitators in your area? • Don’t have one ask about becoming one! • Contact your regional committee There is help out there for you. Open the Dialogue!!! Thank you, Maureen, Jane, Lisa.