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School Administrators' Fiscal Management Guide

A comprehensive guide for school administrators on fiscal management, including budgeting, position allocation, and specific responsibilities. Learn how to effectively manage school finances and allocations.

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School Administrators' Fiscal Management Guide

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  1. BRIDGEPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT FISCAL MANAGEMENT Michael Testani, Acting Superintendent 2019-20 FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS FINANCE OFFICE Marlene Siegel, Chief Financial Officer Fiscal Management for School Administrators V210-25-2019

  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS • View this Textbook at: • BPS web site: Staff; MyBPS School Portals; Admin/Office • http://www.bridgeportedu.com/mybps/admin.html • BUDGET/BUSINESS PORTAL Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  3. OBJECTIVES FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  4. Chapter 1 School-based Budgeting Model Position Allocation OPERATING ALLOCATION Fiscal Management for School Administrators TC

  5. School-based Budgeting Model Position Allocation Operating Allocation 1 2 TWO (2) COMPONENTS • First Priority: essential operating needs, including basic office and instructional supplies. • Discretionary options include part-time personnel services; e.g., per diem or hourly interventionist. • With effective fiscal management, discretionary resources will emerge. • Based on a Staffing Model, built on uniform, equitable formulas (related to student registers), with consideration for school-specific needs. • Some flexibility in the use of allocations, after fulfilling mandates. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  6. School-based Budgeting Model Position Allocation 1 • Based on a Staffing Model, built on uniform, equitable formulas (related to student registers), with consideration for school-specific needs. • Some flexibility in the use of allocations, after fulfilling mandates. Elementary Level • Prep/Enhancement Allocation • The prep/enhancement allocation is generated from a formula, that incorporates the need for class coverage for preparation periods and the double common planning period for teachers, Grades K-6, once per week. • Note: The Library/Media Specialist position is allocated separately. • After utilizing the prep/enhancement and library/media allocations to meet the mandates for art, music, physical education and library instruction, the principal may exercise discretion in determining the use of the remainder; e.g., if the total allocation is 5.0 FTE and 4.6 FTE is applied to the mandates, the remainder, .4 FTE, is discretionary. High School Level • The position allocation is generated from a formula, that incorporates “pupil periods” for required courses and electives. • Principals decide on the internal allocation of positions to subject areas. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  7. Chapter 2 School’s Budget FISCAL YEAR: July 1 – June 30 School-based Control ACCOUNTS SCHOOL-SPECIFIC GRANT & DISTRICT ALLOCATIONS School/DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES Fiscal Management for School Administrators TC

