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. Overview of Rule. Schools will be graded by earning points based on the percentage of students who reach specific criteria in each measure. Each percent is worth one point on the scale for the following 6 measures.. Level 3 and above in reading (grades 3-10) Level 3 and above in math (grades 3
1. For 2004-2005
DOE Rule 6A-1.09981
4. How Are Learning Gains Defined? A student demonstrates a “learning gain” by:
Improving from one FCAT Achievement Level to the next Level (example: Level 3 to Level 4)
Maintaining FCAT Achievement Level within Levels 3, 4, or 5
Remaining within FCAT Levels 1 or 2 and achieving more than one year’s growth on the FCAT developmental scale, as determined by the DOE
5. Specifics on Learning Gains Students who drop a level (level 4 to 3 or level 5 to 4) will not be counted for learning gains.
Retained students who are Level 1 or Level 2 must go up a level in order to be counted for learning gains.
6. Requirements for Adequate Progress for “A” Schools
The minimum criteria for adequate progress for the bottom 25% must be met in reading.
(50% of students in the bottom 25% must
demonstrate learning gains in reading.)
7. Requirements for Adequate ProgressB and C Schools At least 50% of students in the school’s bottom 25% (at or below Level 3) must demonstrate adequate progress (annual learning gains).
In a school not showing adequate progress, the SAC shall include a component (objective) in the SIP for meeting the adequate progress requirement by the next school year.
If the school does not meet the adequate progress requirement for two years in a row, the Performance Grade designation will be reduced by one letter grade.
8. Changes to Rule All schools will receive a school grade during the first year data is available, including new schools
ALL students (standard curriculum students, students with disabilities, and LEP students, regardless of date of entry) will be included in the calculation of learning gains and the percent tested
9. Calculating the School Grade 2005
10. Calculating the School Grade
11. Future Rule Changes The performance level for FCAT Writing will be raised to a score of 4.0 for the 2006-2007 school year.
Science will be added to the school grading system in the 2006-2007 school year.
14. Office of Continuous Improvement & Strategic PlanningSchool Improvement Office: 754-321-1891http://web/strategicplanninghttp://web/schoolimproveContinuous Improvement Office754-321-1892 http://web/sterling