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Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons from the Field

Hosted b y . Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons from the Field . September 27, 2012. With Support from The Ford Foundation . MODERATOR Melissa Wells Policy Assistant, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.

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Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons from the Field

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  1. Hosted by

    Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons from the Field

    September 27, 2012 With Support from The Ford Foundation
  2. MODERATOR Melissa Wells Policy Assistant, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies Developing an Asset-building Agenda: Lessons from the Field
  3. Howard UniversityCenter on Race and Wealth (CRW) Working to enrich the dialogue and research to support asset building and wealth accumulation while addressing issues related to racial wealth disparities
  4. Asset-Building Policy Initiative Supports policy education of Ford Foundation grantees about best practices and strategies for asset building, using a variety of media and venues
  5. Director Coalition for a Prosperous Mississippi Melbah Smith
  6. IABG Coordinator Senior Policy Associate, Heartland Alliance Illinois Asset Building Group Lucy Mullany
  7. Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons From The Field How We Came Into Being
  9. DEVELOPING AN ASSET-BUILDING AGENDA: LESSONS FROM THE FIELD Diversity in Partnerships Institutions of Higher Learning Public Policy Advocates Financial Institutions State Legislators Social Service Agencies Agriculture Agencies Faith-Based Coalitions Entrepreneurs
  10. Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons From The Field
  12. DEVELOPING AN ASSET-BUILDING AGENDA: LESSONS FROM THE FIELD Organizational Growth/Development Challenges Encountered/Resolved Unlikely Allies Stakeholder Organizations
  13. Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons From The Field
  15. Lucy Mullany Hi! I’m a Senior Policy Associate with Heartland Alliance and the Coordinator of the Illinois Asset Building Group!
  16. Our Beginning www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
  17. Coalition Structure www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
  18. Challenges Communicating Effectively About Asset Building Engaging a Stakeholders Needed to Move Our Policy Agenda Forward: Statewide Diverse Constituency Creating Opportunities for Sustained Engagement Political Environment www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
  19. Unlikely Allies & Stakeholder Organizations
  20. Sustaining Engagement ….When Change is not Immediate
  21. Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons From The Field Our Policy Agenda & Environment
  22. DEVELOPING AN ASSET-BUILDING AGENDA: LESSONS FROM THE FIELD Policy Agenda 2012 Farm Bill 2012 IDA Legislation Cooperative Statute Non-Custodial Father Initiative
  23. DEVELOPING AN ASSET-BUILDING AGENDA: LESSONS FROM THE FIELD Asset-Building: Barriers/Opportunities The State of Things Agenda Setting Drivers The Process
  25. Policy Agenda 2013 Children’s Savings Accounts Automatic IRAs Safe Banking Products (Bank On & Safe Alternative Small Dollar Loans) Payday Lending Reforms Asset Limit Reforms
  26. Automatic IRA Require Illinois businesses with more than 10 employees and that have been established for more than 2 years to provide their employees with access to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Employees may opt-out of the Automatic IRA program and adjust their contribution at any time. To reduce administrative costs, the IRA accounts will be pooled accounts administered by the State Treasurer’s Office. Policy
  27. Automatic IRA Building Political Will Legislation introduced in 2012 & 2012 Subject Matter Hearing in the House in 2012 Research Report was released in September that addressed key questions from legislators Mobilization & Outreach Strategy
  28. Automatic IRA Dissemination of Research Media Outreach Continued Education of Legislators Outreach to the Business Community Next Steps
  29. Children’s Savings Accounts Universal Children’s Savings Accounts (CSAs) created at birth (long term campaign) Increase Access to the State’s 529 College Savings Account program (series of administrative & legislative changes) Policy
