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KLAIPEDA SENDVARIS BASIC SCHOO L. NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS. PROJ ECT MANAGER: Chemi stry teacher, methodologist Onut e Maziliauskien e. 200 7 Klaip e da , Lithuania. PROBLEM Antibiotic is one of the most often prescribed medicine in the world.
KLAIPEDA SENDVARIS BASIC SCHOOL NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS PROJECT MANAGER: Chemistry teacher, methodologist Onute Maziliauskiene 2007 Klaipeda, Lithuania
PROBLEM Antibiotic is one of the most often prescribed medicine in the world. Is it always necessary to cure diseases using chemical synthetical antibiotics? Antibiotics cause a number of side reactions, eliminate useful microbes, immunity weakens, and fungi appear in the entire organism. People have to come back to natural substances.
THE AIM OF THE WORK • To analyze if folk medicine is popular in our school community. • To analyze if pupils’ morbidity in various cold diseases depends on the way they are cured: using synthetical antibiotics or drug plants. • To expand school community members’ view, to evoke their interest in natural powers.
We were interested in: Is folk medicine popular in our school community? What is parents’ choice when their children are sick: chemical pills or folk medicine recipes? What to choose: synthetical vitamins or vegetables and fruit? Does pupils’ morbidity depend on the way they are cured?
1.Do you often have various cold diseases: a) never b)once a year c) often d) seldom 2. When I’m sick, I cure myself using: a) pills b) herbs c) pills and herbs 3. My opinion about pills for treatment: a) they are necessary for recovery b) they do much harm to person’s organism c) they both help and harm 4. Herbs in my home: a) there are lots of them b) there are no at all c) there are only some (name) 5. Herbs: a) we buy at the chemist’s b) we gather and prepare ourselves c) we get them from our acquaintances and close people, who gather them 6. I get necessary vitamins for my organism: a) eating much fruit and vegetables b) taking unnatural vitamins c) don’t take unnatural vitamins
WHEN I AM SICK, I CURE MYSELF Sendvarisbasic school 8th form pupils and their parents’ survey data
WHEN I AM SICK, I CURE MYSELF Sendvarisbasic school 4th form pupils and their parents’ survey data
PRESENTED THE DESCRIPTION OF A FOLK MEDICINE RECIPE Sendvarisbasic school 8th form pupils and their parents’ survey data
PRESENTED THE DESCRIPTION OF A FOLK MEDICINE RECIPE Sendvarisbasic school 4th form pupils and their parents’ survey data
MY OPINION ABOUT PILLS FOR TREATMENT Sendvarisbasic school 8th form pupils and their parents’ survey data
MY OPINION ABOUT PILLS FOR TREATMENT Sendvarisbasic school 4th form pupils and their parents’ survey data
Sendvarisbasic school 8th form pupils survey data DOES PUPILS’ MORBIDITY IN VARIOUS COLD DISEASES DEPEND ON THE WAY THEY ARE TREATED? (1 – ill once a year, 2 – ill twice or more times a year)
Sendvarisbasic school 4th form pupils survey data DOES PUPILS’ MORBIDITY IN VARIOUS COLD DISEASES DEPEND ON THE WAY THEY ARE TREATED? (1 – ill once a year, 2 – ill twice or more times a year)
Experiments • I. Preparation of different herbs: Curative substance of herbs was extracted by water, oil and ethyl alcohol. We made garlic tincture, nettle tincture, grapefruit seed extract, calendula tincture, oily extracts of marjoram, calendula and comfrey, decoction of wormwood and nettle. There are herb preparations made by us in the exposition with indication how to use and prepare them. That is a visual material of project members. We determined that it is easy to make herb preparations under home conditions.
Experiments • II. Influence of natural antibiotics to various fungi: 1. It was analyzed how grapefruit seed extract affect the fungus in the pot plant soil. 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract was put into 200 ml of water. The plant was watered with this liquid. We determined, that after the grapefruit seed extract was poured on the “white spot” in the soil (fungus), it became brown in two days. The spot wasn’t seen after some time, fungus disappeared. Conclusion: grapefruit seed extract serves for a pot plant soil “treatment” from fungi.
Experiments 2. It was analyzed how grapefruit seed extract affect fungi. Klaipeda district Food and Veterinary Service Microbiology Laboratory gave us special hotbed for growing fungi. We sowed the spores of a fungus. We kept it in 25°C temperature. Fungus germinated in two days. One sample was trickled with 30% of grapefruit seed extract (sample 2). We determined that the fungus disappeared in one day after dripping it with grapefruit seed extract. After seeding the spores of cereal mould in the third sample and dripping with extract, the spores didn’t germinate. Garlic juice was dripped on the sown spores in sample 4. We determined that garlic does not devour the spores of fungus completely (sample 4).
Experiments Conclusion: natural antibiotic that is in grapefruit seed extract devour the spores of fungi very well. We recommend to clean bread bins, fridges with liquor of grapefruit seed extract to protect from various fungi.
Preparation of herbs at home • Liquids are measured by milliliters (ml.) A glass – 200 ml A tablespoon – 15 ml A teaspoon - 5 ml • Raw material (leaves, blooms, grass, roots) is measured by grams (g). Dried and shredded leaves, blooms and grass: A tablespoon – 5 g. A teaspoon – 2 g. Dried and shredded roots, rootstocks, peels, fruit, buds: A tablespoon – 10 g. A teaspoon – 4 g.
