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Increase knowledge of basic research on female sexual offenders, explore the importance of gender, and consider practical implications. This article highlights the work completed with female sexual abusers in a criminal justice setting, including the Female Outreach Project and training initiatives.
Female sexual abusers- a gender responsive perspective Sherry Ashfield York June 2010
Aim • Increase knowledge of basic research relating to female sex offenders • Explore the importance of gender • Consider practical implications
Who we are • The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is a child protection charity specialising in sexually harmful behaviours. • Work is completed in family court and criminal justice settings. • The adolescent team is funded by the Youth Justice Board and has teams based in 6 prison establishments • Funding has also been made available for individual assessments of adolescent females within the secure estate.
Work completed with female sexual abusers in a criminal justice setting. • The Female Outreach Project was set up in 2001 following the completion of a pilot SOTP in HMP Styal to offer an assessment and consultancy service to women who were not able to access any other treatment. In March 2009-10 involvement occurred in <40 cases. • Training and liaison has also been completed with four ‘approved premises’ for women. • From April 2010 funding has been devolved to individual DOMS –this has significant implications for treatment provisions • LFF maintains close links with HM Prison Service and a range of research projects through Birmingham and Swansea University. • Although the Ministry Of Justice has indicated its plans to roll out a strategy for female sexual offenders this remains in the early research stages.
Perceptions of female abuse Western society finds it very difficult to equate a nurturing, passive view of femininity with violence and sexual aggression, particularly toward children (Bunting, 2007; Denov, 2003, 2004; Hetherton, 1999; Saradjian, 1996).
Female sexual abuse; reaction of professionals • Professional groups viewed female sexual abuse as less harmful than sexual abuse by men. Moreover they made efforts either consciously or unconsciously to transform the female and her behaviour into more culturally acceptable notions of female behaviour. This ultimately led to denial of the problem. (Study with Police and other professionals Denov 2001,2003)
Professional Responsesin Britain (NSPCC 2005) • Lack of professional awareness • Policies and procedures not used when abuser is female • Women rarely seen as equal partners • Less inclination to prosecute; greater evidence needed • Training a key issue in awareness raising • Policies and procedures should explicitly recognise female sex offenders • Bunting (2005) NSPCC
Common ‘explanations’ • She’s just over affectionate • He must have forced her into it • He was very grown up • Her motive can’t be sexual, so she’s not really doing much harm • She really did mean to do it – women don’t do that - she’s evil (or she’s insane)!
Gender biased –rooted in stereotypical beliefs about females and tend to view female abusers as very different to males in terms of offences and motivations Focus on victimisation Gender blind-Begin from an assumption that female abusers are no different to males and disregard concept of gender View victimisation as attempts to make excuses for behaviours Gender Bias/Gender Blind (Miller 2003)
Gender Responsiveness • Policy makers must acknowledge gender makes a difference. (US Department of Justice 2007)
What is gender ? • Gender is about the reality of women’s lives and the context in which women live. (Covington 2001) .
Gender responsiveness What does it mean
Gender Responsiveness • Creating an environment through site selection, staff selection, programme development ,content and material that reflects an understanding of the realities of the lives of women and girls and that responds to their strengths and challenges. (Covington and Bloom 2006)
What are the realities of female sex offenders lives? • Multiple abuse in childhood often by caretaking figure • Abuse experiences more extensive and severe than other female offenders • Previous exploitative and/or abusive relationships in adulthood- may be ongoing • History of depression prior to offending • Undiagnosed PSTD and other trauma symptoms but evidence re definable mental impairment not consistent. • Poor emotional regulation • Social isolation, • Low self worth • Limited experience of employment /training • Often primary caregivers for children, may be lone parents (Gannon &Rose,2008,Fromuth &Conn 1997,Elliott,Eldridge,Ashfield 2007,Grayston &De Luca1999)
Realities of parenting styles • 44% reported inability to cope with their children • 60% were reported to have an inattentive or neglectful parenting style • 37% had received local authority assistance • (Eldridge,Elliott Ashfield, Beech 2007)
Realities: abuse of children and other adults • Sometimes over hours, sometimes days sometimes years • Range of motivations: sexual arousal,anger,desire for power, desire to maintain relationships,money,revenge • Range of victims: male ,female, babies adolescents, adults • Sometimes alone, sometimes with others
Realities following detection • Shame- sense of doubly deviant • Fear –personal and emotional safety • Suspicion- legacy of previous experiences • Loss- home /children ,including removal at birth • Rejection- by professionals
Similarities with male sex offenders • Similarities in age,ethnicity,educational levels, job stresses and other life stresses. (Micco-Fonseca 2000) • Similar offence supportive cognitions regarding the nature of harm- ie abuse is not harmful (Beech et al 2008)
Differences compared with males • More likely to have experienced verbal, physical and sexual abuse from childhood (Gannon &Rose 2008) • Sexual abuse more severe and frequent than male counterparts • More likely to have previous suicide attempts (Micco –Fonseca 2000) • More likely to co-offend with another, usually male • More likely to abuse in care giving situation (Giguere & Bumby,Center for Sex Offender Management, USA 2007) • More likely to be trapped in abusive relationships through adulthood. (Lewis &Stanley 2000)
Difference compared with males :contd • More likely to have traits of severe passivity and dependency (Lewis and Stanley 2000,Gannon,Rose &Ward2009 in press) • Higher levels of low self esteem ,emotional loneliness and externalised locus of control (Beckett 2007) • Less likely to report use of alcohol or drugs around time of offence • Lower levels of emotional congruence with children (Beckett 2007) • Less global cognitions re children and sex(Gannon 2009) • Lower rates of reconviction:1.8-6%(Cortoni 2008, Sandler &Freedman 2009)
Practice Issues Arising From Work in Custody and the Community • Lack of experience, knowledge and confidence in working with female sex offenders expressed by staff • Difficulty in preparing pre sentence reports, parole/lifer reports • Assistance needed in dealing with prison behaviour, e.g. sexually inappropriate behaviour, networking • Requests for assistance in managing women unsuitable for intervention.