  8. School’s Budget FISCAL YEAR: July 1 – June 30 Every grant has a 5-digit project #. Account Code P-8 Order Form P-8 Order Form P-10 Order Form P-9 Order Form Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  9. Operating Account Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  10. Operating Account Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  11. Operating Account Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  12. Operating Account • Vandalism: Cost of Repairs • If damage to the school facility is determined to have been caused by student vandalism or other inappropriate behavior, the school will be held fiscally responsible for the expense of making the repairs. • Monthly, the Facilities Department submits, to the Finance Office, claims for reimbursement of expenses (labor plus materials) incurred to repair damage allegedly caused by student vandalism. • In accordance with district policy, a claim will be forwarded to the principal for review, prior to a final determination being made. • If the school seeks and obtains monetary restitution from the parents, the school may deposit the funds in the School Student Activity Account. • After the procurement close date in April, when a claim is found to be valid, it will be charged to the school’s operating budget, if a balance exists; if not, to the school’s operating budget in the next fiscal year. • In the school’s accounting records, include deductions for funds directed to the cost of such repairs. COPIER PAPER: The district distributes cartons of copier paper (8-1/2" x 11") to schools five (5) times during the school year, based on a formula aligned to student registers. The paper is intended to supplement paper directly ordered by schools through the operating budgets.   The availability of the combined paper supply should ensure adequate reserves at the school to meet needs, throughout the school year.   Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  13. School/District Responsibilities School Responsibilities District Services • School supplies, including copier paper • Office supplies • Library supplies • Postage • Educational equipment repairs • Memberships in organizations • Registrations for conferences (subject to written approval on the Conference/Travel form), unless district-sponsored • High Schools: Diplomas and graduation venues • HS PSAT, SAT, Advanced Placement and ACT fees • Permit mailings • District-wide instructional and assessment materials • Specialized materials for district-managed programs; e.g., athletics etc. • XEROX XPS [MFD/printer network} services [leases, service, supplies} – for devices in the authorized configuration • Facilities-related repairs, EXCEPT those caused by student vandalism (refer to the note below). • Classroom Furniture • NOTE: Vandalism: Cost of Repairs • If damage to the school facility is determined to have been caused by student vandalism or other inappropriate behavior, the school will be held fiscally responsible for the expense of making the repairs. The Facilities Department will effectuate the required repairs and transmit an invoice for the cost (labor plus materials) to the Business Office, where the expense will be charged to the SCHOOL’S OPERATING BUDGET. If the school seeks and obtains monetary restitution from the parents, the school may deposit the funds in the School Student Activity Account. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  14. Technology: School/District Responsibilities School Responsibilities District Services If it becomes necessary to replace a monitor due to vandalism or damage, IT will obtain and install the monitor, but the replacement cost will be charged to the schools’ OPERATING BUDGET. Estimated Cost = $135. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  15. Parent Involvement Account GUIDELINES • PURPOSE:to build the capacity of parents to support the academic success of their children. Specifically, one or more of the following goals will be met: • Assist parents to play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning. • Encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education at school. • Promote family literacy and parenting skills. • Strengthen the home-school partnership for helping children achieve high academic standards. • The School Parent Involvement Account will be set up in MUNIS, based on an approved Budget Plan. • The Parent Involvement Budget Plan will be developed collaboratively by the PAC/PTSO and Principal. • The Principal should keep the SGC informed of the status of the parent involvement budget. The State regulations governing School Governance Councils state: “School Governance Councils serve in an advisory capacity and shall assist the school administration in the review of the fiscal objectives of the school’s draft budget and advise the principal before the budget is submitted to the superintendent.” • In September, the PAC/PTSO President will enter the electronic Budget Plan. • It will be routed to the Principal for electronic approval. • The Grants Office will review the budget and, when approved, set up the initial budget in MUNIS. • Schools may enter Budget Transfer Requests, with the concurrence of the PAC/PTSO and Principal. • BPS web site: Staff; MyBPS School Portals; Admin/Office • http://www.bridgeportedu.com/mybps/admin.html • BUDGET/BUSINESS FORMS PORTAL • Click on: Parent Involvement Budget Plan. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  16. Vending Commission Account Background Under Connecticut General Statute 10-303(d), the Board of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) provide to schools the full use of the commission income derived from the sales of products from vending machines located at schools, but only for student activities and initiatives. The district is required to report on a yearly basis the use of said funds that are restricted for student activities only.   School’s Account Code 02 – 869 – 8 _ _ (school #) – 54580 - 10148 Operating Procedure • All commissions will be credited to the individual school for use in student activities only. • Budget transfers are not permitted, since usage of the funds is restricted to Object Code #54580, School Supplies. • Examples of allowable expenditures are: instructional supplies, student awards, field trips and books. • Schools are required to expend 70% of the projected annual revenue by April 1st of each year. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  17. Teacher’s ChoiceProgram: E-card Each classroom teacher will receive an “E-card” from School Specialty, a State contracted vendor, allowing for the on-line expenditure of $30 at the School Specialty web site. This program provides an efficient method for each classroom teacher to purchase instructional supplies of his/her choice to use in the classroom.  Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  18. Chapter 3 PS OTPS Budget Components PeRSONNEL SerVICE (PS) OTHER THAN PERSONNEL SERVICE (OTPS) Fiscal Management for School Administrators TC

  19. Budget Components Payroll System Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  20. Object Codes Other than Personnel Services (OTPS) Frequently Used Object Codes Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  21. Chapter 4 Viewing and Modifying Accounts BUDGET FIELDS: By Object Code [PS anD OTPS] BUDGET MODIFICATIONS MUNIS: DIRECTIONS Fiscal Management for School Administrators TC

