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A Subject pronoun…

A Subject pronoun…. i s used in the SUBJECT of a sentence. Singular Subject pronouns = I, you, he, she, it Plural = we, you, they . Subject Pronoun Examples…. We were studying the rain forests in class. I would love to learn more about them.

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A Subject pronoun…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Subject pronoun… is used in the SUBJECT of a sentence. Singular Subject pronouns = I, you, he, she, it Plural = we, you, they

  2. Subject Pronoun Examples… Wewere studying the rain forests in class. I would love to learn more about them. Sara, Maria, and she are showing us a forest model.

  3. An Object Pronoun… is used as the direct object of a sentence. Some examples include: them, him, her, me

  4. Object Pronoun Examples… 1. Next week you and Jaime will tell them about dolphins. 2. It looks really interesting to me. 3. They are doing more research with Karl and her.

  5. Possessive Pronouns… Show who or what owns, or possesses, something. My, mine, your, yours, her, hers, his its, our, ours, their, theirs

  6. Examples of possessive pronouns… 1.You can see examples in your book of how the Egyptians wrote. 2.Modern writing is very different from theirs. 3.Justine will focus on their use of pictures.

  7. Choose the best word of the following choices The Raymonds went to Egypt, but their trip was different from __________ (our, ours)

  8. The Raymonds went to Egypt, but their trip was different from ours.

  9. She has shown us ___________ photographs and videos. (hers, her)

  10. She has shown us her photographs and videos.

  11. Ms. Raymond’s pictures were better than __________! (my, mine)

  12. Ms. Raymond’s pictures were better than mine!

  13. Can you help me make my pictures as good as _________? (yours, your)

  14. Can you help me make my pictures as good as yours?

  15. Write each subject pronoun They played near us for several minutes.

  16. They

  17. First, we watched them high in the air.

  18. we

  19. Then, I saw a mother dolphin with a baby.

  20. I

  21. She was swimming very close by.

  22. She

  23. Write each object pronoun. The baby was right behind her.

  24. her

  25. You should have seen them.

  26. them

  27. I will go back with you next week.

  28. you

  29. It will be fun for us.

  30. us

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