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Puzzles in strangeness (the heaviest light quark). Rene Bellwied for the strangeness group Wayne State University u,d s c,b 5,10 MeV ~200 MeV ~1500,4500 MeV ~T c ~<pT> thermalized parton. What we have learned in Warsaw.
Puzzles in strangeness (the heaviest light quark) Rene Bellwied for the strangeness group Wayne State University u,d s c,b 5,10 MeV ~200 MeV ~1500,4500 MeV ~Tc ~<pT>thermalized parton
What we have learned in Warsaw 1.) the flavor evolution of the yield scaling from pp to AA 2.) the flavor evolution of recombination in R(CP) and v2 3.) the flavor evolution of R(AA) 4.) the flavor evolution of high pt correlations
Canonical suppression increases with increasing strangeness Add Cu+Cu Strangeness yields from pp to AA L and X arenot flat Production not well modeled by Npart (correlation volume)
Flavor dependence of scaling PHENIX D-mesons (agrees with Haibin’s measurements) • participant scaling for light quark hadrons • binary scaling for heavy flavor quark hadrons
s-quarks are formed primordial Scaling according to quark content? u, d – scale with Npart s,c,b – scale with Nbin Normalized to central data • p – Npart • K0s – 1/2*Npart + 1/2*Nbin • L – 2/3*Npart + 1/3*Nbin • – 1/3*Npart + 2/3*Nbin • f – Nbin • – Nbin D – Nbin Npart Does strangeness “see” a different correlation volume ? Is a different phase space density required for strangeness production ?
√sNN=200 GeV 0-5% 40-60% 0-5% 60-80% Baryon and meson suppression sets in at the same quark pT . Nuclear Modification Factor Rcp √sNN=200 GeV Y-4 L,K0s Strange RCP signals range of recombination model relevance Recombination scaling can be applied to RCP as well as v2
Identified Particle RCP • strange RCP well behaved • all particles have same RCP for pT>~5 GeV: dominance of fragmentation? • no flavor dependence in fragmentation region ?
Flavor independence of RAA ? u,d dominated c,b dominated no flavor dependence in energy loss ??
RAA of Strange Particles Au+Au p+p 0-5% Ordering with strangeness content! s-quark √sNN=200 GeV K0s, fand h- all scale similarly Particles with strange quarks scale differently to non-strange
s-quarks scaled with NBin u&d-quarks scaled with Npart f scaled with N Bin Quark Scaled RAA of Strange Particles s-quarks scaled with NBin u&d-quarks scaled with Npart f scaled with N part Need W on this plot !! W scales like the heavy flavor mesons Analysis focus on 40 Million pp events and year-4 W
Flavor dependence of 2-particle correlations • 50% Proton/Anti-Proton • 95% π Au+Au 0-5% 1.0<pTAssociated<2.0 • 50%p/pbar • Λ • Λbar • 95% п • K0s Nch/NTrigger • Λ • Anti-Λ • KS0 pTTrigger • Same side associated yield: • Ridge effect (Dh correlation) ? • Coalescence effect ? • Fragmentation effect ? • Need more year-4 stats and bins
Summary Strange particles are unique in the RHIC environment. They apparently carry the primordial information of the produced s-quarks, in particular in the high pt regime of their spectrum. They are much more abundant than heavy flavor particles and thus can be used to extract detailed information on particle production mechanisms at RHIC energies. There is much more to come from strangeness
Ongoing analyses and QM presentations Talk: S.Salur System size and energy dependence of strangeness production Posters: G. van Buren The Ratio S0/L at RHIC B. Bezverknhy Initial studies of two particle azimuthal correlations using X baryons in collsions at RHIC H.Caines Theeffectsofvaryingthecorrelationvolumeonstrangeness M. A. Lamont High momentum strange baryon anomalies in heavy ion collisions at RHIC C. Markert The influence of medium properties on the resonance production in RHIC collision C. M. Mironov STAR measurements of strange hadron R AuAu and M. G. Munhoz Measurements of K0 and L production in collisions at 62 GeV Au+Au F. Simon Forward lambda production and nuclear stopping power in d+Au collisions at RHIC J. Speltz Energy dependence systematics of strange and multi-strange particle production R. Bellwied Strange particle production mechanism in pp collisions at RHIC Analyses: M.Lamont, A.Timmins: strange baryons J.Speltz, J.Takahashi, M. Munhoz, J.Faivre, M.Estienne: Multistrange baryons C.Markert,R.Witt,S.Salur: resonances G.Van Buren:Sigma0 B.Bezhverkhny,J.Bielcikova, C.Nattrass, L.Gaillard: identified particle correlations H.Caines: scaling F.Simon: forward physics C.Mironov, H. Jiang, L. Barnby,: dA strangeness in dA M.Hainz, R.Witt, C.Mironov, J.Adams, RB: strangeness in pp C.Mironov: kinks S.Kabana, M. Heinz, C.Markert: pentaquarks S.Lapointe, K.Foranzier, J.Takahashi, M.Munhoz, RB:: SVT analysis Papers in GPC: high pt strange baryons, strange resonances Papers close to GPC: strangeness in pp, strange particle correlations, forward Lambdas, 62 GeV strangeness