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DBSA DEVELOPMENT RESULTS Presenter : Landiwe Mahlangu 15 -17 September 2008

DBSA DEVELOPMENT RESULTS Presenter : Landiwe Mahlangu 15 -17 September 2008. Commonwealth Local Government Forum Conference on Access to Development Funding for Local Government in Africa. Workgroup: Delivering and Accounting for Development Results. Why local development indicators matter

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DBSA DEVELOPMENT RESULTS Presenter : Landiwe Mahlangu 15 -17 September 2008

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  1. DBSA DEVELOPMENT RESULTSPresenter : Landiwe Mahlangu 15 -17 September2008 Commonwealth Local Government Forum Conference on Access to Development Funding for Local Government in Africa. Workgroup: Delivering and Accounting for Development Results

  2. Why local development indicators matter Role players DBSA monitoring and Evaluation Framework M&E indicators and Benchmarks Results Based Management Approach Sector Level Indicators Shifting of Emphasis Challenges Integrating delivery and accounting for development results Expanding tools and approaches Outline

  3. Economic growth and development is generated in Cities and towns Poverty at local level is now common Greater proportion of expenditure and investment occurs at local level Key MDG’s will be realised at local level e.g. water; sanitation; housing;health Own revenue sources is limited Why local development results matter

  4. All levels and spheres of government Regulatory and statistical bodies Private Sector e.g. PPP Development Finance institutions-DBSA Civil society-third sector Role players

  5. Results – based Strategic Alignment Total and Incremental effects Aggregate and Disaggregate Verifiable and Attribution DBSA Monitoring &Evaluation Framework

  6. MDG Paris Declaration Regional (Indicative )Frameworks Macro-National development Indicators Sector Specific Indicators M&E Indicators and Benchmarks

  7. Impact is a long-term /delayed effect of project The relation between impact and outcome is not linear Outcome is short/medium term effect and represent effectiveness Results – Based Management Framework DEVELOPMENT RESULTS CHAIN IMPACT OUTPUT OUTCOME INPUT people trained e.g. funds Improved lives Jobs created Monitoring Intermediate indicators Secondary Data Sources Evaluation Final indicators Primary sources of data

  8. Energy Transport Water Tourism • Installed capacity • Distribution coverage • Energy mix • Revenue/ surplus • Roads constructed • Roads operated & maintained • Traffic management • Driver education • Installed capacity • Distribution coverage • Mix of sources • Functionality of the system • Number and value of tourism projects supported • Hotel/lodges and tourism sites financed • Number, value of tourism infrastructure installed • Capacity utilized • Access to energy • Consumption • Avg. cost to customer • Vehicle use / density • Journey times • Safety • Transport share of GDP • Capacity utilized • Levels of service • Avg. cost to customer • Accessibility of service • Contribution to National Income • Number of arrivals per annum • Number of jobs created Indicators at Sector Level Sector Outputs Outcomes & impacts

  9. Current Lessons Learned Stand alone project intervention Process and output evaluation Ex-post assessment (Summative evaluation) Individual evaluations Public sector operations Quantity of reports Supply driven Future Best practice Cluster or portfolio evaluation Development outcome and impact evaluation Ex-ante assessment (Formative Evaluation) Joint evaluations Private sector operations Quality of reports Demand led Shift of Emphasis

  10. How far can R1 Million of Investment go

  11. Project Effects and Externalities Macro Level Sector Level Project Level

  12. Aligning of development indicators to that of key stakeholders Linking development results to Organizational performance Measuring Private sector operations development impact Assessing impact of knowledge activities Challenges

  13. Make client/portfolio the unit of analysis Focus planning/origination/programming Understand business and planning cycles Time horizon must move from 1 to 3 years Manage strategy context and not process Priorities data and info quality. Towards integrated approaches

  14. Regular customer surveys Citizens Score cards Public Expenditure tracking surveys Multiple deprivation inedxes Macro economic models Expand tools and Approaches

  15. Thank you; Questions & Comments

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