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The NAMA Facility – Support for the Implementation of NAMAs

Subsidiary Body for Implementation in-session workshop on NAMAs Ben Lyon, DECC Norbert Gorißen, BMU Warsaw, November 11 th 2013. The NAMA Facility – Support for the Implementation of NAMAs. Purpose, Facts and Means of Support.

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The NAMA Facility – Support for the Implementation of NAMAs

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  1. Subsidiary Body for Implementation in-session workshop on NAMAs Ben Lyon, DECCNorbert Gorißen, BMU Warsaw, November 11th 2013 The NAMA Facility – Support for the Implementation of NAMAs

  2. Purpose, Facts and Means of Support Support for the implementation of parts of NAMAs („NAMA Support Projects“) focussing on financial support (e.g. grants, concessional loans, guarantees), with technical cooperation (e.g. capacity building) where combined with or closely linked to financial support Purpose: Demonstrating a framework for providing tailor-made climate finance for developing countries in the field of mitigation. Building on existing support by funding the implementation of transformational NAMAs seeking international support, thus delivering concrete results on the ground. Raising ambition to close the emission gap and address the lack of NAMA climate finance. Facts : Officially announced by Germany and the UK at COP-18 in Doha Germany and the UK are jointly providing € 70m of initial funding First pilot programme is the Mexico Housing NAMA: EcoCasa programme 2

  3. Selection of NAMA Support Projects • Outlines for NAMA Support Projects can be submitted by: (i) national governments (with endorsement by a delivery organisation) (ii) qualified delivery organisations (with strong endorsement by the government) • The selection of NAMA Support Projects follows a 3-step process: STEP 1: Call for submissions & submission of outlines for NAMA Support Projects Verification of Eligibility by applying defined criteria Evaluation of Ambition and Feasibility by applying defined criteria - - Pre-approval by the Board of NAMA Support Project Outlines - Appraisal mandate for pre-approved NAMA Support Projects STEP 2: In-depth appraisal & submission of proposals for NAMA Support Projects Evaluation of Feasibility by applying defined criteria - Final NAMA Support Project approval by the Board - Mandate to delivery organisation STEP 3: NAMA Support Project implementation

  4. Governance Structure NAMA Facility Board (representatives of BMU & DECC, open to other potential donors) Technical Support Unit (comprised of KfW & GIZ staff) Acts as the secretariat of the NAMA Facility in support of the NAMA Facility Board Central decision-making body with regard to strategy, guidelines, allocation of funding • Approves funding for the implementation of NAMA Support Projects • Channels funds for implementation via subcontracting by GIZ/KfW NAMA Support Projects To be implemented by Qualified Delivery Organisation (s) (in cooperation with other implementing parters)

  5. The First Call for NAMA Support Project Outlines The first call for NAMA Support project Outlines was open from July 10th to September 2nd 2013. A total of 47 NAMA Support Project Outlines were submitted. The Outlines received showed a balanced distribution across regions and sectors. For information on the successful bids and next steps, please join us for our Side Event: Financing the Implementation of Transformational NAMAs through the NAMA Facility November 15th, 1-3 pm, EU Pavilion 5

  6. For further information please go to www.nama-facility.org or contact the Technical Support Unit at contact@nama-facility.org Thank you for your attention!

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