A kind of liqueur • Herbs are put into a heatproof dish and poured with cold water. The dish is covered and boiled about 15-20 minutes. After an hour, when liquid is cool, it is strained. If volume of liquid reduced, pour boiled water till its original volume. Use according to instructions.
Decoction • The herbs are poured with a certain amount of water and simmered for 10-20 minutes. After decoction cools, it is strained, a lacking amount of water is added. • In some cases, herbs are put into a thermos and poured with boiling water. After 1-2 hours in a closed thermos, herbs are strained.
Tincture • Herbs are put into a jar (or bottle) and poured with 40% vodka or spirit. The dish is covered and kept for 7 or more days (according to instructions). Powder • Dried herbs are crushed into powder with a mortar or coffee grinder, then sieved out. Powder can be drunk with water or sprinkled on a wound or sore. Ointment • Herb powder is mixed with mineral jelly or other fat (butter, sunflower oil)
Compress • A piece of gauze bandage folded several times and moistened in decoction is put on a wound or a painful part of a body. • A squash of a fresh plant is put in a gauze bandage and put on a painful place. Tea and mixtures • Made of one or several kinds of plants according to certain proportions mixing them on a sheet of paper. Then they are poured with boiling water and used according to indications. Made tea can not be kept longer than two days, because it becomes sour and harmful.
Influence of natural antibiotics to various fungi It was analyzed how grapefruit seeds extract affects the fungus in the soil of a pot plant. THE PLANT IN THE POT STARTED WITHERING, BECAUSE ITS ROOTS WERE BLASTED BY THE FUNGUS. It was determined that fungus disappeared in three daysfrom the extract of grapefruit seeds. .
It was analyzed how the extract of grapefruit seeds affect the funguses 3 1 2 1 - control, 2- extract of grapefruit seeds was instilled on a germinated fungus 3- extract of grapefruit seeds was instilled on sown spores of fungus
It was analyzed how garlic juice affect funguses 2 1 1-control, 2- garlic juice on a germinated fungus
It was analyzed how antibiotics affect funguses 1 2 1 – control, 2 – antibiotic amoxicillinum
Grapefruit seeds extract On the contrary to synthetic antibiotics, grapefruit seeds extract affect both viruses and fungi, as well as other parasites. Grapefruit seeds extract affect about 800 different bacteria strains and about 100 kinds of fungi. This natural product meets all the requirements of medicine, and almost has no side reactions: •Grapefruit seeds extract affect many potentially harmful microorganisms, but it does not affect useful bacteria in mouth, throat, intestines and vagina. •Grapefruit seeds extract strengthens and stimulates immune system of an organism.
Necessary to have at home: 1. Bruises a) comfrey oil; b) a bottle of apple cider vinegar. 2. Cuts, wounds, scrapes a) a little jar of honey; b) a pinch of dried yarrow; c) calendula ointment. 3. Burns and scalds a) nettle extract; b) aloe. 4. Herbs for treatment of simple cold If you suspect that you got a cold, eat many onions and refuse milk and eggs, because they induce the organism to produce phlegm. Drink hot water, with honey and lemon juice and ginger powder. Drink hot herbs tea every two hours.
CUTS, WOUNDS AND SCRAPES • 1.Little jar of honey — none of the microorganisms can survive there. Use it as a disinfectant means. • 2. Fresh leaves of yarrowstop bleeding. An effective means – a pinch of dried leaves mixed with honey. • 3. Calendula ointment – an antiseptic and a healthful means.
Practical aspects of using onion As an external medicament, onion is good from insect stings, warts, abscesses, furuncles, burns and earache treatment. Usually an onion is cut into slices and put on a wound. If you have an earache, a slice of onion must be pressed to a painful ear with a headscarf. For the prophylaxis or treatment of cold, some slices of onion on the plate can be put near the bed throughout the night, then all night the person breathes essential onion oil. Some slices of fresh onion can be packed into a material bag and put on the pillow.
Onion syrup for treatment of bronchitis and cough • One onion is cut into small pieces and mixed with three tablespoons of honey and eighth of the litre of water. Then the mixture must be shortly boiled and left for some hours. After that, the mixture must be strained. One tablespoon of the syrup must be drunk 3 times a day. Children can also drink the syrup. In order to have the better effect, a teaspoon of horseradish or thyme can be added before straining. Horseradish is especially useful when there is bronchial asthma, and thyme helps in case a lot of phlegm accumulate in the airway.
ALOE • Strengthens and activates the immune system. The possibility of infection is reduced, patients usually have a light form of one or another infectious disease. • The entire organism is strengthened and cleaned. Aloe “cleans” the blood. • Aloe induces the healing of wounds, protects the wounds from infection. • Aloe to some extent induces regeneration of body after radiation. • Aloe is a natural painkilling medicament. • Aloe is a tender and tolerable means for body cleaning and care. • The body gets valuable mineral substances, vitamins and microelements together with aloe. • Aloe deadens inflammation, cools the tissues.
How to dose garlic properly It is advisable to use garlic constantly for prophylaxis and treatment of illnesses. It is enough to eat 2-3 pieces of garlic a day. For treatment of diarrhoea, 5-10 pieces of garlic must be eaten. (This “dose” of the day must be eaten in several times.) In general, garlic must be eaten often, but in small portions, because a too big quantity of garlic oil can excite a sensitive stomach. Garlic “pills” must be taken according to producer’s recommendations, and garlic tincture is taken 2-3 times a day, about 15 drops.
No matter how a person is proud of his intelligence, he realizes at last that he is dependent on Nature. Nature is generous. Community comes back to its roots. Both society and scientific world recognize anew the dependence on Nature and its generosity.