Challenges That Face Women In Examining Their Behaviour Attitude Of Professionals Attitude Of Parents/Family Personal Sense Of Shame
Be aware of what the woman may bring to the interview • Fear • Suspicion • Shame • Anger • Emotional Distress • Personal Abuse History • High levels of sexual arousal
Be Aware Of What You May Bring To The Interview • Your prejudices and stereotypes (Monster/victim/highly devious/misunderstood) • Your personal/professional anxieties (don’t feel confident/where’s the handbook?) • Lack of awareness of ongoing issues (Failure to liaise with other disciplines) • Overconfidence (Just the same as other women- downplaying abusive behaviours of offence and risk of harm)
In order to engage effectively and therapeutically with this group, professionals need to reassess their personal belief systems and the degree to which these inform professional practice. Ashfield et al 2010(in press)
Significance of therapeutic processing • ‘Error’ in male sex offender discipline has been lack of attention to therapeutic process variables (Marshall et al 2003 • Attention to such process variables hold significance for successful treatment outcomes (Levenson and Prescott 2009)
It is not what the practitioner does but the client’s perception of the practitioner’s behaviour that determines treatment outcomes Horvath 2000
Professionals share their lack of experience and knowledge with them Professionals show surprize at their behaviour or always relate back to male so’s Professionals talk ‘at them’ not to them Professionals label everything they say as deviant or manipulative Women feel increased sense of vulnerability and fear Women feel ‘doubly deviant’ as a female who is also a sex offender Professionals don’t listen Professionals fail to recognise their need for survival mechanisms Feedback from female sex offenders
MANIPULATIVE IN DENIAL NOT MOTIVATED Is she or is it a survival strategy? Consider what ‘function’ her behaviour might serve. What strategies will she need to survive if she accepts who she really is,ie a sex offender? Are you? Does she need to start with the bits she can talk about, What's in it for her? How good is your selling technique? Words/Phrases to use with Caution
Confidence in the worker’s ability-saying you are my first/only doesn’t help!!! Shared realistic goals –”an abuse free life for you and others” Important not to collude but to name abuse for what it is. Appropriate boundaries-a ‘girls together’ approach doesn’t work neither does lack of liasion with other professionals Shared language- “what does OK mean? Sexy thinking—” Motivational statements re hope of change-this can be a new beginning, we believe that with support you can make good choices-- Top 10 Tips for positive engagement
Motivational Statements • We believe that with support you can make sense of how you came to be here( a convicted abuser) • We believe change is possible but recognise that at this point you may need us to believe it for you. • We know change is difficult and will take time and effort for all of us. • We believe that you can make good choices and maintain a positive,offence free life.
Positive engagement -contd • Recognition of progress- change takes time • Personal disclosure –(within sensible limits) if you are too detached you will be seen as rejecting. • Recognition of survival strategies for what they are-dissociation,avoidance,selective information sharing,denial.Some things are just too difficult at this stage-she needs to survive on a daily basis. • Collaboration rather than confrontation-remember the powerlessness associated with previous abuse. • Flexibility –responsive to needs, indicates you ‘hear’ her concerns etc.
Reading List • Bunting, L. (2005). Females who sexually offend against children: Responses of the child protection and criminal justice systems. NSPCC Policy Practice Research Series. London: NSPCC. • Covington, S. S. (2002, January). A woman’s journey home: Challenges for female offenders and their children. Working paper presented at the National Policy Conference of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: • Denov, M. S. (2001). A culture of denial: Exploring professional perspectives on female sex offending. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 43,303-329. • Eldridge, H., Elliott, I. A., & Ashfield, S. (2009). Assessment of women who sexually abuse children. In M.C. Calder (Ed.), Sexual abuse assessments: Using and developing frameworks for practice (pp. 213-227). London: Russell House Publishing.
Reading list • Eldridge, H. J., & Saradjian, J. (2000). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Replacing the function of abusive behaviours for the offender: Remaking relapse prevention in working with women who sexually abuse children. In D. R. Laws, S. M. Hudson, & T. Ward, (Eds), Remaking relapse prevention with sex offenders: A sourcebook (pp. 402-426). • Ford, H. (2006). Women who sexually abuse children. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. • Gannon&Rose,Journal Of Aggression and Violent Behaviour 13 (2008)442-461 • Giguere, R., & Bumby, K. (2007). Female sex offenders [Policy and Practice Brief]. Center for Sex Offender Management, USA. • Peter, T. (2008). Speaking about the unspeakable: Exploring the impact of mother-daughter sexual abuse. Violence against Women, 14, 1033-1053.
Assessment, Intervention, Training, Consultancy • Assessment materials • Intervention materials • Training • Case consultancy Referral: To: Lucy Faithfull Foundation Tel: 0044 (0)1527 591922