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Evangelism Approaches

Discover various biblical models and typical styles of evangelism, from confrontational to testimonial, and learn how to adapt approaches to engage effectively. Explore the characteristics, traits, and cautionary tips for each style to successfully share the message of Jesus Christ while respecting individual preferences and contexts. Embrace the diversity of evangelism styles to reach a wider audience and make a meaningful impact.

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Evangelism Approaches

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  1. Evangelism Approaches

  2. Evangelism is… • Not a method, but… A message... • Not a program, but… • APerson! • JESUS CHRIST • The Evangel • The Living Lord

  3. The key to raising a person’s evangelistic temperature • Finding an approach that fits • 6 biblical models for different styles of evangelism

  4. Typical Styles of Evangelism • Confrontational • Intellectual • Testimonial • Interpersonal • Invitational • Serving (Incarnational ) Multiple Styles and Approaches-May Overlap and Provide Synergy

  5. Q: “Which style is the best?” • A: “The one that works best!” • “Fitting” • you • the other person • the situation • leading to an outcome

  6. Confrontational Style

  7. Characteristics and Traits Confident • Assertive • Has strong and deep opinions • Direct

  8. Characteristics and Traits • Benefit: Urgency • Drawback: scorch ( Burn) • Style: “turn or burn”

  9. Theme Verse • Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favourable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2) • اكرز بالكلمة اعكف على ذلك في وقت مناسب وغير مناسب.وبّخ انتهر عظ بكل اناة وتعليم. )2 تي 4: 2)

  10. St. Peter’s Confrontational Approach Acts 2:22-41 • Biblical Example: Peter, Acts 2 (you murdered the Messiah!)

  11. Cautions & Suggestions for using and developing this style Seek God’s Wisdom - Be appropriately sensitive and tactful • Avoid judging trips on others who approach evangelism with a different style • Keep in mind Paul’s phrase in Eph. 4, “speaking the truth in love.” • It is critical that you listen and value what others say

  12. Intellectual Style

  13. Characteristics and Traits • Inquisitive • Analytical • Logical • Likes to debate • More concerned with what people think than what they feel

  14. Characteristics and Traits • Benefit: thorough • Drawback: paralysis of analysis • Style: reasons with people

  15. Theme Verse • We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.(2 Cor. 10:5) • هادمين ظنونا وكل علو يرتفع ضد معرفة الله ومستأسرين كل فكر الى طاعة المسيح( 2 كو 10: 5)

  16. St. Paul’s Intellectual Approach Acts 17:15-34 • Paul was a thinker.  He wrote the book of Romans.  • He thought through how to present the gospel to Greeks, Jews, Romans, and others in a contextually appropriate way.  • “people of Athens, I see you are very religious”

  17. St. Paul’s Intellectual Approach Acts 17:15-34 • Acts 17:31 - "For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead."  • A good example is in Acts 17:16-31 where he offers logical reasons to believe in the "invisible" God.

  18. Cautions & Suggestions for using and developing this style Avoid getting stuck on academic points, arguments, and evidence. • (1 Peter 3.15) says to have “gentleness and respect”. • Set time aside to study and prepare. • This style, more than the others, relies on preparation.

  19. Cautions & Suggestions for using and developing this style Avoid doing all the preparation in an academic vacuum. Get out and talk to others. • Try out your arguments and answers on real people, and make refinements as needed. • Talk to people about everyday events, and what is happening in their life and yours.

  20. Testimonial Style

  21. Characteristics and Traits • Clear communicator • Story teller • Good listener • Sees links between his own experience and that of other people’s

  22. Characteristics and Traits • Benefit: passionate • Drawback: idiosyncratic (Unusual) • Style: story-telling “all I know is that I now see”

  23. Theme Verse • We proclaim to you what we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us. (1 John 1.3) • الذي رأيناه وسمعناه نخبركم به لكي يكون لكم ايضا شركة معنا.واما شركتنا نحن فهي مع الآب ومع ابنه يسوع المسيح.(1يو 1: 3)

  24. Blind Man’s Testimonial Approach - John 9:1-15,25 • I was blind but now I see!” • "The man answered, "Now that is remarkable! You don't know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will. Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing."  John 9:30-33

  25. Cautions & Suggestions for using and developing this style • Be sure to relate your experience to the life of your listener. • Challenge them to consider how what you learned might apply to their life. • Practice • Keep Christ and the gospel message as the centrepiece of your story. • Keep your story fresh from your daily walk with Christ.

  26. InterpersonalStyle

  27. Characteristics and Traits • Warm personality • Conversational • Sensitive • Friendship oriented • Benefit: takes advantage of networks • Drawback: social risks if walk is inconsistent • Style: provides places where Christians and non-Christians can mingle (“Matthew parties”)

  28. Theme Verse • …Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. (1 Cor. 9:22) • صرت للضعفاء كضعيف لاربح الضعفاء .صرت للكل كل شيء لاخلّص على كل حال قوما. ( 1كو 9:22)

  29. Matthew’s Relational Approach Luke 5:27-29 • Instead of inviting people to church, Matthew invited fellow tax collectors and sinners to his home.  • He was allowing himself to get close first and spend time outside of “the church.”