  22. MUNIS: Account Set-up What will you see in MUNIS? FIELDS EXAMPLE OTPS: By Object Code PS: By Object Code • “EXPENDED” • Definition: • OTPS: order delivered and the invoice paid. • PS: services received and payroll checks generated (paid by the Payroll Office) • “ENCUMBERED” • Definition: • Applies to OTPS only • Funds have been set aside for (committed to ) a purchase, by processing an order in MUNIS. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  23. VIEW Accounts:MUNIS Directions MUNIS MUNIS User: Access the Account • Click on MENU….. • Click on DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTIONS. • Select “Account Inquiry”. • Click on the MAGNIFYING GLASS. • For the Operating Budget: • In ORG: Enter 018068 _ _ [8 _ _ = School Code] • For a School-based Grant: • In Object Code, enter “>52990” [to view all OTPS codes]. • In Project Number, enter the grant project number. • Click on the green check mark. • In the box in the lower half of the screen, the object code will appear, with balances. Click the forward arrow to scroll through each object code line. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  24. Modifying Accounts • BUDGET TRANSFER: Movement of funds from one object code to another. • The school MUNIS user enters the request into MUNIS for approval by the principal on-line. • Example: FROM Account # 01 806 899 54580 Object Code Description From To • 54580 School Supplies $5,000 $3,750 TO Account # 01 806 899 54675 Object Code Description From To • 54675 Office Supplies $3,750 $5,000 - $1,250 + $1,250 The net result of the transfers within the account must be ZERO. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  25. Budget Transfer: Work Flow Operating Account: RETAIN Email requests in an Outlook folder. Parent Involvement: Scan in the signed Budget Transfer Request form (PAC/PTSO and Principal) Fiscal Management for School Administrators 25

  26. Budget Transfer: MUNIS Directions MUNIS MUNIS MUNIS USER: Entry of Transfer PRINCIPAL: Approver Click on MENU….. Click on DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTIONS. Select “Budget Transfers and Amendments”. Provide a “Short Description” of the transfer. PARENT INVOLVEMENT Account: Upload the signed BUDGET TRANSFER REQUEST form. Click on the green check mark. Enter the full Account Number; e.g., 01806899. Enter the Object Code. Enter an I for Increase and a D for Decrease. Enter the dollar amount. The total of the decrease and increase lines must equal zero. Once entered, you will be brought back to the first screen where you will release the transfer for approval. Click on MENU….. Go to the box on the right side of the screen: My Workflow Detail Classic. Select “Approvals”. The items for approval will appear. Click on UPDATE. Click on Approve or Reject. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  27. Fiscal Challenge #1 QUIZ • What is the first priority for the Operating Allocation? • Part-time personnel services • Classroom furniture • Basic operating supplies • (2)Who is required to sign the School Parent Involvement Budget Plan? • Superintendent • PAC/PTSO President and Principal • PAC/PTSO President and Director, Grants Development and Management • (3)What is the object code for Instructional Supplies? • 54725 • 56240 • 54580 • (4)What is the Account Code for the Vending Commission Account? • 02-869-8_ _ - 54580 - 10148 • 01-806-8_ _ • 02-899-8_ _ - Object Code – 20060 • 02-899-8 _ _ - Object Code - 20021 Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  28. Chapter 5 Procurement Guidelines PROHIBITION ON TELEPHONE ORDERS PROFEssional/technical Services VENDOR REGISTRATION Procurement RULES Vendor BackgrouND CHECKS Fiscal Management for School Administrators TC

