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Christ, Our Priest

Christ, Our Priest. One Lord, many roles. “ Right hand of Majesty ” – King. “ Spoken to us ” – Prophet. “ Purged our sins ” – Priest. Priest : one who can offer sacrifices that God will accept. Hb.1:1-3 Hb.2:17, merciful, faithful High Priest. I. Christ, Our Priest.

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Christ, Our Priest

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Christ, Our Priest

  2. One Lord, many roles “Right hand of Majesty” – King “Spoken to us” – Prophet “Purged our sins” – Priest Priest: one who can offer sacrifices that God will accept Hb.1:1-3 Hb.2:17, merciful, faithful High Priest

  3. I. Christ, Our Priest

  4. Do we need a Priest? Sin separates from God, Gn.3; Is.59 Man needs a way back OT sacrifices could restore God’s favor ♦Animal blood: provisionalforgiveness, not actual OT priesthood points to Christ

  5. Blood sacrifices *Gn.4, first recorded blood sacrifice. Hb.11:4 *Ex.12,passover lamb *Lv.1:10, male w/o blemish, kill (11) *Is.53:7, sacrificial Lamb

  6. Type-Antitype OT Priests Christ Not unclean, Lv.21:9… Holy, Hb.7:26 Consecrated, Ex.29:4… Mt.3; Hb.9:26 Atonement, Lv.16 Only one, Hb.9:7-14 Tabernacle, Hb.9:6-7 Church, Hb.10:21 Judge, Ps.82:6 Authority, Mt.28:18 Successors, Hb.7:23 Lives, Hb.7:24, 28

  7. The Branch Priest on throne If perfection came by Levitical priesthood, why need another priest afterMelchizedek? *Zec.6:13 *Ps.110:4 • Hb.7:…11, 15

  8. Jesus could not be priest on earth So what? *Hb.7:12-14; 8:4 *Great High Priest (Hb.4:14) over house of God (10:21) 1. Tempted, w/o sin, Hb.4:15 2. Mercy, Hb.4:15-16 3. Advocate, 1 Jn.2:1-2

  9. 1. Jesus was tempted w/o sin (Hb.4:15) • Being tempted, He sympathizes • Being sinless, He pleads *Sympathetic • Only He who resists temptation to the end knows its full weight

  10. 1. Jesus was tempted w/o sin (Hb.4:15)2. Mercy (Hb.4:15-16) *Mercy when we need it most • Forgiveness of sins • Pity for wretched • Undeserved favor

  11. 1. Jesus was tempted w/o sin (Hb.4:15)2. Mercy (Hb.4:15-16)3. Advocate, 1 Jn.2:1-2 *Intercession: petitioning God (praying) on behalf of another • Moses for Israel, Nu.14:11-19 • God knew everything Moses told Him • God must be asked. Mt.6:8; 7:7-11 • God loves; wants to forgive. Ps.86:5

  12. 1. Jesus was tempted w/o sin (Hb.4:15)2. Mercy (Hb.4:15-16)3. Advocate, 1 Jn.2:1-2 Satan prays (asks) for Peter Peter casts deciding vote (Lk.23:34) Jesus inter-cedes (asks) for Peter *One who appears in another’s behalf, mediator, intercessor, helper (Hb.7:25; 9:24) Lk.22:31-34

  13. Jesus sat down in heaven, Hb.8:1 8:2 – minister . . . truetabernacle 1Hb.8:5, heavenly 2Hb.9:11, good things ‘that have come’ 3Hb.9:14, blood that purges… ●Not rest, 10:12 . . . →power (8:1) →petition(7:25)

  14. I. Christ, Our Priest II. Christ Sacrifices Himself

  15. Self-sacrifice Phinehas Num.25 Cap. punishment Num.35 • Mk.10:45, substitution (Gn.22:13) • His suffering for ours • Jn.1:29, Lamb ‘of God’ – • Priest is also sacrifice (sin-offering) • Ro.3:25-26, propitiation – a means of expiation (satisfaction)

  16. Sin (justice) demands satisfaction Lv.16:21-22 Is.53:5-6 He gave Jesus as propitiationto satisfy justice. Ro.3:25; Jn.1:29; 3:16; Hb.2:10 Christ’s death: propitiatory sacrifice First effect: satisfies holiness/wrath Sacrifice not necessary because God is disinclined to love sinners

  17. I. Christ, Our Priest II. ChristSacrifices Himself III. Is Christ Your Priest?

  18. Satan, God, Jesus Satan accuses Jesus died, was raised,nowadvocates /intercedes Godjustifies Ro.8:33 Rv.1:5-6 1 Pt.2:9

  19. Conclusion 1. Jesus, King: all powerful to save • Power alone not enough 2. Jesus, Priest: sacrificed to save • Unjust to forgive w/o satisfying law • Requires sacrifice

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