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ENMU Employee Evaluation Training. Policy Each year every full-time employee and every part-time regular employee of the University shall be evaluated for his or her performance within his or her employment contract, job description and specific work assignments. Purpose
Policy Each year every full-time employee and every part-time regular employee of the University shall be evaluated for his or her performance within his or her employment contract, job description and specific work assignments. Purpose (1) To clearly define and communicate the expectations for each performance period in order to allow the employee to successfully meet those expectations; (2) To set the priorities for each evaluation period.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES FROM EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS • Improve communication between supervisor and employee • Identify strengths and weaknesses for employee’s personal growth • Provide for quality control • Create a sense of equity in expectations across the unit • Allow for an on-going evaluation • Enable career development • Provide an opportunity to adjust goals and workload as needed • Communicate clear expectations/objectives at all levels • Provide feedback for reinforcing good performance
Guidelines for Annual Performance Evaluation Before · Plan · Prepare · Review (Job description, improvement plans, documentation, forms, etc) · Review the rating of performance factors · Anticipate the response · Set the conference (location, length, notice, coverage) · Plan the agenda · Have employee prepare self assessment EXAMPLES OF SOURCES: · Policy and Procedures · Handbook · Job description · Job expectations · Past evaluation · Prior year goals DOCUMENTATION: · Corrective Action Plan · Files · Work products
The Setting • Give advance notice • Prepare ahead • Meet at a convenient location • Keep the meeting private – no interruptions • Meet during regular business hours • Set aside 1 to 1 ½ hours • Body Language • Sit Side-by-Side • Make eye contact at least 80% of time • Use comfortable body posture • Be aware of “layers of authority” • Use voice tone of mutual trust • Keep in mind what people remember • 35% tone of voice • 10% actual words
During · Encourage participation (Why don’t employees talk more?) · Set climate and purpose · Focus on performance not personality · Discuss the rating · Give feedback · Receive feedback · Set goals · Set a timeline · Agreements and signatures
HOW WELL DO YOU USE FEEDBACK? • Feedback is the most important tool in any supervisor’s toolbox. How well do you use it? Take this short quiz and get some feedback of your own: • I overhear a client / customer / student praising Jane’s efforts. I … • a. Give her a quick compliment as I walk by. • b. Ask for details and praise her efforts myself as soon as the customer leaves. • c .Make a mental note to bring it up at our next meeting. • d. Say nothing but scribble a quick note and drop it in her file. • 2. Joe excelled on his last major assignment over 6 months ago, but is still making mistakes on routine tasks. I open a conversation by telling him … • a. “Why can’t you do all your work as well as you did that last assignment?” • b. “I know you did well on the last assignment, but I need to see improvement in these specific other areas.” • c. “These routine tasks need to be done a certain way and I know you can handle them.” • d. Say nothing but scribble a quick note stating what he did well 6 months ago and what he still has problems doing and drop it is his file. • 3. Tim is a good worker, but he doesn’t have a lot of confidence. I … • a. Remind him frequently how he is meeting and moving toward exceeding his goals. • b. Tell him he needs more confidence if he wants to succeed. • c. Give him a pat on the back every time he finishes a task. • d. Say nothing but indicate on a note I scribble that he needs confidence and put it in his file. • 4. If my employees turn in an exceptional performance on a difficult and highly important project, I’d be most likely to … • a. Reward the employees involved with a party. • b. Give each employee involved a prize to express my appreciation. • c. Give each employee involved a certificate suitable for framing, with each certificate highlighting his or her role in the project’s success. • d. Say nothing but make a general note about the project completion, make copies and drop it in each employee’s file. • 5. My team has an unacceptable error rate. I open a conversation by telling them… • a. “The quality reports are showing results that need to be corrected.” • b. “You guys need to shape up here; lets figure out how we can do that.” • c. “I have seen you all turn out quality work, and I want to get us back to that level.” • d. Say nothing but drop a note in each employee’s file indicating the error rate.