  29. NEW Vendors A vendor must be registered in the City of Bridgeport purchasing system. To determine if a vendor is registered…. To register a new vendor…. MUNIS Vendor Inquiry Directions for Registration Click on MENU….. Click on Departmental Functions… Select “Vendor Inquiry”. Click on the MAGNIFYING GLASS. In the ALPHA box, type the vendor’s name in capital letters followed by an asterisk; e.g., ABCCOMPANY*. Click the green check mark. If the vendor is registered, the Vendor # will appear above the ALPHA field. • In order to register a new vendor, transmit the following forms, completed, to the Business Office, Michael Lombardi: mlombardi@bridgeportedu.net. • W-9 • Go to: www.irs.gov • Enter W-9 in the Search field. • W-9A • Request the W-9A form from the Business Office. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT): To enroll in EFT, a vendor should request the EFT form from the Business Office and return it to the City Treasurer’s Office. EFT will be effectuated by the Comptroller’s Office after two (2) billing cycles (payments). NOTE: An employee, who has received district approval to attend a professional conference, must be registered as a vendor, in order to receive reimbursement for the approved expenses (i.e., W9, W-9A on file). Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  30. Procurement RulesCity Purchasing Ordinance & Federal Procurement Standards Key Federal Standards • Entities should focus on the most economical solution during the procurement process, and must avoid using federal funds for the acquisition of unnecessary items. • No employee or agent of the entity may participate in the selection, award or administration of a contract funded by federal grant dollars if he/she has an actual or apparent conflict of interest. • The recipient of a federal award must maintain an appropriate level of oversight to ensure that contractors perform in accordance with the terms of their contract. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  31. Procurement Rules BIDS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR: NOTE: All vendor quotations should include the name of the vendor, item descriptions, quantities, unit cost, total cost and shipping/handling (if applicable). If you solicit a quote and the vendor does not provide a quote, that counts toward the three quote requirement, provided it is documented in writing (vendor’s name, date/time, person contacted, response, signature of school representative). Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  32. Procurement Rules STATE CONTRACTS • State Contract • Requirements: • Contract # • Contract Copy • Vendor Quotation • Brief Statement Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  33. Under the Purchasing Ordinance, informal city procurements, defined as goods and services above $1,000 but below $25,000, require quotes from at least three (3) vendors. • Under the MBE Ordinance, informal city procurement rules require that at least one (1) of the three (3) quotes comes from a “City-based Business” (CBB) registered with the SMBE Office. • The city’s official City-Based Business list can be found on the SMBE Office’s page on the city website under the title “Current Certified City Based Businesses”:  https://www.bridgeportct.gov/smbe. • This list will be updated regularly and is the one and only source for information regarding a business CBB status. • If you are engaging in an informal purchase and there are no CBBs registered with the city that provide the good or service that you are looking for, the requirement is waived. • All informal purchases require that the form, INFORMAL PURCHASES QUOTE CHECKLIST, be filled out documenting the three quotes that were sought, the price of each vendor, and which of them are registered CBBs.  • Access the CHECKLIST in the Budget/Business Forms Portal. • If none of the quotes are from a CBB, it is mandatory that you indicate the reason (e.g. there are no CBBs registered with the city that provide the good or service being sought).  • Upload this CHECKLIST into the order form submitted through Formstack. Procurement Rules INFORMAL PURCHASES Complete the INFORMAL PURCHASES QUOTE CHECKLIST. Upload the CHECKLIST into the order form. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  34. SOLE SOURCE/QUALIFIED PURCHASE "Sole Source" means that the item has unique features, the unique specifications restrict the order to one manufacturer, and competing goods or services are not satisfactory. "Sole Source" must be approved by the City of Bridgeport's Purchasing Agent, through review of three (3) documents completed by the submitter: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (1) The SOLE SOURCE/QUALIFIED PURCHASE Form at the link: SOLE SOURCE/QUALIFIED PURCHASE FORM After the document appears, click on DOWNLOAD in the right-hand bar. DOWNLOAD the form. Complete the form and save to your files. Next, upload the completed form in the designated field in the order form. AND (2) The QUALIFIED PURCHASE (QP) Form ATTACHMENT at the link: QUALIFIED PURCHASE FORM ATTACHMENT AND (3) The VENDOR QUOTATION. UPLOAD THE THREE (3) REQUIRED DOCUMENTS IN THE DESIGNATED FIELDS. Procurement Rules INFORMAL PURCHASES For Total>=$1,000 and <$25,000, three (3) vendor quotations are required, unless the item is deemed "SOLE SOURCE/QUALIFIED PURCHASE." Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  35. Vendor Background Checks Required Background Checks for Vendor-Provided Personnel Vendor Personnel Services The following procedure applies whenever the District Office or a school is considering the engagement of a vendor/contractor, who will provide personnel to deliver on-site services in our schools. Prior to entering an order in MUNIS against a school-managed account (e.g., school operating allocation); or, for a grant-funded program, submitting the P-9 form electronically, the requestor is responsible for notifying the vendor/contractor to submit the electronic Form, “VENDOR BACKGROUND CHECK”. The individuals employed by the vendor/contractor shall satisfy the requirements of the criminal history and child abuse and neglect registry records checks prescribed by Connecticut General Statues 10-221 before providing services to the Board of Education, and the vendor/contractor shall provide the results of such background checks to the Board of Education, showing that the employees of the vendor/contractor have no criminal background of any kind, prior to the initiation of their duties at the school. • BPS web site: Staff; MyBPS School Portals; Admin/Office • http://www.bridgeportedu.com/mybps/admin.html • BUSINESS FORMS PORTAL • Click on: Vendor Background Check • Complete the form and click SUBMIT. • The form will be electronically routed to the Human Resources Office, which will contact the vendor/contractor to arrange for completion of the required criminal background screening process. • The HR Office will notify the requestor of the outcome of the screening process. • Upon approval by HR, the requestor may submit the order for encumbrance [P-8 form, for the operating budget; or P-9 form, for a grant-funded program]. • The Business Office will review the order, verify HR approval of the Vendor Background Check, confirm compliance with procurement procedures, and enter in MUNIS. • A city-generated purchase order will be released. