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About Yao Ming. Yao Ming’s short time in the NBA has been a huge success. This success has come as a surprise to many , including Yao himself. As a child, Yao preferred books to sports. 姚明在美國職籃短短的時間裡表現得非常出色。這樣的成績讓許多人,包括他自己在內,都感到驚訝。姚明小時候喜歡讀書甚於運動。.
Yao Ming’s short time in the NBA has been a huge success. This success has come as a surprise to many, including Yao himself. As a child, Yao preferred books to sports. 姚明在美國職籃短短的時間裡表現得非常出色。這樣的成績讓許多人,包括他自己在內,都感到驚訝。姚明小時候喜歡讀書甚於運動。
However, his parents were basketball players. His father stood six foot seven and his mother stood six foot three. Yao himself was five foot five by the age of nine. Yao began formal basketball training at that time. • 不過,他的父母都是籃球選手,他父親身高6呎7吋,母親身高6呎3吋。 姚明在九歲前身高就已經5呎5吋了。姚明在那時候開始正式接受籃球訓練,
Soon he was amazing coaches, players, and spectators. Yao entered the NBA last year and became the league’s second-tallest player. He has played well, showing uncommon agility for a player so tall.很快地,他讓教練,球員以及觀眾都感到驚嘆不已。 姚明於去年進入美國職籃,成了全聯盟裡第二高的球員, 他的球技傑出,展現了高大球員稍減的敏捷身手。
But Yao’s personality has won even more fans. Gentle and humorous, he has been on television commercials for Apples computers, Visacredit cards, and other products, making him a household name.而產品代言的電視廣告, 使他成了家喻戶曉姚明的個性吸引了更多球迷, 他的性情溫和又富有幽默感,為蘋果電腦,威士卡和其他的人物,
In addition, his clean-cut image has been welcomed at a time when other professional athletes have been getting into trouble. This popularity has put Yao on the cover of several top sports magazines. 此外, 時值其他職業運動員接二連三惹事生非之際, 姚明的清新信箱相當受到歡迎。 姚明走紅的程度使他登上多家知名運動雜誌的封面。
As his popularity continues to grow, Yao Ming seems destined to become one of the game’s top stars, both on and off the court.姚明隨著人氣不斷的上揚,未來無論在球場內或球場外,都肯定會成為籃壇的耀眼的明星之一。
Vocabulary • 1. spectator 觀眾 • The spectators cheered as the famous player walked onto the court. • 2. league 聯盟 • There are a lot of baseball leagues in the United States. • 3. agility 敏捷的身手 • It takes great agility to play basketball.
4. household name 家喻戶曉的人 • Tom Cruise’s movies have made him a household name. • 5. clean-cut 儀容整潔 • The company wants to hire clean-cut young man. • 6. destined to肯定會 • Michael Jordan is destined to the perfect basketball player in NBA. • 7. both on and off the court 在球場內及球場外皆是如此 • Fans love the baseball player on and off the court.
Phrases 1. Come as a surprise to many使許多人感到驚訝 John’s marriage came as a surprise to his family. 2. Stood six foot seven身高六呎七吋 Tokyo Tower stands 333 meters tall.
3. destined to 肯定會 • Kelly is destined to become the company’s best manager. • 4. both on and off the court在球場內及球場外皆是如此 • Fans love the tennis player on and off the court.