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Taxation with out Representation Chapter 5-1. Chapter 5-1. Britain controls westward expansion? Prevent further conflict Kept colonists near the coast where Britain’s important markets and investments are Allows British officials to control the fur trade
Chapter 5-1 • Britain controls westward expansion? • Prevent further conflict • Kept colonists near the coast where Britain’s important markets and investments are • Allows British officials to control the fur trade • Britain kept 10,000 troops in N. America to protect their investments • How did the colonists feel?
Chapter 5-1 • British debt left them desperate for new revenue, or incoming money • King George III and Parliament began plans to tax the colonists
Chapter 5-1 • Trade Laws • 1763 George Grenville became Britain’s Prime Minister • Goal = to reduce Britain’s debtand control smuggling • Vice Admiralty court - courts with no juries • 1767 – Writs of Assistance – allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods
Chapter 5-1 • Sugar Act • 1764 - Parliament passed the Sugar Act • tax on imported molasses • Let officers seize goods with out going to court • James Otis – an attorney felt colonies shouldn’t be taxed with out consent
Chapter 5-1 • Stamp Act • 1765 – Parliament passes • tax on printed materials • All materials had to have a revenue stamp • Colonists felt it was time to act • Parliament has interfered with colonial affairs and w/ out consent • Patrick Henry - a rep in the House of Burgesses persuaded the other Burgesses to take actions
Stamp act continued • Patrick Henry accused of treason by some • “ If this be treason, make the most of it” • The Virginia Assembly passed a resolution, or formal expression of opinion that Virginia “ has the only and sole exclusive right and power to lay taxes”
Chapter 5-1 • Samuel Adams – of Boston starts The Sons of Liberty to protest the Stamp Act • 1765 protestors burn effigies, rag figures, representing unpopular tax collectors • Stamp Act Congress • 9 colonies sent representatives to New York to meet • Drafted a petition to King George III and Parliament that said the colonies could only be taxed by their own assemblies
Stamp Act Congress Continued • In colonial cities people began boycotting English and European goods • Thousands signed nonimportation agreements where they refused to import British goods • As the boycott spread British merchants lost so much money that they begged Parliament to repeal or cancel The Stamp Act
Stamp Act • 1766 the Stamp Act is repealed • Colonists’ trust in the King and Parliament would still not be restored • Declaratory Act – passed same day the Stamp Act was repealed • Stated that Parliament had the right to tax and make decisions for all British colonies “ in all cases”
Chapter 5-1 • 1767 – Townshend Acts – tax on imported goods • idea was to keep the colonists from getting upset about internal taxes (tax was paid at port of entry) • Taxed basic goods such as: glass, tea, paper, lead • All items the colonists had to import because they didn’t produce them • Colonists by this time are upset by any tax issued by Parliament • They only wanted to be taxed by their own assemblies
Chapter 5-1 • Colonists brought back the boycott but it was even more wide spread this time • Daughters of Liberty • Women show their support by encouraging people to only buy products made in the colonies, which they also felt would help the colonies become more economically independent