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  36. Request for Technology Purchase Pre-Approval Submit the “Request for Technology Purchase Pre-Approval” form, to request approval to acquire technology through a fund source not part of the district’s financial system (not in MUNIS); e.g., Donors Choose, Student Activity Account. • BPS web site: Staff; MyBPS School Portals; Admin/Office • http://www.bridgeportedu.com/mybps/admin.html • TECHNOLOGY FORMS PORTAL • Click on: Request for Technology Purchase Pre-Approval • Complete the form and click SUBMIT. • The submission of the single form will suffice to secure a decision from the Finance and Technology Departments. • If the Director, Technology Services gives the final approval, then the submitter may proceed with the acquisition. • If the Finance Office or Director, Technology Services denies the request, then the submitter may not proceed.  • You will receive a Formstack email notifying you of the reason for the denial. • This review process encompasses verification of compliance with various criteria, including compatibility with the BOE systems, adequate capacity of the BOE systems to support installation, and suitability for BOE use (e.g., durability, reliability etc.). • The form will be routed to: • Chief Financial Officer • Director, Grants Development and Management --- for Donors Choose. • Director, Technology Services • You will receive email notification of the final decision: Approved or Denied. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  37. Prohibition on Splitting Orders Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  38. Prerequisite for Vendors: An Official City-generated Purchase Order • A vendor is prohibited from providing any goods or services to a BOE school or office without first receiving an official City-generated purchase order. • A BOE employee is prohibited from placing an order directly with a vendor by telephone, email or any other means. • Only upon receipt of the official City-generated purchase order is the vendor authorized to proceed to provide the designated goods or services to the school or office. • The correct procedure is to request a vendor quotation, or three quotations (when required for purchases between $1,000 and $24,999), and submit the correct P-order form in Formstack for processing. • If the P-order form is approved by the Finance/Business Office, then the Business Office will enter a requisition in MUNIS for approval by the City Purchasing Office. • The City Purchasing Office will issue an official purchase order to the vendor. • This procedure accomplished the following objectives: • Verifies availability of funds in the correct account for the purchase; • Enables proper debiting of that account, through an encumbrance, so that account balances are kept up to date; • Secures approval of the school or office supervisor and Finance/Business Office prior to placement of the order; • Assures the vendor, upon receipt of the official purchase order, that funds have been encumbered to pay for the purchase, following delivery of the goods or services. • After a vendor completes a delivery, based upon prior receipt of the official purchase order, the vendor will issue an invoice. • The invoice is not entered in Formstack, but transmitted directly to the Business Office, where delivery will be confirmed and payment processed (against the prior encumbrance in MUNIS). • Any P-order entered in Formstack with only an invoice uploaded will be returned to the originator of that order. The originator will then be required to comply with the established procurement procedures, and may be subject to disciplinary action for a violation of the standard operating procedures. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  39. Prohibition on Telephone Orders • Telephone orders are prohibited. This means that a BOE employee may not contact vendors by telephone to place orders, or place an order directly with a vendor by telephone, email or any other means. • All school orders must be processed by first submitting the electronic P-8, P-9 or P-10 form, approved by the Principal. • A District Office order is processed by first submitting the electronic P-9D form, approved by the district office supervisor. • Following review, the Business Office will enter the order in MUNIS, creating a requisition. • The entry in MUNIS will encumber funds against the designated budget account. • The encumbrance will result in the City generating and sending to the vendor the official Purchase Order (PO). • The vendor must be in receipt of the PO, prior to acting on delivery of materials and/or services. • In this way, vendors will fill orders with assurance of availability of funds and accounts (district and school) will accurately reflect liabilities. Anyone who violates the prohibition may be subject to disciplinary action and/or be held personally liable for the expenditure. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  40. Procurement Rules:Professional/Technical Services Consulting Services: Organizations and Individuals (Independent Contractors) Step 1 – Written Agreement (or Contract) • Organizations (e.g., universities) • Obtain a signed, written agreement between the organization and the Bridgeport School District (on behalf of the school). • The agreement should specify the following: services to be provided by the organization, by whom, location, dates/times, rate of pay, maximum total amount, and invoice schedule. • Individuals – Independent Contractors (not employees of the Bridgeport School District) • Compose a written agreement between the individual and the Bridgeport School District (on behalf of the school). • Contact the CFO to request a sample. The CFO is a signatory on all agreements with individual contractors. • The agreement will specify: Services to be provided by the individual contractor (description, location, dates/times), Duration of Assignment (summary of days/hours by time period), Compensation (rate of pay, maximum amount, invoice schedule), Fund Source. Step 2 – Submit an electronic order (to encumber funds). The funds must be encumbered and a City Purchase Order generated, before services may be rendered. • Operating budget: Submit the electronic P-8 form. Upload the signed, written agreement. • Parent involvement budget: Submit the electronic P-10 form. Upload the signed, written agreement. • School-specific grants & district allocations: Submit the electronic P-9 form. Upload the signed, written agreement. The contractor must be a registered vendor, in order for an order to be encumbered. Fiscal Management for School Administrators