FEEDBACK • Effective Feedback: • Recognize competence and reinforces behavior • Help align expectations and priorities • Fill gaps in knowledge • Inform of possible corrective action plan • Alleviates fear of the unknown • Giving Feedback • Prepare • Present • Listen • Engage in dialogue • Plan for action • Acknowledge • Receiving Feedback • Actively listen • Explore gently • Don't get defensive • Express your thanks
After · Complete all forms · Follow-up on goals · Reflect on employees performance
Three Tiered Rating System • Exceeds Expectations (E): Employee performed job requirements and demonstrated University Values with exceptional skill and knowledge. Employee clearly and consistently exceeded expectations in most areas of the job. ENMU recognize and value the instances when employees perform at a level beyond what is expected. However, supervisors and employees alike should understand that the exceeds expectations rating should not be used to recognize good employees who are dependable and trustworthy and who consistently perform their job at the level that is expected of them.
Three Tiered Rating System • Meets Expectations (M): Employee’s performance and demonstration of University Values consistently met expectations. Employee’s work was fully effective, reliable and of good quality. Supervisors and employees should understand that the “Meets Expectations” rating is a desirable rating. While employees who exceed expectations are appreciated and should be recognized, ENMU highly values employees who can be relied upon to be effective and consistently perform good quality work.
Three Tiered Rating System • Unsatisfactory (U): Employee’s performance or demonstration of University Values was consistently below the requirements of this position. Immediate corrective action is necessary. Supervisor of employees who have consistently performed at an unsatisfactory level should consult with Human Resources to develop a corrective action plan.
The Evaluation Process • The employee should prepare a self-assessment of his/her performanceUsing the goals and duties identified at the beginning of the evaluation period, employees should provide comments supporting their self evaluation for each goal or duty. Documents support the evaluation (i.e. kudos, awards, certifications, etc.) or explanations of circumstances that may have prevented success in a particular area should be attached.
Using the information submitted by the employee along with notes and observations collected during the year, the supervisor should complete sections 1 through 3 of the evaluation form. Written comments supporting the evaluation of each goal or duty should be provided in the comments section. An appropriate rating should be assigned to each goal or duty being evaluated. Evaluations in section 2 (University Values) should demonstrate the relationship between the employees professional role and the University mission and goals. The overall rating in section 3 should include a summary of how well the employee performed during the evaluation period.
The supervisor and employee meet for a performance evaluation discussion. They should review and discuss the accomplishments of each goal and duty (section 1) as well as the demonstration of each value (section 2) They should both understand how the accomplishments and demonstrations resulted in the rating assigned to each. The supervisor should recognize strengths and weaknesses during the meeting. The supervisor should review the status of areas that need improvement during the meeting.
The supervisor and employee should sign and date the form. The employee may add comments in section 3 if desired. The signed form should be sent to the second level supervisor for signatures. The final evaluation should be submitted to Human Resources to be placed in the employees personnel file. Forms should be delivered to Human Resources in Admin 113 or submitted via campus mail at Station 21.
The supervisor and employee should establish goals and standards to the next review period. The new goals and duties should be written on a new evaluation form. The supervisor and employee should each retain a copy of the new form for their reference during the next evaluation period.
Evaluation Appeals Appeals: Each employee is entitled to appeal either the nature of his or her evaluation, the failure of his or her supervisor to perform the evaluation or the failure to perform it properly.
Appeal Procedures • The employee must present a written appeal to his or her direct supervisor within ten (10) working days of receiving the supervisor’s written evaluation results, or, if the appeal is for the failure of the supervisor to evaluate, the written appeal must be present by the first (1st) working day of August. • The supervisor must respond in writing to the employee’s appeal within five (5) working days of receiving the appeal.
Appeal Procedures 3. If the employee is not satisfied with the supervisor’s response, he or she must present a written appeal to the area executive administrator (executive director, vice president, or president) within five (5) working days of receiving the supervisor’s response. If the employee’s supervisor is an executive administrator, this step is unnecessary.
Appeal Procedures • The executive administrator must respond to the employee in writing within five (5) working days of receiving the appeal. • If the employee is not satisfied with the executive administrator’s response, he or she must present a written appeal to the president within five (5) working days of receiving the executive administrator’s response. The president’s decision is final.
Enforcement Supervisors who do not complete an evaluation of all employees they supervise by the 15th of July shall be notified by Human Resources to complete such evaluations.
Enforcement (continued) • Failure of a supervisor to complete evaluation of all employees by the last day in July may result in disciplinary action. • If an employee’s evaluation has not been completed by the end of July, the employee shall be justified in filing an appeal that names his or her supervisor as a respondent.
Please feel free to ask questions. We would also be happy to spend some time helping you identify appropriate goals and values for your employee evaluations. Thank you for coming.