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Annotated Bibliography. Ballenger- Browning, Kara K. "Predictors of Burnout Among Military Mental Health Providers." Military Medicine 3:253 (2011): 176. Print.
Annotated Bibliography Ballenger- Browning, Kara K. "Predictors of Burnout Among Military Mental Health Providers." Military Medicine 3:253 (2011): 176. Print. In this study, researchers looked at how likely a military mental health provider is to suffer from “burnout” than other professionals. Burnout as defined in this article is the “(1) physical and mental exhaustion (2) negative attitude or dissatisfaction about oneself, and (3) cynicism toward clients”. The study found that military mental health providers do suffer more from burnout than other professions. This article will be used in my proposal paper to argue why more doctors are needed in the military. Ganguly, Amartya. "Modelling Of Bionic Arm." Journal Of Biomedical Science & Engineering 3.3 (2010): 327-329. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. This study was conducted to see how a bionic limb could be controlled by electronic impulses by the brain. The study found that electoral impulse could be used for bionic limbs. Within this study, they review how bionic limbs work and how they are better than ordinary prosthesis. I used this article to gather information as to what bionic limbs are and how they work, so that I could suggest why they should be implemented in my proposal. This study will help in my argument in to persuade why soldiers should have access to modern medical technologies such as this. Gawande, Atul. "Casualties Of War — Military Care For The Wounded From Iraq And Afghanistan." New England Journal of Medicine 351.24 (2004): 2471-2475. Print. In this article the main point is to explain the aspects of caring for wounded soldiers. This is an interesting article that explores the wounds and difficulties that soldiers face afterwards. This article is used throughout my paper to prove my argument. The article explores different aspects of military medicine and was very helpful in not only finding a topic but also writing this proposal. "'Golden Hour' Initiative Pays Off In Afghanistan." Military Medicine (2011): 4-5. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. This article looks at the Golden Hour rule and how it will be implemented in Iraq. It explains how the Golden Hour rule has possibly effected the survival rates in Afghanistan and is going to be carried over into the care of soldiers in Iraq. The Golden Hour has successfully help many soldiers in Afghanistan survive long enough to receive care. This article will help to prove my argument of why the Golden Hour should be a standard of care for all soldiers.
Annotated Bibliography (continued) Wilcox-Fogel, Nate . "Soldiers Suffer With Military's Lack of Expert Surgeons." PolicyMic. N.p., 15 Aug. 2011. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://www.policymic.com /articles /1361/soldiers-suffer-with-military-s-lack-of-expert-surgeons>. This article strategies how to attract more surgeons to the military. It proposes different ways in which the army can adjust to get more surgeons into the military such as offering more money or asking for volunteers on a short term basis. This will help in my argument to persuade the reader to change the current procedures for doctors in the military. Also, this article helped my research by helping me see why there needs to be more military professionals and how to do it. Waldrop, Sheri, and Michele Wojciechowski. "The "Bionic" Warrior: Advances In Prosthetics, Technology, And Rehabilitation." PT: Magazine Of Physical Therapy 15.4 (2007): 60-66. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Dec. 2013 This article talks about how biotic limbs are revolutionizing medicine and changing amputee’s lives in the military. In my proposal paper, I will be using this article to explain how bionic limbs should be used to help restore the quality of life of soldiers who have amputations. Heled, Yuval, et al. "The "Golden Hour" For Heatstroke Treatment." Military Medicine 169.3 (2004): 184-186. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. This study draws a conclusion base on four different case studies in order to argue the importance of the “golden hour”. In the study, four cases are presented in which in all four cases the men suffer from heat stroke. However, in the two cases where the men received medical attention within an hour they survived. The two who were not taken to appropriate medical facilities and received the attention they needed did not survive. This study will help my proposal because it shows how the golden hour helps to save lives and is beneficial if implemented in the military. "OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF) U.S. CASUALTY STATUS" U.S. Department of Defense. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. <http://www.defense.gov/news /casualty.pdf>. Every Tuesday, this report is updated by the U.S. Department of Defense to give the most current information on the casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. The report keeps count of the wounded and killed soldiers to date. This will be useful in showing how there is a great number of soldiers that are still being killed and wounded even through this modern era. KJRH. "Military with lost limbs return to combat." YouTube. YouTube, 4 Sept. 2011. Web. 2 Dec. 2013. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J49Or_SON2Y>. This clip from a news segment reviews how soldiers who had amputations have received bionic limbs are regaining function and their quality of life. Many of the soldiers that are in the program, which is 1 in 5 veterans that have received amputations during combat, have gained mobility and strength with their new bionic limbs. This helps to support my argument that using new innovative technology, such as bionic limbs, can help soldiers to regain their previous quality of life.
Implementing more resources and services for wounded soldiers in order to increase the number of soldiers returning to their normal quality of life By: Alexandria Johnston Writing 10 December 11, 2013
Problem: Today, hundreds of soldiers are returning home with a lower quality of life after serving time in the military. Many of these soldiers are coming home with amputations, traumatic brain injuries and post- traumatic stress disorder.
4,423 Military personal have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) 31,942 Military personal have been wounded in Action in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) 2,288 Military personal have died in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) 19,514 Military personal have been wounded in Action in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) * Statistics from " OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF) U.S. CASUALTY STATUS ." U.S. Department of Defense. As of December 4, 2013 Over 1 million troops have been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan
Proposal By implementing resources and services at all levels of care, soldiers in the military can return to their normal quality of life after they’re wounded. The resources and services include: Making the “Golden Hour” a standard measure of care Obtaining more doctors and other medical professionals in military medicine. Using more innovative medical technologies when soldiers return to help restore their quality of life.
“return to their normal quality of life” Normal quality of life ??? (HUH? ) In this presentation, I am looking at “Normal quality of life” as meaning that soldiers are being able to return home and continue doing all or almost all of the things they could before their service.
Golden Hour initiative The golden hour initiative provides that within an hour of a person being injured they are transported and under a doctor’s care. The best chance a person has to survive is by getting immediate care as soon as possible Although there is adequate services for military evacuation, implementing the Golden Hour initiative will better serve soldiers by getting them to hospitals faster which will increase their likelihood of survival.
Recruiting more medical professionals to the military. There is only 120 active general surgeons on active duty with about 120 also in reserves. Forward Surgical Teams (FST) are small teams of just 20 medical personnel. The 274th FST saw 132 U.S. soldiers and 72 Iraqi casualties in a short 4 month time while traveling over 1100 miles across Iraq. By increasing the number of medical professionals in the military, more soldiers could receive more care and be able to return home.
One way to help soldiers is by giving them innovative prosthesis's that restore the function of their loss limb. Using Innovative medical technology when soldiers return to help restore quality of life. This bionic arm picks up on signals from the brain to move just like a real arm This prosthesis, a I-Walk BiOM, is battery powered that is able to move like a real leg. Currently only a small number of soldiers receive special medical technology such as the I-walk BIOM.
conclusion • By implementing resources and services such as • THE GOLDEN HOUR, • MORE MEDICAL PERSONNEL and • INNOVATIVE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, • more soldiers can survive their injures and return to their normal quality of life .