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IMS Learning Design in 2007

IMS Learning Design in 2007. Dai Griffiths CETIS, The University of Bolton. JISC-CETIS Educational Content SIG and Pedagogy Forum Liverpool Hope University, 26 th April 2007. IMS Learning Design in 2007. Some reflections on challenges facing IMS LD today

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IMS Learning Design in 2007

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  1. IMS Learning Design in 2007 Dai Griffiths CETIS, The University of Bolton JISC-CETIS Educational Content SIG and Pedagogy Forum Liverpool Hope University, 26th April 2007

  2. IMS Learning Design in 2007 • Some reflections on challenges facing IMS LD today • Some current work going on at the moment with IMS LD • IMS LD and TENCompetence

  3. There are some issues around IMS specifications in general • Content Packaging as a strategy is anomalous in a world of social software and mash ups • XML and self contained zip files is starting to look old fashioned • There are solutions, but there is an overhead • Ideas are bubbling up from below, and top down solutions are being challenged

  4. There are issues of the purpose of IMS LD • There were two purposes of IMS LD as originally formulated: • Modelling language: use of the specification to model pedagogic processes • Interoperability: transmission of data between applications • Focusing on modelling is fascinating, but are we reluctant to believe IMS LD can be just a file format?

  5. Plus… • LD is identified with structures developed around the specification : • Modelling and eLearning methodology: the methodology which is used to create and use Units of Learning (UOLs) • Infrastructure: the applications which have been developed to work with IMS LD • People are still confused about what it is and what it can do

  6. Two big challenges for IMS LD:a) Disaggregation of VLEs • Stitching together services like mail, chat, blog, wiki etc is no longer hard, so VLEs are tending to be disaggregated • But IMS LD assumes VLEs, with cohorts, design time and runtime distinction… • Its role and use in a system which is built around the learner rather than the institution is an open question (PLE, TENCompetence)

  7. Farmer & Tilton, June 2006, IM&M Technical Briefs for OSS Watch (JISC funded)

  8. Two big challenges for IMS LD: b) institutional change • Education, especially higher education, is a moving target: expansion, new institutional structures and policies, Communities of Practice and Corporate Universities, all of which meet in Life Long Learning • Is IMS LD equipped to meet the needs of this environment? • TENCompetence is focused on LLL, and is looking at this. More on this later…

  9. The role of IMS LD • interoperable flexible large scale distance education on VLEs (Moodle to Blackboard) • but less VLEs than expected, so less need to interoperate… • Can be used as a file format for lesson plans & learning activities, not structure of application • We are moving Reload in this direction • It models formal educational structures • the limits beyond formal education have not been explored, although Dialog+ was encouraging • Needs to work within wider contexts. What are they?

  10. So there are challenges… and interesting work addressing them • Liverpool Hope projects which you have heard about • OpenDock (opendocument.net repository) • Leonardo, IMS LD aware lightweight repository with API • DesignShare • Linking Reload and opendocument.net • LD4P • etc…

  11. Individual institutions and researchers • Instutional research, for example • Wollongong Centre for Interactive Learning Environments (project with OUNL) • http://www.learningdesigns.uow.edu.au/ • Complutense University of Madrid <e-LD> • Waterloo LearningMapR • Individual research, for example • CoSMoS • NetUniversité

  12. Open Source foundations • .LRN provides support for IMS LD, levels A, B & C. • LAMS V2 has IMS LD level A export • Moodle roadmap: mid 2007 “Support for importing/exporting LD, converting Moodle activities and sequences of activities into a standard format for sharing, and importing standard sequences into Moodle courses”

  13. European professional learning projects with IMS LD strands • APOSDLE: “develops a software platform and tools to support you to learn … within the context of your immediate work and within your current work environment” • http://www.aposdle.tugraz.at/ • Prolix: “align learning with business processes…” • http://www.prolixproject.org/

  14. European eLearning projects using IMS LD • iClass • http://www.iclass.info/iclass01.asp • eLegi • http://www.elegi.org/

  15. LICEF – Télé-université work in LORNET network • The IDLD portal (www.idld.org) • contained around 50 LDs in January • tools, guides and IMS LD information • A new graphic function editor in alpha • part of TELOS (integrated product of LORNET system) • extends of MOT+ to IMS LD level B and C • imports XML files as graphics, executed in a player • Graphic objects have properties sheets with links to an ontology. • A new release is expected before the summer of 2007

  16. TENCompetence • Life Long Competence development • 4-year EU-funded Integrated IST-TEL project www.tencompetence.org • Infrastructure for planning and carrying out Life Long Competence Development • Open Source • Standards and interoperability specifications • Service oriented

  17. TENCompetence and IMS LD • works with IMS LD in the context of three areas which are key to the future of the specification • Life Long Learning (the wider context for formal education) • Service based architecture (generational change in technology) • Personal Learning Environment (disaggregation of VLEs)

  18. Getting personal… • Not top down tools for education and training bodies • Any individual, group, organisation can develop competence definitions, profiles, competence development • Multiple learning providers provide life long services and content, but the user formats, edits and manages them as it suits them

  19. Developing a Personal Competence Manager • Integrates whole range of users competence development activities • Provides and coordinate services • Coordinates people in competence development roles, resources, activities in competence development plans and activities • Design time and runtime become blurred • These are (simple) learning designs, and will be exported to IMS LD

  20. Sometimes you need more… • When there is a need for more complex competence development plans, TENCompetence uses full IMS LD and CopperCore • There is a workpackage focusing specifically on Learning Activities, where IMS LD is central.

  21. Tools for teachers which hide the LD • It is hard to identify or agree on pedagogic chunks and helpers • Depends on learners’ objectives, teacher preference, pedagogy, institutional context • A moving target: teacher’s skills and needs are changing, as they get more experience of (limited) VLEs • Planned collaboration with Liverpool Hope • Will produce a number of prototypes and use them with practitioners • First outcomes should be within six months

  22. Work in progress!

  23. IMS LD runtime • SCORM player integrated with IMS LD • Working on chat and a number of other services for the near future • Assessment using QTI and IMS LD for a wider range of purposes than QTI alone

  24. Watchout for… • “Antelope” V.1 release of Personal Competence Manager before the summer • Prototype IMS LD based author in the autumn • New IMS LD runtime services in 2007 • Integration of opendocument.net repository with Reload • TENCompetence open workshop with LD theme in Barcelona 21st - 22nd June • Call for papers etc. www.tencompetence.org

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