  30. Cautions & Suggestions for using and developing this style • Avoid telling them they are sinners • Do not get so involved in the process of building friendships. • Do what you can and leave the rest to God. • This style tends to work more gradually than others. • Create and plan opportunities to interact with new people through social events, sports.

  31. Invitational Style

  32. Characteristics and Traits • Relational • Hospitable • Committed • Persuasive • Benefit: multiple avenues for impact • Drawback: uneven, with more chances for turn-off • Style: brings people to places where they can hear the Gospel . Runs into town, says, “Come and see!”

  33. Theme Verse • So his master said, ‘Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full’.(Luke 14:23) • فقال السيد للعبد اخرج الى الطرق والسياجات والزمهم بالدخول حتى يمتلئ بيتي • ( لو 14: 23)

  34. Samaritan Women’s Invitational Approach — John 4 • When Jesus encountered this woman, and transformed her life, she ran back to town and started inviting people: Come and See.  • She immediately went to her town and brought her friends to the well to hear Jesus for themselves. This simple invitation resulted in His staying in their town for two days. Many of these men and women became His followers. 

  35. Samaritan Women’s Invitational Approach — John 4 • Many people are excited about what God is doing in their church, and in their own life.  Instead of feeling confident about sharing their own faith story, they are eager to invite people to their church to see what God is doing and to hear others proclaiming the news. • Come and see, is a great invitation to give.

  36. Cautions & Suggestions for using and developing this style • Do not let others do all the talking for you. Your friends and acquaintances need to hear how Christ has influenced your own life • Never giveup: Their refusal could be an opportunity for a spiritual conversation. Also, their ‘no’ today maybe a ‘yes’ tomorrow. • Put yourself in the place of the other person. Ask yourself if you were that person.

  37. Serving Style

  38. Characteristics and Traits • Others-centered • Patient • Humble • Sees needs and finds joy in meeting them • Attaches value to menial (tiring) tasks • Benefit: congruence (Symmetrical with everyone) • Drawback: too often solely nonverbal • Style: Service to community provides forum for and credibility in pointing people to Christ

  39. Theme Verse • In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:16) • فليضئ نوركم هكذا قدام الناس لكي يروا اعمالكم الحسنة ويمجدوا اباكم الذي في السموات ( مت 5: 16)

  40. Tabitha’s Serving approach Acts 9 • Acts 9:36 - "In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (which, when translated, is Dorcas), who was always doing good and helping the poor." 

  41. Tabitha’s Serving approach Acts 9 • While some of us take a more direct evangelistic approach, others prefer to be examples of Christ through service. • Gifts of Hospitality, the welcoming of strangers, acts of service to those in need are all viable forms of evangelism.  Its a tangible way of expressing the love of Jesus.

  42. Cautions & Suggestions for using and developing this style “words are no substitute for actions,” “actions are no substitute for words.” In Romans 10.14 Paul says that we must verbally tell people about Christ. • Acts of loving service are hard to resist and difficult to argue with. • Try to communicate the spiritual motivation behind the physical acts of service you offer to others

  43. So……

  44. So: What’s my main style?And … what other styles are in my repertoire? • 1. Confrontational • 2. Intellectual • 3. Testimonial • 4. Interpersonal • 5. Invitational • 6. Serving Developing a “major” style and “minor” style

  45. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS • We’re called to “widen our caring circle” • Our best model for evangelism is our Lord Jesus Christ • Christ spent time with unbelievers, non-religious as well as with devout, religious people • Parable of Good Samaritan invites us to widen the caring circle

  46. Our Approach to Evangelism is... • Personal • Genuine (it’s a heart thing) • Foundational Evangelism’s Golden Threads • Biblical (back to basics: John 3:16) • Being the Word • Relational • Person-centered ( seeing with “eyes” of Christ) • Doing the Word • Congregational • Saying the Word • Within the teaching of our church

  47. Finally • Jesus Christ will open our eyes to areas we would have missed. • Be ready to follow His leadings, • Pray for wisdom • If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him (James 1: 5)

  48. Evangelism Styles Questionnaire • Record your response to each of the 36 statements according to whether you think the statement applies to you: • 3 – Very much 2 – Somewhat • 1 – Very little 0 – Not at all • When you are finished, transfer your responses to the grid at the end of the questionnaire and total each column:

  49. _____1. In conversations, I like to approach topics directly, without much small talk or beating around the bush. _____ 2. I have a hard time getting gout of bookstores or libraries without getting a bunch of books that will help me better understand issues being debated in society. _____ 3. I often tell stories about my personal experiences in order to illustrate a point I am trying to make. _____ 4. I am a ‘people person’ who places a high value on friendship. _____ 5. I enjoy including or adding new people to activities I am involved in.

  50. _____ 6. I see needs in people lives that others often overlook. _____ 7. I do not shy away from putting a person on the spot when it seems necessary. _____ 8. I tend to be analytical. _____ 9. I often identify with others by using phrases like “I used to think that too” or “I once felt the way you do.” _____ 10. Other people have commented about my ability for developing new friendships.

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