  30. Children’s Savings Accounts Mobilization: Hosting community trainings and roundtables on 529 college savings and CSAs Communications: Collecting video testimonials for a larger marketing & outreach campaign Research: Collecting data on current 529 College Savings Account participants in Illinois Building Political Will: Illinois General Assembly created a CSA task force in 2010. Working with key state offices to implement incremental changes. Possibly Introducing CSA or 529 Legislation in 2013 Strategy & Next Steps
  31. Banking the Unbanked State and local governments should encourage financial institutions to offer products and services that meet the needs of lower-income communities, encouraging more people to participate in mainstream banking. Mainstream financial institutions should be encouraged to offer low-cost alternatives to payday loans and check cashing to begin developing relationships with clients unfamiliar or uncomfortable with them. Policy
  32. Banking the Unbanked Bank On Mobilizing & Outreach: Engaging more banks and service providers Research: Collecting data during the first year Building Political Will: Working with other Treasurer’s to create similar programs across the state
  33. Banking the Unbanked Alternative Payday Loans Research: Profitability Model & Toolkit Building Political Will: Working with the State Treasurer’s office & Chicago Treasurer’s office to disseminate toolkit. Mobilization: Training Community Spokespersons
  34. Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons From The Field
  35. DEVELOPING AN ASSET-BUILDING AGENDA: LESSONS FROM THE FIELD Mississippi: Asset-Building Policy CPM Policy Agenda Policy Setting Process Challenges Lessons Learned
  37. Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons From The Field
  38. Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons From The Field
  39. Moving Our Agenda Forward Communications Research Policy Change Building Political Will Mobilization
  40. Engaging Members In Agenda Creation Formal Informal One-on-One Community Meetings Brown Bag Lunch Series Story Collection Surveys Focus Groups Leadership Meetings
  41. Political Environment in Illinois Democrats controlling the State General Assembly with Concentrated Power Republican State Treasurer Many New State Legislators in 2013 Difficult Budget Environment
  42. Moving Policy in this Environment Advocating for Small Changes with Limited Cost Example: Children’s Savings Accounts  529 Account Access Default Investment Type Exemption from Asset Test on TANF Requiring Data Collection on Applicants Acceptance of ITINs www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
  43. Moving Policy in this Environment Advocating for Small Changes with Limited Cost Example: Alternative Small Dollar Loans & Payday Reforms Zoning Legislation Linked Deposit Ordinances www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
  44. Moving Policy in this Environment Building a Case for Future Change Example: Automatic IRA Informational Hearing Retirement Savings Report Media Campaign www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
  45. Recognizing Opportunities Examples: Leveraging National Initiatives to Affect Change (i.e. GEAR UP CSA Pilot Program) Partnership with Department of Child Support Services Moving Policy in this Environment www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
  46. Developing an Asset-Building Agenda: Lessons From The Field Asset-Building Policy Development In Mississippi
  47. DEVELOPING AN ASSET-BUILDING AGENDA: LESSONS FROM THE FIELD Asset-Building Policy: The Process Strategy for policy advancement Overcoming Obstacles Implementation
  48. DEVELOPING AN ASSET-BUILDING AGENDA: LESSONS FROM THE FIELD Cooperative Statute Expansion Bill Payday Lending Legislation Educated constituency Powerful Lobbyist Policy Campaign Civic Engagement Campaign Submit Bill in 2013 Legislative Session
  49. Measuring Progress Made Toward Goal Measuring Our Impact Meetings with Legislators Number of Policy Champions – decision makers participating in events, co-sponsors Number of Advocates participating in a campaign Spokesperson trainings on the issues Media exposure Communication “Hits” – downloads of a report, shares on social media, website traffic, etc. Administrative & Legislative Changes
  50. Melbah SmithDirectorCoalition for a Prosperous Mississippi
  51. Lucy MullanyIABG Coordinator Senior Policy Associate, Heartland Alliance www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
  52. Contact Lucy Mullany IABG Coordinator Senior Policy Associate, Heartland Alliance 312-870-4939 lmullany@heartlandalliance.org Learn More: www.illinoisassetbuilding.org
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