  42. SchoolOperating Budget • Operating Budget [includes Vending Commissions] The clerical completes and submits the electronic School Order Form P-8. P-8 • BPS web site: Staff; MyBPS School Portals; Admin/Office • http://www.bridgeportedu.com/mybps/admin.html • BUDGET/BUSINESS FORMS PORTAL • Click on: School Order Form P-8: Operating Budget For computer hardware and software orders, check “Yes” to the question, “Is this order for computer hardware/software?”. First, the P-8 order is routed to the principal for electronic approval. For computer hardware/software, the order is routed to the Director, Technology Services for approval. At the District, the order is reviewed by the Business Office to verify compliance with procurement regulations and availability of funds in the school’s account. The Business Office encumbers the P-8 in MUNIS for action by City Purchasing. A City-generated Purchase Order is sent to the vendor. The vendor delivers the goods/services to the school. The vendor submits the invoice to the Business Office, City Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace – Room 320, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Attention: Michael Lombardi, mlombardi@bridgeportedu.net. The Business Office contacts the school to confirm delivery and enters the “Receiver” in MUNIS. The Business Office transmits the invoice to City Accounts Payable for processing. The City operates on a 30-45 day payment cycle. REMINDER: Before submitting the P-8 order, VERIFY that the OBJECT CODE in the account has sufficient funds. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  43. SchoolOperating Budget • Operating Budget [includes Vending Commissions] • Operating Budget [includes Vending Commission Account] Each school remains accountable to ensure that the allocated budget is managed with integrity, in compliance with regulations and in balance. Each school will be responsible to view the status of the allocated accounts in MUNIS: amounts allocated by code, encumbrances, expenditures to date, balance. • REMINDER: Vending Commission: • School Supplies only • Object Code 54580 Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  44. School Parent Involvement Budget Parent Involvement The clerical submits the electronic School Order Form P-10: Parent Involvement Budget, based on approval of the PAC/PTSO President and principal. P-10 • BPS web site: Staff; MyBPS School Portals; Admin/Office • http://www.bridgeportedu.com/mybps/admin.html • BUDGET/BUSINESS FORMS PORTAL • Click on: School Order Form P-10: Parent Involvement Budget For computer hardware and software orders, check “Yes” to the question, “Is this order for computer hardware/software?”. First, the P-10 order is routed to the principal for electronic approval. For computer hardware/software, the order is routed to the Director, Technology Services for approval. Next, in the Business/Grants office, an internal review verifies congruence with the school’s approved parent involvement budget plan, availability of funds and compliance with the procurement regulations. Next, the Business/Grants Office manages encumbrance of the P-10 in MUNIS. A City-generated Purchase Order is sent to the vendor. The vendor delivers the goods/services to the school. The vendor submits the invoice to the Business Office, City Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace – Room 320, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Attention: Michael Lombardi, mlombardi@bridgeportedu.net. The Business Office contacts the school to confirm delivery and enters the “Receiver” in MUNIS. The Business Office transmits the invoice to City Accounts Payable for processing [30-45 day payment cycle]. REMINDER: Before submitting the P-10 order, VERIFY that the OBJECT CODE in the account has sufficient funds. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  45. School Parent Involvement Budget Parent Involvement • Parent Involvement Budget • Authorized by: • PAC/PTSO President • AND • Principal • Based on the approved Parent Involvement Budget Plan Each school remains accountable to ensure that the allocated budget is managed with integrity, in congruence with the approved parent involvement plan, in compliance with procurement regulations and in balance. Each school will be responsible to view the status of the parent involvement budget in MUNIS: amounts allocated by code, encumbrances, expenditures to date, balance. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  46. School-Specific Grants & District Allocations • School-based Grants • District Allocations The clerical completes and submits the electronic School to District Order Form P-9. P-9 • BPS web site: Staff; MyBPS School Portals; Admin/Office • http://www.bridgeportedu.com/mybps/admin.html • BUDGET/BUSINESS FORMS PORTAL • Click on: School to District Order Form P-9 • Complete the form and click SUBMIT. For computer hardware and software orders, check “Yes” to the question, “Is this order for computer hardware/software?”. First, the order is routed to the principal for electronic approval. At the District, the order is reviewed by the CFO for approval. For computer hardware/software, the order is routed to the Director, Technology Services for approval. Next, the Business Office processes the P-9 in MUNIS for action by City Purchasing. A City-generated Purchase Order is sent to the vendor. The vendor delivers the goods/services to the school. The vendor submits the invoice to the Business Office, City Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace – Room 320, Bridgeport, CT 06604. Attention: Michael Lombardi, mlombardi@bridgeportedu.net. The Business Office requests the school to certify delivery by signing the invoice. The Business Office submits the invoice to City Accounts Payable for processing. The City operates on a 30-day payment cycle. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  47. Chapter 7 P-Card for Principals Overview, PURPOSE, LIMITS STATEMENTS, Application, EXPIRATION DATE Fiscal Management for School Administrators TC

