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Central Nervous System. CNS=Central Nervous System. Main parts of the CNS: 1, BRAIN_________________ _________________________ _________________________ 2, SPINAL CORD __________________________________________________________________________________
CNS=Central Nervous System Main parts of the CNS: 1, BRAIN_________________ _________________________ _________________________ 2, SPINAL CORD • __________________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________________
1. The Brain Cerebrum Brain Stem Cerebellum
What happened to Phineas Gage? • How did Phineas Gage change after the accident? __________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • How did Phineas Gage’s accident change scientists’ understanding of the brain? _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A. Cerebrum Made up of 2 hemispheres, each controlling one half of the body The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, ___________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, ___________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
White Matter andGray Matter • The cerebrum is composed of: • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________
A. The Cerebrum • Also known as the cerebral cortex, is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal • Each lobe has its own particular responsibilities: • Frontal:____________________________ ___________________________________ • Parietal:___________________________ ___________________________________ • Occipital: __________________________ • Temporal: _________________________
Probe the Brain • Beginning in the 1940s, Canadian brain surgeon Wilder Penfield mapped the brain's motor cortex -- the area that controls the movement of your body's muscles. • He did this by applying mild electric currents to the exposed brains of patients while they were in surgery. • Ex. “Smell of burnt toast = area of brain that is overactive = Ceisure. • Brain Probing Activity Motor Homunculus • This cartoon character has features drawn according to how much brain space they take up.
B. Cerebellum (“small brain”) • Coordinates • ______________ • ______________ • ______________
B. Cerebellum • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Communicates with the other parts of the brain • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Brain Stem • Transmits information from the brain to spinal cord and vice versa. • Coordinates • _____________ • _____________ • _____________ • ____________________ • ____________________ • _____________________
2. Spinal Cord ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Protected by the vertebrae. Function: ______________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________ _______________________________________
Damage to the C.N.S. • Concussion: _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ • Paralysis: _________________________________ Cerebralpalsy: ________________________________ __________________________________________ • Epilepsy: __________________________________ ____________________________________________ • Multiplesclerosis: ______________________________________________________________________________________
PBS clip: From Zzzz’s to A’s.http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/teenbrain/view/ 1. How many hours of sleep to you need to get in order to be fully alert? 2. What is the name of your Biological Timing System and how does it change during the teenage years? 3. What analogy does the announcer use for a teen that is trying to function with not enough sleep? 4. What are three daily life functions that sleep affects your ability to do? 5. What is REM sleep and what happens during this time? 6. What is the best predictor of whether or not you will succeed at school? 7. What were the results of the study of the relationship between learning and sleep in teens Charlie and Nicole?
Review Questions - CNS • What are the main parts of the central nervous system? 2) What is the brain? 3) What are the 3 major structures of the brain? 4) What are the 4 different layers of protection of the brain? 5) What functions are controlled by the left cerebral hemisphere?
Review Questions - CNS 6) What functions are controlled by the right cerebral hemisphere? 7) What did the study of Phineas Gage teach us about the brain? 8) What are the different lobes of the cerebral cortex and what are their functions? 9) What is the difference between white matter and grey matter? 10) Who is Wilder Penfield and how did he contribute to our understanding of the brain?
Review Questions - CNS 11) What is the function of the cerebellum? 12) What parts of your body does the cerebellum communicate with? 13) What is the function of the brainstem? 14) What is the function of the spinal cord? 15) What protects the spinal cord? 16) What is a consequence of damage to the spinal cord? 17) What 3 things can you do to improve the power of you brain?
Review Questions – CNS • What are the main parts of the central nervous system? Brain, spinal cord • 2) What is the brain? • The brain is the main organ of the CNS. It is • composed of nearly 100 billion nerve cells which are folded together in order to fit inside the cranium. • 3) What are the 3 major structures of the brain? • cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem
4) What are the 4 different layers of protection of the brain? 1- cerebrospinal fluid 2 – Meninges 3 – the skull 4 – skin of the scalp 5) What functions are controlled by the left cerebral hemisphere? The left hemisphere controls logical thinking, mathematical thinking, language,
6) What functions are controlled by the right cerebral hemisphere? The right hemisphere controls artistic expression, creativity and spatial understanding. 7) What did the study of Phineas Gage teach us about the brain? The brain is not only responsible for language and movement but it is also responsible for determining one’s emotions and personality 8) What are the different lobes of the cerebral cortex and what are their functions? – Frontal: movement, thinking, problem-solving – Parietal: touch, pain and pressure information – Occipital: visual information – Temporal: auditory information
9) What is the difference between white matter and grey matter? Grey matter is a collection of neuronal cell bodies, including dendrites. It is the region of the cerebrum where synapses are made. White matter refers to the collection of axons of those neurons. It is where nerve fibers are located. 10) Who is Wilder Penfield and how did he contribute to our understanding of the brain? Wilder Penfield was a Canadian brain surgeon who created of map of the motor cortex (which regions of the brain control which body parts).
Interactive Sites Neuron Transmission Interactive: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/crossingdivide/