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Registration Information. Course Title: “Take 5” Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction Course #: ED550.1415 Department: EDUC NNU 1 Credit Cost = $60.00 Instructor: Linda Wiedenfeld Dates: June 15-18 Time: 12:00PM - 4:00PM Requirements:
Registration Information • Course Title: “Take 5” Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction • Course #: ED550.1415 Department: EDUC • NNU 1 Credit Cost = $60.00 • Instructor: Linda Wiedenfeld • Dates: June 15-18 • Time: 12:00PM - 4:00PM • Requirements: • Attend all sessions. • Complete lesson plan by August 1st, 2009 * Please Log In Using Your School Server & Password *
“My Assumptions” • We all have much to offer & share and we will all learn from each other. • Each of us will work to apply the information and resources to our own particular teaching needs & situations. • Bathroom breaks will be taken when needed. • Cell phones will only be used when completely necessary. • We all understand that there is no way to know it ALL!
4 1 2 3 “Take 5” Day OneJune 15th • NNU Registration • Survey http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/?p=WEB229B7YV4V8A • TeacherTube Video: “Pay Attention”http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=448&title=Pay_Attention Differentiation • Scavenger Hunt • Speed Sharing / “I Do This” • Hollywood Squares Why Technology? Talkin” Bout My Digital Generation http://www.edutopia.org/digital-generation-lesson-ideas Lesson Planning/Assessment
4 1 2 3 “Take 5” Day Two June 16th Internet (Infuse & Use!) • Internet Public Library: http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/edu30.00.00/ • Education Atlas: http://www.educationatlas.com/instructional-technology-k12.html • Teacher Tap: http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic96.htm • Cybersmart: http://www.cybersmart.org/home/ • Math: http://archives.math.utk.edu/k12.html • http://www.eduscapes.com/sessions/needs/all1.html Blogs, Pods, & Wikis… IM, Skype, Twitter, My Space, WebQuest… Why Let Students Blog? Videohttp://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=be6ec9b852b0a542e2f3 • Wikis • Example of Use; http://edtechlife.com/?p=1379 • Blogs: • Use in Education- http://awd.cl.uh.edu/blog/ • IPL Blog Links- http://www.ipl.org/div/blogs/ • Create a Blog- https://www.blogger.com/start • Blog Safety: http://www.netalert.net.au/02582-How-can-children-stay-safe-using-blogs.asp • Education Resources on Blogs: • http://teachwtech.blogspot.com/2006/02/k-12-blogging-resources.html • http://crlt.indiana.edu/video/viewer/index.pl?vidID=96 • Blogger’s Contract • WebQuests • Creating A Web Quest- http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/tech/tech011.shtml • WebQuest Search Page- http://webquest.org/search/ Contribute Web Software • “How To” • Classroom Applications Lesson Planning/Assessment
4 1 2 3 “Take5” Day ThreeJune 17th Contribute Web Software Cont…. • “How To” • Classroom Applications Inspiration/Kidspiration and Introducing… Webspiration! • “Know How” • Curricular Applications/Resources Quest • Prior/Post Knowledge Assessment • Inspiration.com • http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic73.htm • Rubric Lesson Planning/Assessment When I Grow Up:http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=25282&title=When_I_Grow_Up______revised___ * Brainstorm Activity *
Why Graphic Organizers? They help students: • understand important data with very little reading involved • think logically • identify main concepts • assign specific labels to concepts • sort relevant and non-relevant details • make predictions • identify cause and effect • identify and understand consequences • organize and sequence data • understand time lines • visualize and understand abstract content
4 1 2 3 “Take5” Day 4June 18th Word • Classroom Applications • Templates Online • Ode to My Spellchecker PowerPoint Tips & Tricks • Metaphor • Printing • Basics • Tips for student projects • Photo Album • Web Lesson Planning/Assessment “Shake It Up”http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=223&title=Shake_it_Up * Course Evaluation *
4 1 2 3 Lesson Planning/Assessment • Lesson/Unit Plan Template: http://www.lessonplans4teachers.com/templates.php • Lesson Plan Template: http://www.ncrtec.org/tl/lp/ • Busy Teachers Café: http://www.busyteacherscafe.com/printables/forms.htm • Brain Betty: http://www.brainybetty.com/MENUWord.htm • Teacher Tools: http://www.internet4classrooms.com/teachertools3.htm#lesson • Assessment: http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/toolbox/ • Middle Web Assessment Links: http://www.middleweb.com/ContntAssess.html • Student Project Assessments: http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic53.htm • Rubistar: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php