  48. P-Card: Overview, Purpose,Regulations Bridgeport Public Schools (BPS) offers Purchasing Cards (P-card) for principals, as a procurement mode supplemental to MUNIS for use in particular circumstances. The P-card is intended to assist with flexibility, time saving and convenience. Overview • The Principal is delegated authority to use the P-card to purchase supplies for school-related operations and pay for such purchases on behalf of the Bridgeport School District, using the P-card. • All purchases made with the P-card must be consistent with the limits set by the district. • Compliance with the PURCHASING RULES is required. Purpose • The P-card may be used to rapidly meet urgent needs and/or simplify procurement of essential supplies, within specified limits on transactions. • The P-card does not replace the MUNIS ordering system. It is a supplemental mode of purchasing, intended for use under specific circumstances. • For major purchases to meet future, emergent or ongoing needs, it remains necessary to plan proactively and place orders in sufficient time, in MUNIS. • The P-card is linked to the school’s operating allocation. All expenditures made to the P-card will be deducted from the school’s operating allocation. Limits Limits • Individual transaction: $250 • Monthly transaction: $500 • Exceptions (case by case basis): Email the CFO. • Individual transaction: $250 • Monthly transaction: $500 • Exceptions (case by case basis): Email the CFO. Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  49. P-Card: Procedures,Application Statements • The bank will e-mail the following monthly statements within (5) business days after the 30 day billing cycle. • To the Principal --- Cardholder Statement of Account • All purchases, credits and the transaction data that the cardholder has made in the 30 day billing cycle • The principal is required to retain these monthly statements for a period of six (6) years. • To the Business Office - Approving Official Account Summary • A record of all cardholder activity for each principal • To the Business Office – Official Invoice • The invoice which BPS will pay by charging each school’s operating budget for the P-card expenditures of the principal in the month. • The cardholder is responsible to reconcile his/her statement and notify the Business Office of any discrepancies immediately. Regulations https://bridgeportedu.formstack.com/forms/untitled_form_9_copy • All regulations pertinent to the P-card are delineated in the on-line Application: “Principal’s Agreement: Delegation of Authority for P-Card Purchases.” Application (on-line) P-cards will expire on May 30th. Apply by June 1st, to guarantee receipt by July 15th. • BPS web site: Staff; MyBPS School Portals; Admin/Office • http://www.bridgeportedu.com/mybps/admin.html • BUDGET/BUSINESS FORMS PORTAL • Click on: Principal’s Agreement: P-Card Fiscal Management for School Administrators

  50. Chapter 8 Operational Services Postage services DESTINY: inventory system FOOD/NUTRITION SERVICES MFD/PRINTER NETWORK FREE FIELD TRIPS ALL OTHER FIELD TRIPS Fiscal Management for School Administrators TC

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