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Obtain a comprehensive cost estimate for BigBOSS operations, including detailed expenses for spectrographs, detectors, computing, and more. Learn about what's included and excluded in the operations cost estimate, and funding sources for various project components. Explore methodology and breakdown of costs.
BigBOSS Question 2 • Question 2: Can you provide a detailed cost estimate, including operations? What is included in the operations cost estimate? Which parts of the path from data to science are not included, and where will that funding come from?
Costing Methodology • Costs based on the BigBOSS schedule with a four year development from the project initiation to the start of operations • BigBOSS relies heavily on heritage borrowed from BOSS • Detailed, as built, expenses for the spectrographs, detectors, electronics, fibers, computing, and operations • Instrument and telescope operations costs provided by KPNO • Though we expect to have significant reuse of the data pipelines from BOSS, we have included significant funds for pipeline development • Include significant costs for data reduction and creation and export of data catalogs to the community • Have not included cost for scientific analyses • Expect this to be borne by our collaborating faculty through their academic support
What is included in Ops Cost Current operations cost for telescope operators and associated management and administrative support Additional personnel needed for Instrument support Data reduction effort estimated at the same level as for the BOSS project, with an additional year of effort before the start of operations Additional software project management at the level of 0.5 FTE for four years Pipeline and data operations funded until the final data release, six months after the end of operations
What is not included in Ops Cost The budget does not include data analysis beyond the reduction of the data to 1-D spectra, redshifts and object classification The highly successful SDSS-I, SDSS-II and SDSS-III models will be followed in which the collaboration members carried out these analyses In practice, member universities have typically committed funds both for the project buy-in and for science postdocs
Agency Costs We have developed a provisional concept for the international collaboration and are focused on adopting a funding model that was used successfully on BOSS For BigBOSS our expectation is that DOE along with international partners and University in-kind contributions would be the principal funding mechanism for the instrument operations costs would be provided by NSF and University funds at our collaborating institutions We have included the NOAO costs of the telescope operations in the table of costs above Nominally NOAO would assume these costs Breakdown is shown in the table above
Costs are captured on the BigBOSS WBS WBS items 1.0 through 5.0 apply to the construction phase from project initiation through the start of operations and science data taking WBS item 6.0 applies to the data reduction development and operations, and operation of the instrument and telescope
BigBOSS WBS 1.0 9 WBS 1.0 (project management and systems engineering ) is based on a comparison with the costs of the similar sized DES (at FNAL) and Daya Bay (at LBNL) and the precursor BOSS project. • A full time Project Manager is along with 1.0 FTE’s of administrative support baselined during 4 year construction period • Given the greater engineering complexity of BigBOSS compared to BOSS, a full time Systems Engineer along with 2.0 FTE’s of additional engineering support is required through the construction period to the completion of the instrument development and the beginning of operations
BigBOSS 2.0 10 WBS 2.0 includes all costs associated with the design and fabrication of the 10 spectrograph assemblies • Cost of the optics and structure taken from the final as-built costs of the BOSS systems with the addition of optics and structure costs for the third arm • Costing of the Dewar assemblies taken from the as-built costs of the Dewars for BOSS • Costing for the detectors and front end electronics from recent quotes obtained by the SNAP project • Spectrograph design is identical to that of the BOSS spectrographs except for the addition of a third arm in the BigBOSS units • Costs for the digital electronics system based electronics developed to perform similar functions for the SNAP instrument. • Gathers data from the spectrographs and transfers it to the science data analysis pipeline • Controls the positioners and other instrument functions
BigBOSS WBS 3.0 11 WBS 3.0 includes the 5000 fiber positioner assemblies and the fiber • Fiber cost determined following a visit to the 4 meter KPNO telescope to make an estimate of the length of the fiber run, along with the catalog price of the fiber from Polymicro • The costs for the fiber assembly with ferrules (on the focal plane) and v-groove blocks (on the spectrograph end) are based upon the BOSS cost for similar assemblies from C Technologies • Cost of the positioners is based on invoiced costs for the prototype constructed at the LBNL modified by quoted quantity discounts for the drive components, the machined parts and the electrical control circuits
BigBOSS WBS 4.0 12 WBS 4.0 includes all optics assemblies which will be installed into the KNPO telescope • Cost for the secondary mirror from a quote from the University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences (J. Burge) mirror laboratory • New technique utilizing direct measurement of the figure of a convex mirror which has led to a significantly lower cost for this item. We have verified that their equipment is capable of making mirrors of the size we need • Cost for the fiber position camera based on quote for an off-the-shelf CCD assembly made by Fairchild Imaging Systems • Cost estimates for the Cassegrain cell assembly and the ADC and associated structure and the structure for mounting the secondary mirror to the telescope made by the KPNO engineering team based on past modifications they have made to the 4 meter telescope • Estimates for the focal plane assembly and the guider and autofocus detector modules made by the SNAP engineering team based on similar parts designed for the SNAP instrument and telescope
BigBOSS WBS 5.0 13 WBS 5.0 is requested contingency based on 30% of all construction cost • WBS 5.0 includes contingency on the construction phase only. Contigency on the operations phase is included in WBS 6.0 • Percentages on contingency allocated to each WBS item will be adjusted as the