Differentiation In a differentiated class, the teacher uses: • (1) a variety of ways for students to explore curriculum content • (2) a variety of sense-making activities or processes through which students can come to understand and "own" information and ideas • (3) a variety of options through which students can demonstrate or exhibit what they have learned
Blogs, Pods, & Wikis • Blog: A blog is a Web site where you can write whatever you want, and then visitors to your site can add comments, if they like. Many look like personal diaries. Some have political content. • Podcast: This is similar to an audioblog—a person can create audio files and then their listeners can download the file and listen to it whenever they have time. Check out www.podcast.net for a long list of available podcasts. • Wiki: A wiki is sort of like a blog. Both are on the Internet and both provide a casual way to write about stuff, but a wiki is written by many people who can edit any part of it. A great example is www.wikipedia.org. Taken from: http://www.nea.org/neatoday/0510/blogging.html
Differentiated Instruction Links Use the following web sites to develop a better understanding of differentiation in the classroom. • Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction:http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/lausd/offices/di/Burleson/workshops/differentiate/index.htm • Layered Curriculum:http://www.help4teachers.com/samples2.htm • How to Differentiate Instruction: http://www.teach-nology.com/tutorials/teaching/differentiate/
Differentiated InstructionScavenger Hunt Instructions: Answer these questions about "differentiated instruction" using information from the web sites provided. Discuss your findings with your group. CAST Differentiated Instruction What is differentiated Instruction? Differentiated Instruction What is the ultimate goal for using differentiated instruction in your classroom? What characteristics might the teacher in a differentiated classroom have? Which one of these characteristics do you feel is most important -- explain your answer. Differentiated Instruction: Effective Classroom Practices What elements guide differentiated instruction in the classroom? Explain which of these three you feel is most important. Differentiated Instruction The practice of differentiating instruction was first used in what type of classroom? Why do you think this worked so well in this environment? Mapping a Route to Differentiated Instruction: Carol Ann Tomlison aka “Queen of Differentiation” shares examples of differentiated & non differentiated instruction. Be sure to read the examples and her analysis of the teachers. What are the two elements that she states that successful teaching must have? CLICK HERE for More Great Resources!
Ode to My Spellchecker “Eye halve a spelling chequerIt came with my pea seaIt plainly marques four my revueMiss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a key and type a wordAnd weight four it two sayWeather eye am wrong oar writeIt shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maidIt nose bee fore two longAnd eye can put the error riteIts rare lea ever wrong.”
PowerPoint Dinner Metaphor 1 Text 2 Images 3 Animation/Sound Effects
Why Use Technology? • Existence of wide gaps in student experience and ability • Motivating factor of using technology • Flexibility of the medium • Preparing students for the real world
PowerPoint • Tutorial: http://www.actden.com/pp/ • Tips for Student presentations; http://presentationsoft.about.com/od/classrooms/tp/student_tips.htm • Advanced Features: http://presentationsoft.about.com/od/powerpointadvanced/a/advanced_hub.htm • Tips: http://www.big6.com/showenewsarticle.php?id=282 • Ideas for Using PPT: http://www.internet4classrooms.com/ideas_pp.htm • Story Telling: http://www.microsoft.com/education/storytelling.mspx • Tips-http://www.glencoe.com/sec/teachingtoday/weeklytips.phtml/157 • Tips: http://www.tipsnews.org/newsletter/99-12/tips_on_multimedia.html • Uses, Tips, Tutorials: http://www.ellenfinkelstein.com/powerpoint_tip.html • Curricular Templates & PowerPoints: http://www.paducah.k12.ky.us/curriculum/PPoint/
WordClassroom Applications • Tools: Word Count & Readability Insert: Comments • How to Articles/Lessons: http://www.microsoft.com/education/ClassTipsArchive.mspx#EGB • Synonyms: http://www.microsoft.com/education/synonyms.mspx • Special Effects: http://www.microsoft.com/Education/TipSpecialEffect.mspx • Auto Summarize: http://www.microsoft.com/education/autosummarize.mspx • Math Concepts: http://www.microsoft.com/education/reinforcingmath.mspx • Writing: http://www.microsoft.com/education/rubrics.mspx • VennDiagram: http://www.microsoft.com/Education/VennDiagram.mspx • Templates:http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/CT101527321033.aspx?Origin=EC010227121033&CTT=2&av=ZWD
Survey • Zoomerang.com http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/?p=WEB229B7YV4V8A