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Caitlyn McKay. Structures and Thermal 10 kg Integrator Locomotion Phase – Rover, Deployment Alternative Design – Accordion. 1. Deployment. Linear Shaped Charge. Side view of Toy Ball. Copper Lining. Explosive Charge. Thermally insulated box. Toy ball. Charge Mass: 0.580 kg
Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 10 kg Integrator Locomotion Phase– Rover, Deployment Alternative Design – Accordion 1
Deployment Linear Shaped Charge Side view of Toy Ball Copper Lining Explosive Charge Thermally insulated box Toy ball Charge Mass: 0.580 kg Foam Mass: 0.040 kg Total Mass: 0.620 kg Foam Charge Picture not to scale Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 2
Dust Repellant - Magnet Mass: 0.00024 kg Cost: $15.00 Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 3
Dust Virtually all <10 m can be repelled by a hand-held magnet. Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 4 Moon dust made of: • Rock fragments • Mineral fragments • Glassy particles • Contain “natural iron”
Sizing the Rover Wheel Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 5
Sizing the Rover Wheel Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 6 Optimum Base Size Maximum Step Size Rocks are taken as a “step” that needs to be climbed. R = radius, H = height, B = base
Rover Update (Kamikaze) * Life of 13 minutes. Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 7
Accordion Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 8 Further analysis was done on the crushable material to increase impact time. I recommended not using a crushable material because: • Engine(s) would get in way of material for small free fall distance. • Added weight/length too great for free fall from far distance, didn’t outweigh the propellant to move the added mass.
Accordion Only 2 of the 5 honeycomb types would crush, Al-alloy 5056 3/8-5056-.0007p and ¼-5056-.0007p. Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 9 • Assumption: • Using honeycomb material, would completely crush.
Accordion Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 10
References Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 11 Calio, Anthony J., John W. Harris, John H. Langford, R. Mercer, Jamie L. Moon, Scott H. Simpkinson, William K. Stephenson, Jeffrey L. Warner, and Julian M. West, eds. Apollo 12 Preliminary Science Report. Rep. no. SP-235. Washinton, D.C.: NASA, 1970. NASA. 26 Feb. 2009 <http://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a12/as12psr.pdf>. "Evonik Foams - SOLIMIDE® Polyimide Acoustical and Thermal Aircraft Insulation Foam -." Aerospace Technology. 01 Mar. 2009 <http://www.aerospace-technology.com/contractors/thermal/evonik/>. Kane, Molly. "Explosive Bolts." E-mail to the author. 4 Mar. 2009. "Lunar/page1." Web.utk.edu. 02 Mar. 2009 <http://web.utk.edu/~pgi/lunar/page1.html>.
Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 12 "NASA’s Dirty Secret: Moon Dust." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. 02 Mar. 2009 <http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080924191552.htm>. Novotney, Dave, and Meryl Mallery. "Historical Development of Linear Shaped Charge." 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE. Proc. of Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cincinnati, OH. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2007. Pletta, Bryan J. "The Robotic All-Terrain Lunar Exploration Rover (RATLER): Increased mobility through simplicity." NASA, Langley Research Center, Selected Topics in Robotics for Space Exploration (1993): 247-67. Strong Neodymium Magnets Rare Earth K&J Magnetics. 02 Mar. 2009 <https://www.kjmagnetics.com/>. Taylor, Lawrence A. "The Lunar Dust Problem: A Possible Remedy." Space Resources Roundtable II. 2000.
Caitlyn McKay Structures and Thermal 13 Wijker, Jacob Job. Spacecraft Structures. New York: Springer, 2008. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. 16 Feb. 2009 <http://http://www.springerlink.com/content/k4hv69/>.